Is This For Real??

Today I was checking out the Carol's Daughter website when on the front page up pops a pic of Jada endorsing 2 of her products an elixir and a hair balm. I figured Jada's hair had grown out of her famous short do - but is all of this her? Let me know what ya'll think -

Yes, I think it is her hair. I have met Jada. Her hair is not 4a/b. I am not an expert on hair type so please forgive me if I revert to old-fashioned terminology. Her hair is "in-between." It is entirely possible for it to be that long and to take a curl that well. BTW, her eye color is not contacts.
I say no. it's definitely not all hers. For Jada's hair to have that curl pattern and be that length it would have to be at least mid back heading to waistlength when it's straightened. I know. I curl my hair a lot. With that hairstyle you get major shrinkage. She has hair in there for length and body.