Is this considered underprocessed, or texlaxed?


New Member
I decided to give my daughter a touch-up because I didn't want to spend $70 on each of us. This was my first try and I followed the info. I learned here. She has only had her relaxer since this past summer. She's 13. Anyway she's very tenderheaded and started complaining that it was burning before I even got the relaxer through the last section so I didn't have much time to smooth. I rinsed for a long time, but the next day there were a couple of small crusty spots on her scalp. When I washed a week later, the scabs were gone and the scalp looked o.k., but her new growth in the top of her head is not straight, it's still wavy. The waviness doesn't really bother her because the edges and the rest of the hair looks good, so I wanted to know; is this underprocessed? Should I go back to sending her to a salon professional for the next touch-up or think of this as texlaxed and continue to give her the touch-ups myself? I used mizani regular. Sorry it's such a long post. Thanks.
yup, she's underprocessed AND texlaxed. it'd be expensive to send her to the salon to get it done, and tons of women here on the site relax at home with no problems.

if you decide to continue relaxing her at home, it is possible to correct the underprocessed hair, and make it all bone straight. there are several tutorials and support threads that explain how to self-relax at home, so you've got a ton of resources to learn from, if you decide to go the at-home route!

i was in the same boat as your daughter. i relaxed myself, but some parts i didn't leave on long enough, and they became texlaxed. i waited a few months, and decided to correct my texlax, so now my hair's straight again.

hope that helped a bit!