Is this a Reality... NO breakage at all, What am I doing Wrong?


Well-Known Member
Okay so I have been on this board now for a couple of months and got my first relaxer since joining the group last Thursday. Well last night I decided to do a protein treatment with Duo Tex(15 minutes) and then a moisturizing CON with MNT. I usually air dry in a pony and I only comb my hair under running water. Well last night I decided to do a rollerset. I moistured with Cantu leave in and Infusium 23 and then sat under the hooded dry for about 30 minutes. Then I slept with the roller to let the rest of my hair air dry. This morning I was took out the roller and I decided to gently comb my curls out. I was shocked:eek: to see breakage all over the back of my sweater and bathroom sink. Why ladies Why? I have not had this much breakage since I start the program and I am only 3 inches away from APL. What did I do wrong? I also wanted to know if breakage free hair is truly possible? And how long did it take some of you to get there?
It sounds like a protein overload to me. Is the hair brittle? I believe duotex has protein and so does the cantu leave in and some type of infusium depending on which one you used. I would use a good moisturizing deep conditioner. I hope others respond.
Ms Lala said:
It sounds like a protein overload to me. Is the hair brittle? I believe duotex has protein and so does the cantu leave in and some type of infusium depending on which one you used. I would use a good moisturizing deep conditioner. I hope others respond.

I agree, I think you probably gave your hair a bit more protein than it can handle at once.
I agree with the other ladies...protein overload. A protein treatment should be followed by a very moisturizing conditiner. MNT and Infusion 23 has protein in them as well. You probably need a very good moisturizing deep conditioner pronto.
brownsugababe said:
Any suggestions on any really good Moisture CON that are inexpensive($5-10)?
These are ones that immediately come to mind:

NTM Daily Deep Conditioner
Motions Moisture Plus (small tubes at CVS are <$10)
Any cholesterol conditioner (super cheap)
Sounds like too much protein to me too.

A good cheap moisturizing conditioner would be NTM with some honey and olive oil , or coconut oil if you have it, mixed in.

No breakage is quite possible. Keeping my hair moisturized (the honey and oil is a keeper in my book), using heat as sparingly as possible, only a few times per year, and protecting the ends with bunning, I have finally manged to achieve ZERO breakage.

This is a thread that i've wanted to start because i also get breakage, and i co wash and deep con once weekly.
I recently clarified as well.
I have been on GHLW challenge and havnt been combing my hair but when i do comb, there is always some breakage/.:confused::confused::confused:

Is there really such a thing as break free hair?

I've over processed my hair in the past and i dont know if the breakage is due to this?
I have studied sister slick's article ( i could nearly recite so i understand about moisture and protein balance. ANy suggestions will help.
Henrietta said:

This is a thread that i've wanted to start because i also get breakage, and i co wash and deep con once weekly.
I recently clarified as well.
I have been on GHLW challenge and havnt been combing my hair but when i do comb, there is always some breakage/.:confused::confused::confused:

Is there really such a thing as break free hair?

I've over processed my hair in the past and i dont know if the breakage is due to this?
I have studied sister slick's article ( i could nearly recite so i understand about moisture and protein balance. ANy suggestions will help.

Is your hair relaxed or natural now?

The breakage could be caused by the old over processed hair. I know my heat damaged hair wouldn't stop breaking no matter what I did to it. I ended up cutting it all off and starting over.

Are you co-washing with protein conditioners? Some people's hair just can't take much protein at all.
That does sound like a lot of protein. That Infusium 23 broke my hair off. I remember at the start of my hair journey trying to comb my Infusium coated ends and it was like I took a pair of scissors to em'. Never again. My hair can't do protein rich stuff. :nono:
Henrietta said:

This is a thread that i've wanted to start because i also get breakage, and i co wash and deep con once weekly.
I recently clarified as well.
I have been on GHLW challenge and havnt been combing my hair but when i do comb, there is always some breakage/.:confused::confused::confused:

Is there really such a thing as break free hair?

I've over processed my hair in the past and i dont know if the breakage is due to this?
I have studied sister slick's article ( i could nearly recite so i understand about moisture and protein balance. ANy suggestions will help.

This is what I've been wondering myself. I always seem to get a little breakage, but not to the point where I have hair all over the back of my shirt or over the bathroom sink. Now granted I don't wear protective styles and I do use heat every few weeks or so, so maybe that contributes to the breakage I see. I just wonder sometimes if this small amount of breakage will add up to a significant amount in the long haul and prevent me from reaching my hair goals. Can anyone speak on this?
sunshinebeautiful said:
This is what I've been wondering myself. I always seem to get a little breakage, but not to the point where I have hair all over the back of my shirt or over the bathroom sink. Now granted I don't wear protective styles and I do use heat every few weeks or so, so maybe that contributes to the breakage I see. I just wonder sometimes if this small amount of breakage will add up to a significant amount in the long haul and prevent me from reaching my hair goals. Can anyone speak on this?

Well, I always thought that a little breakage was natural because no one can completely stop the breakage. I also heard a few relaxed members say that they have more breakage right after a relaxer until the first shampoo because it's breaking down the protein bonds in their hair...or something to that effect. I'm not sure...I'm not the expert!:)
Anyone that says they never have breakage is lyin.

Breakage is normal if you fool around with your hair, however, depending on how much you have and how you tackle the issue make the difference of being able to get it under control.

If I see a whole lot and it covers my shirt and the floor, or if I run my hand through my hair and lots come out, then sure I do what I can to take care of the issue.

One or two broke strands though? uh uh, I don't sweat that because I'd drive myself right into the crazy house if I did.

If you find you've got lots of broken strands, then do a search and destroy, better yet, just check out your hair and see what it looks like and maybe get a dusting.

If you look at the strands and you see serious damage then you'll want to take other measures like a heavy protien or, quite possibly a cut to take care of the issue.

Arcadian said:
Anyone that says they never have breakage is lyin.

Breakage is normal if you fool around with your hair, however, depending on how much you have and how you tackle the issue make the difference of being able to get it under control.

If I see a whole lot and it covers my shirt and the floor, or if I run my hand through my hair and lots come out, then sure I do what I can to take care of the issue.

One or two broke strands though? uh uh, I don't sweat that because I'd drive myself right into the crazy house if I did.

If you find you've got lots of broken strands, then do a search and destroy, better yet, just check out your hair and see what it looks like and maybe get a dusting.

If you look at the strands and you see serious damage then you'll want to take other measures like a heavy protien or, quite possibly a cut to take care of the issue.


I disagree.

My hair is no longer breaking, and I know there are a few other ladies on here also who do not have breakage.

My hair is natural, and I wear it up in a bun or french twist 90% of the time. When I take it down to comb I am very careful and I always comb from the ends up. There is no breakage. I have normal shedding just like everyone does, but I no longer have little broken hairs, in the comb, on the floor or sink, on my clothes...

I give myself little trims every 6 to 9 months and search and destroy for split ends every month. Since wearing my hair up and giving it proper moisture the amount of splits I have are considerably smaller also.
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try this....its cheap and highly effective

I wish no breakage was impossible for me...but combing thse damn curls Im bound to get a snap or two :(
january noir said:
Cholesterol is protein. Albeight a moisturizing protein.

I think Cholesterol is a lipid (fat) not a protein, some cholesterol conditioners contain protein and some don't

i could be wrong
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Ayeshia said:
I wish no breakage was impossible for me...but combing thse damn curls Im bound to get a snap or two :(
I agree with this. I have noticed that I get breakage from having my hair get all knotted up and then trying to comb it out I get some comes with the territory
Well I guess I will have to read the ingredients very carefully to make sure that whatever I buy contains no protein.
destiny616 said:
I think Cholesterol is a lipid (fat) not a protein, some cholesterol conditioners contain protein and some don't

i could be wrong

you are correct. if cholesterol were a protein i'd put butter on everything for my health. some cholesterol conditioners do have protein in them though so PLEASE check first because u don't want anymore breakage.
destiny616 said:
I think Cholesterol is a lipid (fat) not a protein, some cholesterol conditioners contain protein and some don't

i could be wrong

You are correct. Cholesterol is NOT a protein, it is a lipid - basically, a fatty substance.

Ooops, I'm late...what Ms Lala said! :-)
preciousjewel76 said:
You are correct. Cholesterol is NOT a protein, it is a lipid - basically, a fatty substance.

Ooops, I'm late...what Ms Lala said! :-)
You guys are so smart!!:)
My hair is relaxed at the moment...the funny thing is that before healthy hair care, i noticed very little breakage, but then i always touched up every five weeks. Since i started stretching, my hair started breaking with a passion.

I had a protein treatment 2 weeks ago (aphogee) and have been doing loads of (no protein) conditioning treatments, so i dont think my hair balance is off.
brownsugababe said:
Okay so I have been on this board now for a couple of months and got my first relaxer since joining the group last Thursday. Well last night I decided to do a protein treatment with Duo Tex(15 minutes) and then a moisturizing CON with MNT. I usually air dry in a pony and I only comb my hair under running water. Well last night I decided to do a rollerset. I moistured with Cantu leave in and Infusium 23 and then sat under the hooded dry for about 30 minutes. Then I slept with the roller to let the rest of my hair air dry. This morning I was took out the roller and I decided to gently comb my curls out. I was shocked:eek: to see breakage all over the back of my sweater and bathroom sink. Why ladies Why? I have not had this much breakage since I start the program and I am only 3 inches away from APL. What did I do wrong? I also wanted to know if breakage free hair is truly possible? And how long did it take some of you to get there?

I agree with the ladies, too much protein. When you do a protein treatment it is not a good idea to use protein types leavins or conditioners. When you do a protein treatment, follow up with a good moisturizing silk elements or humecto...definitely not MNT...Use leave in conditioners like NTM or something else with no proteins...Did you deep condition with a moisturizing conditioner yet? If not, you need to do so (sit under a heating cap or hooded dryer for 30 min) and then next week do a mild protein treatment with Motions CPR or fantasia IC anti-breakage cream...and then keep dcing every 3 days until the breakage stops/slows:) I wash and dc my hair every 3 days rotating between moisturizing conditioners and light proteins. (to balance my hair) I do not use heavy protein treatments because I don't get much breakage besides a little hair in my comb.
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