Is there such a thing as a positive abortion story

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Emily Letts' Abortion Video Garners Angry Reaction From Right-Wing Media

When Emily Letts found out she was pregnant last November she knew she would get an abortion. In an effort to help inform women facing a similar situation, the 25-year-old abortion counselor decided to film herself undergoing the procedure. Reactions to the award-winning clip, however, have been quite mixed.

As the video went viral Tuesday, some deemed Letts a “trailblazer” and called her “brave" for sharing what she calls a "positive abortion story." Anti-abortion advocates and right-wing media, on the other hand, labeled the video “horrible” and “disturbing.”

A headline for The Gateway Pundit read: "HORROR! Far Left Activist FILMS Her Own Abortion!"

President of the National Right to Life Committee, Carol Tobias, also chimed in with criticism. "It is a sad commentary on our nation that someone can be rewarded for filming an event that takes the life of an innocent unborn human being," she told Fox News on Tuesday. "We pray that in the coming years, she will understand and be able to accept the ramifications of her actions."

The non-graphic video, which first appeared on YouTube in March, shows Letts from waist up in a hospital gown talking and humming through her surgical abortion at Cherry Hill Women’s Center in New Jersey, where she works as a counselor.

Letts, who says she wasn’t using any birth control when she got pregnant, explained her reasons for filming the procedure in an essay published this week on

“I searched the Internet, and I couldn’t find a video of an actual surgical procedure in the clinic that focused on the woman’s experience. We talk about abortion so much and yet no one really knows what it actually looks like," she wrote.

The Guttmacher Institute estimates that one in three women will have an abortion by age 45. In her video description, Letts stresses the clip simply shows her story.

"This is ONLY my story. I do not pretend that it is anything more or anything less," she wrote. "I do not speak for everyone on this sensitive subject and I respect everyone's opinions as long as they do not force them onto others."


'I wanted to show it wasn't scary': Outrage as US woman posts video of her abortion as it happened on YouTube

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she has some good points:

I think we value animals more than children! I live in Pittsburgh were a police dog was killed and we had a televised memorial service for him. When will people learn that a life should be valued and that tissue in you is a SEPARATE PERSON!
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Abortion is essentially murderous selfishness unless the life of the mother is in danger and is medically necessary. People want the convenience of not facing responsibility. I'm not talking about those raped either, but it baffles me how a woman cannot connect with humanity to see that it is a child in a certain developmental stage. Biology was so designed that a woman carries the life of her child. It's even a sin in scripture for a man to spill his semen outside a woman's vagina.


:yep: An adult person looks differently from a newborn, yet, the newborn is fully human.
Abortion is essentially murderous selfishness unless the life of the mother is in danger and is medically necessary. People want the convenience of not facing responsibility. I'm not talking about those raped either, but it baffles me how a woman cannot connect with humanity to see that it is a child in a certain developmental stage. Biology was so designed that a woman carries the life of her child. It's even a sin in scripture for a man to spill his semen outside a woman's vagina.


:yep: An adult person looks differently from a newborn, yet, the newborn is fully human.
People instinctively know it is murder. That's why abortionists say "it's just a clump of cells," "it can't feel" or fight laws that require an ultrasound prior to the procedure. They know they have to convince a woman with these lies. Women who are pro-choice don't even realize that abortion removes the most powerful aspect of being a woman: the ability to nuture and bring forth life. Our Lord could have just appeared on the earth but he chose to be born OF A WOMAN. If that doesn't demonstrate the high calling of motherhood, I don't know what does.

Anyway we should pray for all those affected by abortion, including those who support it. The women who have had these procedures are essentially victims as well, even if they don't realize it.
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People instinctively know it is murder. That's why abortionists say "it's just a clump of cells," "it can't feel" or fight laws that require an ultrasound prior to the procedure. They know they have to convince a woman with these lies.

Women who are pro-choice don't even realize that abortion removes the most powerful aspect of being a woman: the ability to nurture and bring forth life.

Our Lord could have just appeared on the earth but he chose to be born OF A WOMAN. If that doesn't demonstrate the high calling of motherhood, I don't know what does.

Anyway we should pray for all those affected by abortion, including those who support it. The women who have had these procedures are essentially victims as well, even if they don't realize it.

Thank you for sharing this for it provides healing to those who misunderstand that not supporting the abortion procedures does not mean we do not support the women who have been victims of it. A major difference.
Ladies, this is a very sensitive topic. The posts that remain are the ones which explain the Biblical explanation regarding abortion.

The thread has been closed to prevent further negative comments towards our members in the Christian forum.

I'm sorry about this. Thank you for your support. :yep:
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