Is there really an ORS lye relaxer?


New Member
I was in the beauty supply yesterday and I noticed that they now have an ORS professional "no-lye" relaxing kit that looked exactly like what I used to relax at my last touch-up. So now I'm wondering if what I thought was the lye relaxer really wasn't.

For you ladies that relax with the "lye" version, can you tell me if I used the right one?

Here's the link to the website where I purchased the relaxer:

That's the lye version.

If you read the back, the first warning on there is Contains Sodium Hydroxide (Lye)
Thanks ladies! I thought I read on the back of the jar that it contained Sodium Hydroxide but I can't remember. But then yesterday when I saw that, it looked exactly like that in a box that said "no-lye professional kit".
I have seen all 3 versions you are talking about. They have a no-lye home kit, a no-lye professional kit, and a lye version. The lye version does not come in a kit, you buy the relaxer cream separately.
Yeah the No-lye comes is a packaged box with everything already included (neutralizing poo, condish, etc)

So which is better lye or no-lye
Ladies thank you as always for your help! CAPlush, thank you for clarifying the three types. I used the one in the link and I loved it. I just wanted to make sure before I purchased again.
Great! i'm so gonna try this with my next touch up. I didn't wanna try ORS because all i ever saw was the no-lye kit.