Is there more than one type of 4a?


New Member
I was just curious becasue I see a lot of 4a's that have edges that lie smooth, even after 8 weeks post (its more like soft cotton). My 4a hair does not have edges that lay straight unless its 2-3 weeks after a relaxer. After 8-10 weeks post my newgrowth has mind of its own! :lol:

My afro (when I was natural) did have spirals, grew up and out rather than dow and looked more 4a/b then a 4z. So I don't know, I was just curious.

Side Note: on Kinikakes profile I saw 4Fii - What hair type is that? - Sorry if this is a beat upon topic but I couldn't really find an answer, even with the advanced search feature.
Yeah, I think there are different variations of natural 4a textures. Remember, Andre's hair system isn't specific and clear-cut. Now when it comes to relaxed my opinion, 8 weeks isn't long enough to tell...but you can't really tell your true natural hair texture when you have relaxed hair hanging on to your new growth.
I would like more info on this too, because the 1-4 a/b typing is so limited...I always thought I was a 4a/b until I saw people with some of the softest textures saying the same thing!!! I would like more variation.
i think andre's system only accounts for the size and presence of a curl pattern in the hair. his system doesn't include the texture, density or thickness. someone can be 4a with coarse hair but another person can be 4a with silky hair and yet another person can be 4a with cotton-like hair. andre's typing sytem is very limited.
destiny616 said:
i think andre's system only accounts for the size and presence of a curl pattern in the hair. his system doesn't include the texture, density or thickness.[ someone can be 4a with coarse hair but another person can be 4a with silky hair and yet another person can be 4a with cotton-like hair. andre's typing sytem is very limited.

Thanks this helped alot. I never realized the texture and density were not being accounted for.
Yes there is... but your new growth may seem like a different texture now from residue from the relaxer. It could be scab hair. My new growth looked like that the first few times I stretched. Then later on it looked like my true texture. I have no problem getting my edges to lay down now, even as a natural. But there were some seriously rough looking edges my first stretch or two. :lol: I believe it was scab hair.
destiny616 said:
i think andre's system only accounts for the size and presence of a curl pattern in the hair. his system doesn't include the texture, density or thickness. someone can be 4a with coarse hair but another person can be 4a with silky hair and yet another person can be 4a with cotton-like hair. andre's typing sytem is very limited.

This is true. His system deals with curl size only.
Enchantmt said:
This is true. His system deals with curl size only.
this makes sense. In ever thought I was 4a because I don't have thick coarse hair. My hair can make tight coils but it can just as eaisly me traight and thin. But under Andre's system it is still 4a
cutiebe2 said:
this makes sense. In ever thought I was 4a because I don't have thick coarse hair. My hair can make tight coils but it can just as eaisly me traight and thin. But under Andre's system it is still 4a

coarse hair is not limited to type 4. i have seen coarse hair is types 1,2 and 3 hair also.
cutiebe2 said:
this makes sense. In ever thought I was 4a because I don't have thick coarse hair. My hair can make tight coils but it can just as eaisly me traight and thin. But under Andre's system it is still 4a


My hair looks EXACTLY like yours does after a wash and go, when I was natural. Now my edges are acting up! I think its because I switched form affirm to Mizani relaxer, maybe my hair is growing through the mixed residue on my scalp or something. My edges are hard and just very tightly coiled (even the scarf method isn't laying them down, halfway through the day they *pop* back up) :( :nono:
The hair typing system is limited to me. I just took a guess from the examples given but honestly, my hair is in its own category. You may be in your own category too. :)
cutiebe2 said:
this makes sense. In ever thought I was 4a because I don't have thick coarse hair. My hair can make tight coils but it can just as eaisly me traight and thin. But under Andre's system it is still 4a

My hair is this way too. It's not coarse at all.
Yes! And I don't like this system. For example, me and my daugthers have type 4a hair (according to andre's system). But each hair looks different. And the look of my hair can change drastically because of products. Fo my daughter, it's more stable.