Is there ANY way to stop new growth breakage??!!


New Member
I have been going through this now for 2 weeks (I am almost 6 weeks post relaxer). My hair was doing SO well up until 2 weeks ago, then all of a sudden as soon as the new growth started coming in... CRAZY breakage and split ROOTS! Now my thin ends are coming back, where before I was making such good progress (it was getting so thick and long):( Now it's back at the same length that I started with in SEPTEMBER! :mad: I just don't get it...

How can I stop the new growth breakage? I know a "protein treatment" is the common fix for most, but my hair is protein sensitive... so too much will make my breakage even worse. I DC with a little protein last week, so I don't know if I should do it again this week. How long is new growth breakage supposed to last? I am getting so discouraged, because I am doing everything right and working hard (vitamins, taking care of the ends, moisturizing, baggy, buns, DC, co-wash, being careful w/protein, etc...) - and my hair is reacting as if it's being totally neglected! Now I see why women just CUT IT ALL OFF!
This is a mystery, you seem to be doing everything. Also for you hair to be resistant just 4-6 weeks post relaxer.

I just relaxed at 14 weeks post relaxer. It was not an intentional relaxer stretch. But one day I did a condition wash and the new growth was super soft. I lightly blowdried, then lightly flatironed the new growth then did a roller set. My hair stayed straight for 7 days and moist fof 4-5 days.

But since you are doing CWs, maybe it is your products, have you changed anything? How often have you relaxed in the past?
Use a good protein treatment like keraphix -followed by a moisterizing conditioner, comb hair ONLY on wash days in the shower (with a shower comb), oil ends with a combo of wild growth oil and regular moisterizer (I like mango butter), and treat dry new growth on the scalp with S-Curl. This has worked wonders for me at 7 weeks post when I should be a hot mess. I feel like I could stretch forever and my dry hair woes and breakage issues are (crossing fingers) a thing of the past.:)
Starting the day after my relaxer, I start Co-washing. I co-wash daily until about week 8 then I slack off to every three days. I start rollersetting my hair at week ten (rollersetting every three weeks). I leave my hair alone after I style it, combing it only in the shower. Embarassing as it sounds, sometimes I comb the front with a toothbrush. please dont laugh at me.
Come to think of it it may be the switching of relaxers over the last year... Before coming to this site, I was not educated on relaxers. I never cared about lye vs. no lye. (but for some reason I always tried to stretch 3 months) And I have used both in the last year - about 3-4 different brands. So I have the feeling that there are different levels of elasticity on each strand, and maybe that's why I am getting the breakage in addition to the new growth. :confused:
NoNapNique said:
Come to think of it it may be the switching of relaxers over the last year... Before coming to this site, I was not educated on relaxers. I never cared about lye vs. no lye. (but for some reason I always tried to stretch 3 months) And I have used both in the last year - about 3-4 different brands. So I have the feeling that there are different levels of elasticity on each strand, and maybe that's why I am getting the breakage in addition to the new growth. :confused:

I think this can definitely affect breakage. Switching relaxers a lot will definitely have adverse effects from my observations on my own hair. My hair didn't retain moisture as well, and I had to REALLY baby it to get it to cooperate and not break.

calliope said:
Use a good protein treatment like keraphix -followed by a moisterizing conditioner, comb hair ONLY on wash days in the shower (with a shower comb), oil ends with a combo of wild growth oil and regular moisterizer (I like mango butter), and treat dry new growth on the scalp with S-Curl. This has worked wonders for me at 7 weeks post when I should be a hot mess. I feel like I could stretch forever and my dry hair woes and breakage issues are (crossing fingers) a thing of the past.

Calliope has offered some excellent suggestions. I can't do the S-Curl b/c my hair doesn't like it, but I agree with minimizing the combing and I very highly recommend Keraphix. You may even wanna try mixing Keraphix & Humectress and adding EVOO...this combo ALWAYS tames mild breakage for me.

If you need something heavy duty, there's always good ol' ApHOGEE. Are you DCing during your CO washes as well as your poo? I started DCing with both a reg. wash & my CO wash and my seemed to really appreciate the extra effort.

How much are you manipulating your hair? Are you wearing protective styles? Are you brushing? You may just have to find new ways of detangling & taming your new growth so that you don't experience so much breakage at the line of demarcation. I also agree with bajan that it may be an issue of products...what are you using?

I hope you can get to the bottom of may hafta call Inspector Gadget! :lol:

I say run to the closet or the nearest BSS and get you some Nexxus Emergencee, it's in a gel like form and I used it yesterday because I was over moisturizing my hair and didn't have enough protein to balance it out, well sat under the hooded dryer for 15 min. without the plastic cap (suggested by melodee) and when I rinsed it didn't dry my hair out or anything it was still soft and moist, but no breakage. Since you CW on a regular it may be over moisturized calling for some strength. I followed the directions on the bottle to the T (minus the plastic cap). HTH's
about switching relaxers...i used mizani for 8 or more years with no problem. then in july i let someone talk me into trying affiirm, so i did and thats when my hair started shedding and breaking like crazy. i did not think it was the relaxer. i did everything right (dc,no heat, the whole9) and it never really stopped. after 2 affirm relaxers, i went back to mizani and a new hairdresser and i have only had reg shedding, hardly no breakage.

with that said, switching definetly had an affect on my hair. also, when i get a lot of newgrowth, wgo softened it like nothing else could
I am experiecing breakage with my new growth too, so i have a question for the ladies who are giving advice.

how often do you recommend doing protein treatments?
I would use Aphoghee..that stops my breakage cold!

On another note, If all else fails I would recommend that next time you not stretch so long. It sounds like 4, maybe 5 weeks is your stretch limit.
Kristenxdollface said:
how often do you recommend doing protein treatments?

I say light protein every other week. I prefer to mix mine w/ a moisturizing con to kill two birds with one stone. This combo keeps breakage & shedding in check and makes new growth manageable.

When I was stretching, I did lite protein i.e. Keraphix every other week. At one point, I considered doing it every week, but I really didn't believe that was necessary so I stuck with every other week. This past time I stretched for 23 weeks, and I never did a heavy protein treatment. I think consistent lite protein keeps periodic heavy protein from being necessary apart from a couple of weeks after a chemical service.


This is exactly what happened to me last year.
My stylist was overprocessing my hair.
My hair started breaking off like crazy last October, especially where the new growth meets the relaxed part.
I did an Aphogee treatment followed by sleeping overnight in conditioner. Breakage stopped immediately. I then did a 6 month relaxer stretch and basically left my hair alone and babied it.