Is there any hope for me?


New Member
Here's the deal. When I was 7 years old, my brother's mom permed my hair. I remember my left edges burning something fierce. Well ever since then I've had really thin edges on that side. I started relaxing my hair on a regular basis in 05', but before that I was mostly natural (I got a few relaxers here and there but always transitioned back to natural). So the problem isn't me relaxing now because even when I was completely natural (at 1 point I went more than 2 years without a relaxer), those edges wouldn't grow in. So my question is, Is it possible to regrow those edges that have been MIA for the past 17 years or am I just scarred for life?
I think its possible, but theres also a chance of it being impossible!

Do you have hair there?? Or is it completely bald??
If you have hair in that spot then im thinking it is POSSIBLE for you to grow your edges out. Obviously your hair is still growing, because those patches are not bald.

Have you tried any methods?? Jamican black castor oil? Mega-Tek? MTG? Medications?? Or even womens Rogain? Did you try any vitamins??

Id say dont give up until you really try hard! I lost half of my hair to a relaxer just over a year ago..I basically lost hair in patches, and all of my patches grew in:yep: I did not do or take anything, but i did leave my hair alone and only did low manipulation styles. You might be different, you might need an "aid" to help you retain your hair back.
I think its possible, but theres also a chance of it being impossible!

Do you have hair there?? Or is it completely bald??
If you have hair in that spot then im thinking it is POSSIBLE for you to grow your edges out. Obviously your hair is still growing, because those patches are not bald.

Have you tried any methods?? Jamican black castor oil? Mega-Tek? MTG? Medications?? Or even womens Rogain? Did you try any vitamins??

Id say dont give up until you really try hard! I lost half of my hair to a relaxer just over a year ago..I basically lost hair in patches, and all of my patches grew in:yep: I did not do or take anything, but i did leave my hair alone and only did low manipulation styles. You might be different, you might need an "aid" to help you retain your hair back.
I have hair there, but it's kind of see through. I've heard about JBCO, but I'm overseas and I have to find a place that'll deliver it. I really don't want to try any of that other stuff. I considered Rogain, but I read somewhere that once you commit to it, you have to always use it and I just want something that'll kick start those dead follicles.
I got you girl. PM me your address and I will ship you a bottle of JBCO. APO to APO is completely free so I'm game.

It's a small 4 oz bottle, but it is full.
:bighug: I'm sorry this has happened to you.

Have you tried Megatek mixed with some Rosemary/Peppermint oil and some JBCO. If you regularly apply this mix to the affected area you should hopefully see some progress, but of course you are going to need to be consistent for quite a long period. :yep:

ETA: Also try not to wear any hair styles that puts any pressure or tension at all on your sides.
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I also have some MegaTek if you want to try that too OP.

Have you tried scalp messages? Some say dabbing regular old conditioner daily to the spot will increase growth as well.
I also have some MegaTek if you want to try that too OP.

Have you tried scalp messages? Some say dabbing regular old conditioner daily to the spot will increase growth as well.
Well once I hit about 6 weeks post I apply Hairveda's whipped cream directly to my new growth so it kind of gets a little stimulation, but probably not enough.
I'm having the same issue. After a relaxer gone bad in eighth grade (young and dumb) I attempted to get my edges BONE STRAIGHT and I burned my scalp beyond repair:wallbash:. It was only when I found LHCF in Dec 09' that they started growing again. I always thought I would never have edges;left side seemed as though the hair stopped growing completely and the right side was just short and thin.:perplexed.

When I joined LHCF I ordered OCT ( I just can't bring my self to try mega-tek) and mixed it with Rosemary oil, WGHO, JBCO, coconut oil, and avocado oil. and applied to my scalp nightly. After a month my mother actually pointed out the difference in thickness in my right side ( I was so excited that they have finally decided to grow back after 9+ years.

My edges were getting major progress; unfortunately, I had another major set back;I decided to braid my hair up for a month and they ripped out whatever edges I had left and left me back at step 1.:wallbash::wallbash: I wanted to cry, but after 9+ years without knowing how to grow my edges back I'm actually relieved to know that I CAN grow them back with a LOT of TLC and LHCF.:grin:

ETA: I'm also taking hair vitamins, prescription strength folic acid, I have not used heat since 12/23/09, PS, Co-washing 2x week (the more I co-wash the more my hair loves me), baggying 3-5x a week (recently added to my regimen to combat NJ harsh winter), shampoo 1x a week or once every other week, and I have stopped using shampoos containing sulfates. HTH
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