Is there a noticable difference when you pre-poo?


Well-Known Member
Or is it just a unnecessary step? Is there a big difference or is it mediocre?

I know a pre-poo can help cushion the blow of shampooing your hair. I figure...if you are going to wash your hair anyway, the natural oil in your hair is going to get stripped. :perplexed

It is more imperative to bring those oils back after you shampoo rather than before.

I am considering ditching this whole pre-poo thing and just deep conditioning after 1 good wash. Or maybe I just need to revamp what I pre-poo with?:ohwell:
If there's no noticeable difference for you, then stop.

I only did pre-shampoo treatments when I was trying to use up stuff. Also, if I was using a shampoo that was so drying/harsh that it required me to pre-treat, I'd just change shampoos.
i don't think it's necessary. if i plan to shampoo with a clarifier, i will pre-poo b/c sometimes they can strip the hair. or if i don't plan to DC. If I DC, or co-wash, I don't pre-poo.
When I first began my HHJ, I constantly Pre-Poo'd. I just looooved mixing up fruits, vegetable, oils, mayo, yogurt, honey,etc...being a kitchentician:lachen:

But now I've kinda stopped using so much Shampoo (except to clarify) and the Shampoos I now purchase aren't harsh or stripping, but more natural, moisturizing and w/o the SLS, so I've found that helped tremendously.
I only did pre-shampoo treatments when I was trying to use up stuff.

ITA. I was doing this for a while and I didn't see any difference. Now, while its not a permanent part of my reggie, if I have some conditioner I need to use up, I'll use it as a pre-poo. Couldn't hurt, could it?
The very first time I did a pre-poo I used EVOO and there was a noticeable difference. So I made it something that I put into my regimine. I can honestly say that I have NOT noticed anything since the first one so I stopped. I think it will be something I did every once in a while but not on a regular basis.
thx ladies! I think from now on, my idea of a prepoo will be hot oil treatments periodically. No more mandatory pre-poos with each wash because it has not been benefiting my hair.
Most times I just do my dc on dry hair and then poo and a quick conditioner rinse in the shower unless I am doing a caramel treatment.
Prepooing for me eliminates the tangles or that tangly feeling during the shampoo process. I've now changed to sulphate free ( CON red - OMG my hair is sooo soft after using this! :lick:!!!), so might not need it as much maybe? I really like it though, and it's how I do my egg protein treatments :yep:
ITA. I was doing this for a while and I didn't see any difference. Now, while its not a permanent part of my reggie, if I have some conditioner I need to use up, I'll use it as a pre-poo. Couldn't hurt, could it?

That was exactly my reasoning. I was like well, conditioner is good for my hair so if anything my hair will be better for it. It didn't make much of a difference though, but at least the outcome wasn't bad.

I just think that if you NEED to do a pre-shampoo treatment in order to counteract the drying/tangling/harsh effects of your shampoo, then you really need to switch shampoos. Everything I use to cleanse my hair is gentle and leaves my hair super soft and detangled.
Prepooing for me eliminates the tangles or that tangly feeling during the shampoo process. I've now changed to sulphate free ( CON red - OMG my hair is sooo soft after using this! :lick:!!!), so might not need it as much maybe? I really like it though, and it's how I do my egg protein treatments :yep:

Welcome fellow UK lady! :)

I only pre poo with Amla and Vatika these days, but I think I need to step back up with the hot oil treatment with jojoba, castor oils etc.
I like to pre-poo because I like my scalp to be very clean, so I use shampoo frequently but mainly on my scalp. By pre-pooing I protect my hair against the harsh products from the shampoo. Co-washes dont work for me, I don't like all the buildup. And as well I have more growth when I shampoo regularly. HTH :)