Is there a limit . . .


Well-Known Member
. . . on the number of threads that one can subscribe to? I'm trying to figure out the maximum number before threads that I previously subscribed to get bumped off. Thanks!
That's a good question...I hadn't thought of that...

I'm currently subbed to about 26 threads...
Dlewis you probably have it set to automatically subscribe to any thread you reply to.

eta:to fix setting go to your control panel and on the left side click edit options.Go down to Default Thread Subscription Mode and select no notification,daily notification,weekly notification etc.
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10,618? WOW :shocked:

I just added another one a few days ago. I was at 101 then, and I figured that that one had put me over the top, but if you're at 10,000+ dlewis we're all okay. Thanks for all the responses.

(ETA: I just realized that you have over 40,000+ posts!) :thud:
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