I'm looking for others that are interested in doing no heat (blow dryer, flatiron, hot combs, etc) starting October 1st and ending December 31st? Can you point me in the direction of an existing challenge/thread?
If there is one, I'll join. I have been going heat free for a couple a weeks except for this past Sunday, when I flatironed my hair but didn't use a blowdryer (yea, me).
I don't know if they extended the No Heat Summer Challenge it just ended on Sept 1st. I think people fell off the challenge, you should start a new one I was apart of the last one it allowed for 2 heat passes and then you post a starting and ending pic
I'll join. I haven't touched heat since my BC in April. I'm trying to see how long I can go (hopefully straight through April 2012), and how my hair benefits from the challenge.