Is the only way to resolve damaged hair to cut it all off..?

How do you deal with damaged hair..?

  • Cut all damaged hair off and start again

    Votes: 6 18.8%
  • Trim damaged hair gradually until it's all gone

    Votes: 24 75.0%
  • Don't cut it you can treat it

    Votes: 3 9.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 3.1%

  • Total voters


Hey Ladies!! Does damaged hair need to be cut off? Or can it be fixed by deep conditioning, steam, hot oil e.t.c... Thanks!

Depending on the extent of the damage, deep conditioning, protein, and tenderness can help hold it together so that it doesn't all break off. And products with cones can help coat the strand, so the hair looks shinier and smoother and feels silkier and softer.
But the only way to correct the situation for good is to cut it off.
Thanks islanchile! Well, after having a weave done too tight and a relaxer left on for too long (not on the same day) my hair is now dry and brittle. I just relaxed today after a 5 month stretch and had a lot of breakage and now I don't know what to do : (
Thanks Chaosbutterfly! My hair feels silky and soft but I know thats just because of the blowdry and flat iron lol Im so upset right now I went for a touch up but the stylist put the relaxer all the way to my ends and left it on for too long ,I just knew I would have breakage.. I should have spoke up!
I kind of feel like damaged hair needs to be cut. If you can treat it then it must not be damaged but lacking something.
U shoulda got up, rinsed your hair and walked the hell out.... For one.. why is she relaxing your hair to the ends??? she over processed your hair.Smh some people aka stylist pluck my nerves and I haven't set foot near creamy crack in 2yrs..smh ..In all reality.. it's no point in trying to keep damaged ends...if they are that damaged, cut it.. you will be happier and after a while..u wont notice it. If it's too much for u to cut ..then trim bit by bit until you feel you are content. Either way..they need to go.
Yup. Sorry to say, split ends are never going to mend themselves back together no matter how much you prepoo, dc, etc. They are only going to continue splitting up and up the hair shaft :(

Snip snip!
There's no fixing damaged hair, you have to cut it. I'd say do it all at once so the split ends don't travel up the shaft. If you're intent on maintaining length despite damaged ends trim regularly and just try to pamper the ends until you can cut it all off.
Yup, I have to agree. Once the hair is split or knotted, the best thing to do is just to cut it off and keep it moving. Split ends won't go away unless you cut them, and there's really no use in prolonging the struggle if it's just going to keep splitting up towards the hair shaft. When that happens, even if you do cut off a bit, the rest of the hair shaft may be "tapered" and still susceptible to damage. Then you'll have to cut off even more! So the best thing to do (for me anyways) is to get rid of damaged hair now and save yourself the heartache later.
My ends are really damaged from color. I've been growing the color out for the last year--what I do is trim a little every few months.
I try to baby my hair --I'm increasing hair treatments (at least once a week).
So, if you don't want to cut all the damage now--maybe you can do it little by little.

If you do cut all the damage at once your hair will be much easier to style.
Damaged hair cannot be repaired. Ideally, the best option it to cut it off right then and there and start from scratch (fastest way). Depending on the level of severity though, it can be treated temporarily. In which case you should trim regularly to get it of gradually (This is where the "every 6-8 weeks" rule applies).

Damaged hair has to go eventually. If you wait and hold on to it, you are only hindering the health of your hair and basically your ends will make the decision for you by falling off.
Thanks for all of ur responses ladies!!
Sorry for the late reply, I've been so upset about my hair. After I posted, I noticed my scalp was really sore/tender at the crown and it felt really hard, so I take a look and I see a massive patch! :nono: This is more than a few splits my hair is a complete overprocessed mess. I know my hair HAS to go, this is such a huge setback for me.

I'm so mad at myself for:
1. allowing the stylist to rip through my 5 month post hair with a fine tooth comb
2. saying nothing when she combed relaxer down to my ends (even though I told her just to do my NG)
3. allowing her to tell ME i shouldn't wash it out yet even though I knew full well I didnt want bone straight hair!

Anyway, after using Nexxus emergencee and roux pc my hair feels ALOT better and doesnt have the limp lifeless feel to it, even the gap seems to have filled out but.. i know snip snip right :rolleyes:

The funny thing is my hair's not even long its only neck length but I've worked so hard on caring for my hair. I started off with a really short, shaved at the back cut kinda like a "halle" cut and grew it out to the bottom of my neck, and its a shame to see all my hard work go down the drain, literally!!
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