Is the LHCF running slow for anyone else?

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I've only noticed it in threads where people have animated gifs in their siggies. Other than that, the speed is normal for me.
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Not me. Lightening fast as always. I use a laptop. It also runs pretty fast on my sister's blackberry.

ETA: Perhaps you all are experience an effect of the "maintenance".
Thanks for letting me know. I'll check with Nikos. Perhaps it could be / could've been due to maintenance.

I normally use Fire Fox (which I love). At this moment, I'm using Internet Explorer (aka Internet Exploder) (which I hate).
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I've only noticed it in threads where people have animated gifs in their siggies. Other than that, the speed is normal for me.

Yes, I have the GIF problem, too. The page will freeze for about 30 secs when I get to posts with them.
Yes, I posted about this in OT yesterday. Whenever those Pantene ads are on the site, it scrolls sloooooooow.
Ok. I also think it's the Pantene ads too. When I saw one of the other ads, it didn't slow my laptop down, but as soon as it's the Pantene ad, my laptop slows down.
Since I use Fire Fox, I used Ad Block Plus so I no longer see the advertisements on the LHCF (as the Pantene ad was really slowing down my laptop). So for those of you using Fire Fox, maybe you can do the same thing (if it's slowing down for you).
It's running slow for me on my desktop....I even hid all siggys and blocked ads and it still runs slow. :wallbash: I don't know what else to do. :(
Yes, its unusably slow for me. There's been little point in visiting since yesterday, its just extremely slow. Most times I end up with blank page :(. Anyone know what's causing this?? I'm on a Macbook....
It's happening to me too...I get alot of blank pages, and when it does connect, it takes forever. I'm on a PC laptop.

ETA: And I block the ads, try other browsers, and it's not happening on other sites.
It's much worse when I use a Mac too.
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Has not been remedied for me yet. Using a different browser is basically the same. If it continues like this there's little point in my visiting at all. Half or more of the pages I try to load do no load at all even after clicking reload. Very frustrating and runing my net experience lol. I feel like I'm back on aol dial up. Sorry for being a cry baby lol.....
It's slow. It's the ads. ESPECIALLY the Pantene one. Where ever I surf, on ANY website, if that flash Pantene ad is running, the page takes forever to load.

Try disabling the flash ads (on the site's end) for a minute and see if that speeds things up.
I haven't had this problem since I turned off the ads (with Adblock). The Pantene ad was especially slowing down my laptop.
The ad hasn't shown up for the rest of the day for me, so everything is back to normal.

I can't ad block the flash ads though.
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