Is The Lhcf Getting Ready To Shut Down?


Well-Known Member
i just got an email from the LHCF stating that my subscription had been cancelled and would not be renewed. Has anyone else received this email? What is going on ?
I just renewed mine last week. The subscription was hooked to an old CC so it didn't automatically renew. However, I was able to renew without issue after that.
Oh my goodness, I sure hope not. Maybe you should send a quick note to one of the moderators to clearup any confusion. I want to renew in Feb 2016 so I need to know right now if there's an issue. I never got an email like that one. I love this site. It's the only one out of the 5 that I joined that I'm actively present in.Please OP, check with the moderators and let us know your findings!
Yeah, it scared me too because I never got an email like that before. The next day my subscription automatically renewed so maybe the email was sent in error. No worries, all is fine now. Sorry for the scare I caused!
At one point I thought LHCF was going to shut down too; with all the technical issues that they were having. I hope they figure it out b/c it's only so much people will take. I think with the technical issues and the lack of a mobile app has really caused low participation and low renewals.

I have notice that b/c LHCF is having these technical issues and participation is low; especially in the hair board, I notice that the moderators are posting more and there is a sudden increase of random "newbie's" starting threads asking the most basic questions.

I still love LHCF but I REALLY wish they would bring back the app. It was soooo convenient and I got to see threads that I would normally not visit.