Is taking 10,000 of vitamin A bad


New Member
I have noticed that Ultra hair plus hair vitamins contains 10,000 iu beta carotene source of vitamin A. Will this cause hair shedding and does that mean that I cannot add a multi vitamin like one a day???
taking too much vitamin A is definately BAD!!!!!!!!

i wouldnt go over board on that stuff at all. i've just read somewhere that says it could cause hair loss....

i dont know....i think i would rather eliminate the risk even if the chances are slim
That's bad news for me, I just bought this vitamin because I read good reviewes on it... does it matter if it's beta carotene source or not because I think the other source retinol is the bad one not the beta carotene but I could be wrong.
I don't know if it's bad or not (it sounds like it though). I do know that since you don't know for sure, you definitely shouldn't take it until you find out exactly what the side effects could be if you take it.
10,000 IU units will not cause hair loss. That's why it's in the multivitamin meant for healthy hair growth. I take a multi-vitamin (not for hair, but for whole body health and have been taking it for over 12 years now) and its daily dosage of Vitamin A is:

15,000 IU Pro Vitamin A (from beta-carotene)
10,000 IU Vitamin A (from retinyl acetate)

I think toxic levels of A would be around 50,000 IU for an adult. I always feel that if the A is part of a multi and you're taking the recommended dosage, then you have nothing to worry about because I believe a lot of thought and planning goes into ensuring the combination is safe and balanced to be most efficiently absorbed. Now if you're taking a bunch of different things and each contributing some A, then you might get into those toxic levels. Otherwise if it's in a hair vitamin, then it's supposed to be like that.
10,000 IU units will not cause hair loss. That's why it's in the multivitamin meant for healthy hair growth. I take a multi-vitamin (not for hair, but for whole body health and have been taking it for over 12 years now) and its daily dosage of Vitamin A is:

15,000 IU Pro Vitamin A (from beta-carotene)
10,000 IU Vitamin A (from retinyl acetate)

I think toxic levels of A would be around 50,000 IU for an adult. I always feel that if the A is part of a multi and you're taking the recommended dosage, then you have nothing to worry about because I believe a lot of thought and planning goes into ensuring the combination is safe and balanced to be most efficiently absorbed. Now if you're taking a bunch of different things and each contributing some A, then you might get into those toxic levels. Otherwise if it's in a hair vitamin, then it's supposed to be like that.

That's exactley what I was thinking...
Just wanted to add, 10,000 IU seems to be the necessary vitamin A needed for healthy hair. Just for the heck of it, I decided to look up to hair supplements (Great Hair Vitamin by Vitabase and Hair, Skin and Nails by Futurebiotics) and found 10K IU is common in both.
For a moment I thought about trashing it out but I will use it and see what happens. I always thought that it was a great hair vitamin.
Is anyone using Ultra hair plus vits, I would like to hear some reviews here.

Vitamin A 10,000 IU
Vitamin C 500 MG
Thiamin 30 MG
Riboflavin 100MG
Vitamin b6 10 MG
Folate 400 MCG
Biotin 2000 MCG
B5 50 MCG
Zinc 5 MG
MSM 500 MG
Inositol 200 MG
Choline 100 MG
L-Cysteine 100 MG
Folligen complex (ginkgo biloba and saw palmetto berry) 100 MG
Glucosamine sulfate 50 MG
Other ingredients: rose hips, spirulina, silica, magnesium stearate.