Is some breakage inevitable?


New Member
I was on NC and I saw another lady with 4a natural hair ask this, and I would like the responses here because I feel you ladies are SO knowledgeable & responsive here!

She was stating that she feels like when you have VERY THICK & DENSE hair it is almost inevitable to have SOME breakge (like maybe 5 pieces or so every once and a while)

Do you feel like some breakage is inevitable?
Not necessarily that it's "okay", but that hair CAN still grow long with some occasional breakage. And I don't mean mega breakage, like pieces all over covering the sink or tub. Do you feel like it's something that shouldn't cause extreme panic and stress?

I am specifically wanting to know from ladies with my hair type just to relate. Especially ladies who have experienced some breakage but DO have great growth still. People that have long hair and have had someee breakage on and off, or the entire time.

My theory is , I have SO many strands on my head that maybe 5 strands here and there breaking won't be a set back. Is this a "dumb" thought? lol

I have so much hair on my head per each square inch, HIGHLY dense hair. It's so dense that when water runs through my hair it takes a little bit for it to actually GET to my scalp!

So ladies, please respond!
I REALLY need to know because SOMEtimes I get some breakage
but I don't think it's TOO bad, I just yearn for my hair to reach the lengths I know it can, I just want to make sure minor breakage isn't a major setback!:nono:

Yes, I think it is. No matter how much you protect your hair, some breakage will happen in the regular comings and goings of life cuz nothing lasts forever! Happens to everybody methinks. That's just life. However your goal is to minimize breakage, esp that which is caused by "user error" on your part. A little common sense, patience, a lighter hand, and more knowledge/acceptance of your texture and what it does all helps to minimize breakge, but some will occur just like no matter how careful you are w/ you nails, eventually (at least) one will break.

Shrug :) Ya win some, ya lose some....but breaking even or better yet coming out ahead is the goal! :)
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Yes, I think it is. No matter how much you protect your hair, some breakage will happen in the regular comings and goings of life cuz nothing lasts forever! Happens to everybody methinks. That's just life. However your goal is to minimize breakage, esp that which is caused by "user error" on your part. A little common sense, patience, a lighter hand, and more knowledge/acceptance of your texture and what it does all helps to minimize breakge, but some will occur just like no matter how careful you are w/ you nails, eventually (at least) one will break.

Shrug :) Ya win some, ya lose some....but breaking even or better yet coming out ahead is the goal! :)

Thank you so much!
I got so scared recently that I cut off like 2 inches in the front and sides because of this, I wish I had not now ! lol
Well sorry that happened sweetie, but 2 inches ain't so bad. It'll come back before you even know it. Just forget about it and one day soon. You'll be like 'oh WOW where'd all this hair come from'?! :) Trust me on this. Don't obsess over it and try to speed things up. You now know better, but you probably made the right decision for you even when you didn't.

Take heart!
I think just because we manipulate our hair, some of it is bound to break off. ANY manipulation we do... combing, styling, shampooing, etc puts some form of mechanical stress on the hair. I guess some of it can break right there and then, some will weaken ... but being gentler with your hair, using treatments etc can help to minimize the damage that eventually leads to breakage.

Ideally, if you left your hair alone and it was never ever exposed to any form of stress at all, then it wouldn't break off. But in the real world, that's impossible. So to answer your question, yes, some breakage is inevitable.
I think just because we manipulate our hair, some of it is bound to break off. ANY manipulation we do... combing, styling, shampooing, etc puts some form of mechanical stress on the hair. I guess some of it can break right there and then, some will weaken ... but being gentler with your hair, using treatments etc can help to minimize the damage that eventually leads to breakage.

Ideally, if you left your hair alone and it was never ever exposed to any form of stress at all, then it wouldn't break off. But in the real world, that's impossible. So to answer your question, yes, some breakage is inevitable.

Okay that is SUCH a relief. It's not like I'm losing 40 PIECES of hair or anything. My hair rarely even sheads. Is that even normal?
yes some breakage is normal. what we are trying to do is to mitigate the amount of breakage that we experience by dc-ing, hiding and protective styles etc etc. If i have 5 hairs in my comb that doesnt worry me at all.
I think just because we manipulate our hair, some of it is bound to break off. ANY manipulation we do... combing, styling, shampooing, etc puts some form of mechanical stress on the hair. I guess some of it can break right there and then, some will weaken ... but being gentler with your hair, using treatments etc can help to minimize the damage that eventually leads to breakage.

Ideally, if you left your hair alone and it was never ever exposed to any form of stress at all, then it wouldn't break off. But in the real world, that's impossible. So to answer your question, yes, some breakage is inevitable.

The most unmanipulated hair state/style around are uncultivated dred locks and they break at times. There's just no way to avoid it. :look:
I actually think fine, thin hair is much more prone to breakage than thick, dense hair. But some breakage is normal. A lot of breakage is not. ;)
Okay that is SUCH a relief. It's not like I'm losing 40 PIECES of hair or anything. My hair rarely even sheads. Is that even normal?

It's "normal" to shed up to 50-200 hairs per day depending on the person. Shedding is normal to all hair bearing mammals :grin::yep:. Breakage, on a smaller level, is also normal. Hair, like any other fiber, has only X amount of strength. The strength is affected by what's done to it, however even if you do has a limit and can break.

Just be smart about it and you'll minimize breakage and even shedding, but some will happen. For our purposes, most BW who have major breakage have it because whatever they're doing is too drying. It will simply snap off. The key is to avoid dryness to avoid the breakage. One tends to follow the other.
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The most unmanipulated hair state/style around are uncultivated dred locks and they break at times. There's just no way to avoid it. :look:

Of course. They break in response to some external force. Our hair is always manipulated, intentionally or not. If there was no external force acting on them at all, they wouldn't break. I did state that this would be an "ideal" situation and added that in reality it's impossible. You will always get breakage.
Definitely, hair is a fiber---and fibers break. I have 4 a/b and since going natural, I have small naps or coils and it is very minimal----like 10-20 naps when I detangle or when i comb my hair to do some I am not shocked. I am curious if trimming will reduce that or not...
Thank you SO much for this thread, OP. I've been over-obsessing every time a broken hair has come from my head, especially since I always DC and do a protein treatment.

This thread has reminded me that I just need to relax.
I think that if you are manipulating your hair you will experience some amount of breakage. The challenge is to minimize it. You do this by learning what not to do with your hair, not working against it, and what products work best.
Of course. They break in response to some external force. Our hair is always manipulated, intentionally or not. If there was no external force acting on them at all, they wouldn't break. I did state that this would be an "ideal" situation and added that in reality it's impossible. You will always get breakage.

I know you did. I just wanted to point out that even the most "protective style" there is will have some breakage. Women here are incredibly paranoid about this matter and I know that. They get extreme and start being afraid of their hair and doing anything w/ it hoping to avoid ALL breakage and shedding. The evidence is on this thread. They need to accept that SOME breakage is inevitable no matter what they do.
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Thank you SO much for this thread, OP. I've been over-obsessing every time a broken hair has come from my head, especially since I always DC and do a protein treatment.

This thread has reminded me that I just need to relax.

Yup...RELAX and take your time. :grin: Being all hung up when you approach your hair probably causes you to lose MORE hairs cuz you might be a bit jerky when doing it.
Some breakage is inevitable.

I remember when i first started on hair boards people were saying they never had any breakage ever and their hair only shed 5 hairs during a wash:look:. I believed that crap and worried myself silly!

I know better now. I don't know what drove anyone to say that but it definetely was not true life:nono:.

If there's someone who never has one broken hair i will bow down and kiss their feet.:lick:


You know those little short fine hairs (baby hairs)....why are they always short?....cuz the constantly break. Proof that no one has anti-breakage hair.
I remember how my hair was before I started my HHJ. I work in healthcare so I wear a white jacket every day, not good if you have major breakage. A white co-worker would daily brush off the 100's of tiny broken pieces that covered my shoulders and back. It looked like i had a patten on the back of the jacket their were so many broken pieces.

I finally decided, enough is enough and really started researching how to care for my hair. Now I moisturize daily, rarely use shampoo but opt for co-washes, seal with oil, and use no heat to style. I air dry and do braid out or flexirods. Now I only see at most 5 or so broken strand and only on the rare occasion I try to comb out my dry hair. So no matter how well you care for it there are gonna be some mild breakage from manipulation but MILD is the key word.
I have very fine, thin hair. Its hard not to get breakage. I still get little hairs (although a lost less that pre-LHCF of course). I am constantly having to think of what could be the reason and trying to fight it. And I keep my hair in plaints and wrapped up.
The most unmanipulated hair state/style around are uncultivated dred locks and they break at times. There's just no way to avoid it. :look:

True, I know a few people with dreads!

I actually think fine, thin hair is much more prone to breakage than thick, dense hair. But some breakage is normal. A lot of breakage is not. ;)

Yeah, I also think it has to do with hair that is not moisturized enough. (I'm still trying to figure out what really moisturizes my thick hair !)

It's "normal" to shed up to 50-200 hairs per day depending on the person. Shedding is normal to all hair bearing mammals :grin::yep:. Breakage, on a smaller level, is also normal. Hair, like any other fiber, has only X amount of strength. The strength is affected by what's done to it, however even if you do has a limit and can break.

Just be smart about it and you'll minimize breakage and even shedding, but some will happen. For our purposes, most BW who have major breakage have it because whatever they're doing is too drying. It will simply snap off. The key is to avoid dryness to avoid the breakage. One tends to follow the other.

I agree and I'm trying my hardest to figure out what will really moisturize my hair! Could my hair be too porous and suck up anything moisturizing?

Of course. They break in response to some external force. Our hair is always manipulated, intentionally or not. If there was no external force acting on them at all, they wouldn't break. I did state that this would be an "ideal" situation and added that in reality it's impossible. You will always get breakage.

Definitely, hair is a fiber---and fibers break. I have 4 a/b and since going natural, I have small naps or coils and it is very minimal----like 10-20 naps when I detangle or when i comb my hair to do some I am not shocked. I am curious if trimming will reduce that or not...

That is a relief, I trimmed,,, but now I regret cuz i took off a lot lol

Thank you SO much for this thread, OP. I've been over-obsessing every time a broken hair has come from my head, especially since I always DC and do a protein treatment.

This thread has reminded me that I just need to relax.

lol! yeah it's crazy! i want to just stop worrying as long as it's okay!

I think that if you are manipulating your hair you will experience some amount of breakage. The challenge is to minimize it. You do this by learning what not to do with your hair, not working against it, and what products work best.

I know you did. I just wanted to point out that even the most "protective style" there is will have some breakage. Women here are incredibly paranoid about this matter and I know that. They get extreme and start being afraid of their hair and doing anything w/ it hoping to avoid ALL breakage and shedding. The evidence is on this thread. They need to accept that SOME breakage is inevitable no matter what they do.

yes ME, paranoid as crap! :wallbash:

Yup...RELAX and take your time. :grin: Being all hung up when you approach your hair probably causes you to lose MORE hairs cuz you might be a bit jerky when doing it.

Some breakage is inevitable.

I remember when i first started on hair boards people were saying they never had any breakage ever and their hair only shed 5 hairs during a wash:look:. I believed that crap and worried myself silly!

I know better now. I don't know what drove anyone to say that but it definetely was not true life:nono:.

If there's someone who never has one broken hair i will bow down and kiss their feet.:lick:


You know those little short fine hairs (baby hairs)....why are they always short?....cuz the constantly break. Proof that no one has anti-breakage hair.

lol I know I heard ladies say that too! NO BREAKAGE EVER?!?!

I remember how my hair was before I started my HHJ. I work in healthcare so I wear a white jacket every day, not good if you have major breakage. A white co-worker would daily brush off the 100's of tiny broken pieces that covered my shoulders and back. It looked like i had a patten on the back of the jacket their were so many broken pieces.

I finally decided, enough is enough and really started researching how to care for my hair. Now I moisturize daily, rarely use shampoo but opt for co-washes, seal with oil, and use no heat to style. I air dry and do braid out or flexirods. Now I only see at most 5 or so broken strand and only on the rare occasion I try to comb out my dry hair. So no matter how well you care for it there are gonna be some mild breakage from manipulation but MILD is the key word.

I had a lot of breakage too BEFORE these discussion boards!

I have very fine, thin hair. Its hard not to get breakage. I still get little hairs (although a lost less that pre-LHCF of course). I am constantly having to think of what could be the reason and trying to fight it. And I keep my hair in plaints and wrapped up.

THANK YOU FOR THE RESPONSES! I ALREADY FEEL BETTER! LOL So my biggest goal is to find something to moisturize my hair so it WON'T break off. My hair is strong, protein sensitive, so I really need something to fix this HEAD! lol
I have extremely dense hair, coarse in some places and fine in others, and ranging from 3c to 4b. I get breakage whenever I comb my hair, no matter what, and it's always been that way. I deal with it by not combing it too often and instead wearing braids, twists and cornrows 90% of the time.

The only time I don't get inevitable breakage is when my hair is straightened, but straight hair is not a regular option for me because I exercise too much and I sweat it out.
I see your hair in your siggy looks color treated? That could be the cause of excessive breakage. Color treated hair needs a lot of extra attention and there will still be a little more breakage than un-color treated hair.
Unique how do you normally style your hair? This is a big thing.
The "no breakage/shedding ever" people are merely in denial about it. Why, beats me.

Please don't stress yourself about it. It's life girl. Shrug.
Unique how do you normally style your hair? This is a big thing.
The "no breakage/shedding ever" people are merely in denial about it. Why, beats me.

Please don't stress yourself about it. It's life girl. Shrug.

Tryin' to make people feel like their all abnormal and stuff, lol.
I see your hair in your siggy looks color treated? That could be the cause of excessive breakage. Color treated hair needs a lot of extra attention and there will still be a little more breakage than un-color treated hair.

ironically it's the black part of my hair that breaks off (in the front) =( the back is never breaking off, it's actually the longest part of my hair and grows the fastest!

Do you think that pulling it back constantly for a year (puff) could have put stress on the hairline??:ohwell:
Unique how do you normally style your hair? This is a big thing.
The "no breakage/shedding ever" people are merely in denial about it. Why, beats me.

Please don't stress yourself about it. It's life girl. Shrug.

I WAS pulling it back in puffs with head bands. I'd wrap it around real tight and pull it back. (I knowww it was bad, it was hurting my scalp, I had to stop lol) I JUST stopped doing that maybe a few weeks ago. I didn't know how to style my hair though, so that's all I did. I was lazy at first and thought that was the easiest way to go! I just recently started braid outs / twist outs!
I have extremely dense hair, coarse in some places and fine in others, and ranging from 3c to 4b. I get breakage whenever I comb my hair, no matter what, and it's always been that way. I deal with it by not combing it too often and instead wearing braids, twists and cornrows 90% of the time.

The only time I don't get inevitable breakage is when my hair is straightened, but straight hair is not a regular option for me because I exercise too much and I sweat it out.

Good to know, I was VERY worried. I felt like my goal to APL was never going to happen with this breakage.