Is Smell Dating For You?

What a crazy concept! No way would i agree to this. Looks like a great way to attract perverts.
This is based on pheromones. You're suppose to find the smell/pheromones they put out attractive. Shows that they're immune system will mesh with yours or something. Also shows that you're not related! Hence why MOST people can't stand their siblings BO/natural odor. They did a study on this!

I'd try it.
Ok. Unless the pheromones are mixed in their cologne, I'm not smelling it. Nah son.
I bet it's more successful than online dating with only photos to go by.
DH mentioned that he and a friend's husband were getting our coats after a party and they were smelling all the black coats to figure out which was which.
They both guessed right. There is definitely something to the smell idea.