Is Shrinkage the cause of alot of Naturals wanting to Relax?

sareca said:
It's why I texturize then stretch for a year. I love and miss my natural texture when it's gone, but I want long hair.

ETA: I also want to jump in the shower, towel dry, apply a little product and leave for work with long hair.

This was my main reason of texlaxing. I just didn't have the patience to detangle, dealing with knots and I got very disillusioned and began hating my hair.... Now I love it!!

I still thave the thickness that I had with my natural hair, but it is just less stress for ME
I don't really have issues with knots, 75% is coily and 25 is random squiggles. I cut about half an inch last month which was basically the rest of my hair from the TWA I BCed to and dyed. That hair felt rough and tangly so it had to go.

Shrinkage is my best friend, I'm dismayed right now because my hair is growing and my twistout fro looks a mess and my wash and go isn't shrinking enough to look cute anymore :( I have to keep patting it down!

I think some people have an issue with shrinkage mostly I think it's the people that didn't BC or that think they don't look good with short hair. I thought I looked the shiz with my TWA tho and am more than happy to embrace the shrinkage. I don't mind not showing the length, when I want to - say on a train or something lol - I just twirl and stretch a random coil. It never ceases to amaze people :D
I have no desire to relax. Thankfully I don't have TOO many knots (I do get some though but oh well). Shrinkage is a little annoying but it is what it is. There are also ways to stretch it out (for me clipping it up while it's drying or even wrapping it in a high bun as I've discovered, a few big twists, etc.).
the knots and detangling and the fact that it does not appear to be growing is making want to relax it seems only when I straighten it does it seem ok but my sensitive scalp can not handle the chemicals
It's not the shrinkage for me. Sometimes (like right now), I feel a texturizer or relaxer would be so much easier. I have a lot of hair to handle. But then I remind myself that the last texturizer I had made my hair fall out :ohwell: ...

So I think I'll go get some highlights or something
See, this is what one of the things i've always admired about natural hair, was the shrinkage.

it's amazing and honestly since becoming natural myself, i look upon the shrinkage as a sign of a really healthy head of hair! knots, matts, tangles notwithstanding ;).

heat damaged hair, texlax'd hair (which i had), relaxed hair or even color damaged hair will not exhibit that amazing shrinkage capability.

i realize that i'm coming out of a chemically dependent POV and into a natural one and for me there is no looking back. i just think that shrinkage is one of those things i truly enjoy seeing on others and experiencing for myself.
Shrinkage doesnt bother me that much ..i mean i can deal with that..i def think my hair is getting thicker if that is but i mean i have no earthly to desire to relax or way to chicken to flat iron yet..also this humidity and heat is a im content with thick curls..i trim when needed..i get knots from time to time..but right now..its undercontrol so no probs..ayeshia your cornrows are soo good and pretty..your a good braider..happy hair growing everyone..
I would think the number 1 reason would be tangles (knots) with shrinkage coming in at a close second. Personally, I don't have tangles and knots. They're rare. But the shrinkage bothers me big time. I'll just be glad when I can wear pony puff with my own hair. :(
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LynnieB said:
See, this is what one of the things i've always admired about natural hair, was the shrinkage.

it's amazing and honestly since becoming natural myself, i look upon the shrinkage as a sign of a really healthy head of hair! knots, matts, tangles notwithstanding ;).

heat damaged hair, texlax'd hair (which i had), relaxed hair or even color damaged hair will not exhibit that amazing shrinkage capability.

i realize that i'm coming out of a chemically dependent POV and into a natural one and for me there is no looking back. i just think that shrinkage is one of those things i truly enjoy seeing on others and experiencing for myself.

I agree,You really summed it up well!
At first when I had the urge to relax it was to be able to track my growth rate by visibly observing the new growth (this was at the beginning of my journey last year). The second time I wanted to relax was because I wanted my hair to look long all the time. So I got a press and I couldn't wait to wash my hair (I missed the shrinkage). Next I wanted to texlax to "have the best of both world"- less shrinkage, less tangles, less effort to do easy styles. I eventually changed my mind and is happy with my natural hair. If I ever have the urge to relax or texlax again it would be because of knots:(.
when i was natural i chose to relax because i was about to go to grad school and i know i couldnt spend hours every night doign my hair or trying to find someone to braid it all the time. the shrinkage never bothered me. for some reason i never had problems with tangles. i did have knots on the ends but i think thats inevitable with being natural.
Ive also been natural 7 years and want a change. When I was newly nappy I thought nappy was the end all and be all. Its just hair to me at this point.
I being natural have shrinkage as well, but I don't mind. It's the tangles that make it a little difficult to deal with, but I've only been natural for a little bit over a year, and I have to say it is the BEST decision I have ever made. The texture of my hair, when pressed, looks and feels much better than any relaxer I've ever had. Plus I have the option getting that wavy effect when I wash my hair and put it in a ponytail afterwards, so the diversity is amazing! When I had a relaxer, yes it was A WHOLE LOT EASIER to deal with, however it looked flat and dull and it looked like everyone else.

It feels fantastic when people (women and men) compliment me on my hair. Even women with longer hair than myself and with relaxers comment on my hair. I love being natural! Yes it has it's draw backs, but the overall benefit is simply marvelous! :)
I've been totally natural for years, and I'm seriously considering going back to relaxing. Yes, shrinkage is a major reason for my thoughts on this. No matter how well I care for my hair--gentle, sulfate-free shampoos, no-pooing, deep conditioning treatments, gentle detangling, careful maintenance of moisture levels--my hair displays NO gains in length. I have been natural long enough that I've seen, done and tried it all, and the only options left to me are to wear a TWA for life (which I'm not finding very flattering for my look as I get older) or locs (which seems like A LOT of maintenance for a look that I don't think suits my style). I feel very tempted to try relaxing again for a while using the Crown & Glory technique to maintain my hair, just to see what the results are. I just need a change that lets me see some GROWTH!
Hey Nappy,

This is a great question. For me, it is about knots. I am nearly at my wits end with having to cut my hair because my ends get ragged. As in my other thread, I am going to start trimming more often to keep them in check.
When I first started out being natural, the shrinkage drove me nuts, then I read a suggestion about running running a warm blowdryer along the shaft of the hair to loosen the curl and that took care of my shrinkage problem. Now, I get rid of the shrinkage or wear it super curly. I love it! I'll never relax again. Now the knots -- that's a different story. I have learned that I cannot go more than a day or two without combing or else I'll definitely pay the price.
neenzmj said:
When I first started out being natural, the shrinkage drove me nuts, then I read a suggestion about running running a warm blowdryer along the shaft of the hair to loosen the curl and that took care of my shrinkage problem. Now, I get rid of the shrinkage or wear it super curly. I love it! I'll never relax again. Now the knots -- that's a different story. I have learned that I cannot go more than a day or two without combing or else I'll definitely pay the price.

Hmm... I might have to try this. Do you run the blowdryer down wet hair?
My main reason is the knots, tangles, and the amount of time it takes to detangle and style. I'm tired of 3 hour (or more) twisting sessions. When my hair was shorter it only took 1.5-2 hours. Cutting my hair is not an option. I've already done the big chop twice...growing it out is a pain in the butt. I've already tried locs....thats the reason for chop #2. So at this point my only other option is to relax or accept the knots and tangles. I'm giving myself a few months before I make any drastic decisions, but I'm sure I'll end up relaxing before the year is out.
My hair is BSL (when totally straight), but shrinks to just above shoulder length when wet. If anyone is interested, I can post some "before and after" pictures showing the difference in the length after I use the blowdryer to loosen the curl. As I said in an earlier post, this has been a tremendous help in helping me get through the hair shrinkage blues.
I don't plan on relaxing anytime soon. I love my natural hair. I have found personally that when my hair is at it's healthiest, and I use the right products for my hair I have no problem with tangles or breakage. I don't mind the shinkage because it comes with being natural.
Not for me. I can accept my shrinkage because that is how God made my hair. I am not concerned about length I am more concerned about the health of my hair.Lately I have been itching to get a relaxer. I have been pressing my hair to curve that desiree.
Natural Hair can be beautiful with shirnkage.
I still got knots and tangle when I was relaxed. Getting a relaxer does not solve all your hair woes. Its how you take care of your hair.
I was itching to get a relaxer because of knots and tangles sabatoging my length. I've learned not to wear styles that causes those by stretching my hair. In the last week, I've been rocking roller sets and getting lots of complements on those. I'm in love with my natural hair all over again...;)
neenzmj said:
My hair is BSL (when totally straight), but shrinks to just above shoulder length when wet. If anyone is interested, I can post some "before and after" pictures showing the difference in the length after I use the blowdryer to loosen the curl. As I said in an earlier post, this has been a tremendous help in helping me get through the hair shrinkage blues.

I wanna see! I wanna see!
I am definately thinking about texlaxing, mainly due to knots and breakage more than anything else, bought my phyto relaxer in January but haven't used it yet. Neva exprienced knotting or the extreme breakage i'm having now when i was relaxed. I've bc'ed 3ce in a space of 2yrs. Very tempted to texlax anytime soon.
This thread is right on time. Puffiness in the summer was my reason for texturizing in the past. I 've made it 2 years without doing it with buns & frenchbraids. I also loved the convenience of doing a co wash, before I even knew it was a technique, use a little mouse & go. I was actually thinking about texturizing in July for this very reason. I can flat iron, but I don't really like the straight look & prefer to spend my time swimming & enjoying the summer instead of spending hours conditioning & styling my hair. If I can get through July 4 without texturizing, I'll be ok without it. But the temptation is very strong:(
I'm not tempted to relax or texlax but again, like many others, the shrinkage bothers me. The part of my hair that shrinks is the crown area and it seems like it's drier than the rest of my hair. I wish someone would come up with a product that will weigh your curls down so that it will diminish the shrinkage. I've tried curly butters but they are not helping. At night I oil my hair and braid it in sections to try to get that area to be less dry but so far nothing's working. Other than that, I love my curls and that Diana Ross- hair-everywhere look. But ideally, I'd rather it looked like her daughter, Tracy Ross. :lol:
The shrinkage doesn't really bother me that much.. However, I don't like that I can't wear my hair straight in the summer.. Which has me itchin' to get a relaxer but I know I will be so upset with myself!! So... I am going to just going to wait it out.. :(
neenzmj said:
When I first started out being natural, the shrinkage drove me nuts, then I read a suggestion about running running a warm blowdryer along the shaft of the hair to loosen the curl and that took care of my shrinkage problem. Now, I get rid of the shrinkage or wear it super curly. I love it! I'll never relax again. Now the knots -- that's a different story. I have learned that I cannot go more than a day or two without combing or else I'll definitely pay the price.
I've posted some pictures of my shrinkage in my fotki. The pics show the stages I go through: soaking wet hair, then shrinkage and finally what it looks like after I stretch it with air from a warm blow dryer applied to the roots. As I mentioned in my original post, this really helped me get past the rough stages of transitioning.