Is rinsing hair in extremely HOT water just as bad as using heat?


New Member
Just wondering...I'm trying to eliminate heat from my regimine except for DCing - however, I love the way extremly hot water feels on my head! :burning: :love: Is this a bad thing? :look:
No, I wouldn't say so.

How many degrees could hot water actually be? It's nowhere near as hot as a flat iron, blow dyer or other appliance.

Just make sure to get that leave in in your hair afterwards :)
I honestly don't think my skin/scalp could take half a second of extremely hot water on it. You must have Teflon coated skin.

A flat iron only touches the hair and we all know how much it hurts when it accidently touches the skin.

I'm not sure you can compare the two simply because they are two different mediums.
I love extremely hot water on my scalps laughs in the face of heat....:lachen:When I used to get my hair washed at the Dominican's they would always say "ooh to hot mami"...:lachen:
As long as it's not boiling hot! If your scalp can withstand it then your hair can too. At least that's my take on it...
Good question, but I can't tolerate HOT H2O on my scalp.:nono:
I LOVE hot water! :lick: But when I'm just coming inside from it being really hot outdoors, I can take a cool shower in a heartbeat. :yep: It looks from the responses that its really not bad since it isn't compared to a blow dryer or flat iron...but it doesn't hurt to be a little more cautious.
I agree with naturalgurl.
plus it helps to get out build up but i would suggest if anyone with long enough hair to fill their sink up or a cup with hot water w/poo..not scolding or boiling of course but as hot as u know ur hair can w/stand, and dip ur hair in it for like 30 sec to a min. grab ur towel and wrap ur hair in it, do another poo w/ regular warm water n rince well, blot dry ur hair w/ a towel...add ur co as usual, rinse ur sink fill it w/ cold water n ice and dip ur hair in the sink and dry as usual.
u've just burst opened ur cuticles to clean thoroughly and snapped shut ur cuticles to lock in co n protect ur hair.
No, I wouldn't say so.

How many degrees could hot water actually be? It's nowhere near as hot as a flat iron, blow dyer or other appliance.

Just make sure to get that leave in in your hair afterwards :)

Co-signing. You have to "cook"/scorch/burn hair to "hurt" it -it's keratin after all. Water hot enough to break protein molecules apart would boil you long before that became an issue, methinks.

It may rough your cuticle up though! Which could leads to mats, tangles, and breakage!
I think it's a very bad idea to rinse hair with hot water. I cringed when I saw the title to this post. When you put hot water on your head, you are opening up the cuticles and that is only good for deep conditioning. You want to seal your cuticles back when you are on your last rinse. You want to rinse with cool water to seal those cuticles before drying or rollersetting your hair.

Even underneath the dryer, the setting is usually placed on cool for 10-15 minutes before a stylist will take the rollers out.

I know that my opinion is in the minority here, but this is just how I feel, what I've been taught, and have learned through trial and error.
I think it's a very bad idea to rinse hair with hot water. I cringed when I saw the title to this post. When you put hot water on your head, you are opening up the cuticles and that is only good for deep conditioning. You want to seal your cuticles back when you are on your last rinse. You want to rinse with cool water to seal those cuticles before drying or rollersetting your hair.

Even underneath the dryer, the setting is usually placed on cool for 10-15 minutes before a stylist will take the rollers out.

I know that my opinion is in the minority here, but this is just how I feel, what I've been taught, and have learned through trial and error.

Why was I reading...shampoo with hot water...i would never suggest RINSING in hot water....:spinning: I just knew I was reading Shampooing....
I think it's a very bad idea to rinse hair with hot water. I cringed when I saw the title to this post. When you put hot water on your head, you are opening up the cuticles and that is only good for deep conditioning. You want to seal your cuticles back when you are on your last rinse. You want to rinse with cool water to seal those cuticles before drying or rollersetting your hair.

Even underneath the dryer, the setting is usually placed on cool for 10-15 minutes before a stylist will take the rollers out.

I know that my opinion is in the minority here, but this is just how I feel, what I've been taught, and have learned through trial and error.

I agree. :yep:
I don't know what you mean by extremely hot. I take very hot showers and wash my hair in hot water. It never caused any bad effect as far as I can tell. Cold rinses make me and my hair miserable. I get the shivers and my hair tangles up. That final cool rinse never did anything for me.
I always rinse my hair in hot water... maybe not as hot as the OP, but pretty warm. I hate cold/lukewarm water on my scalp. Unless it's summer.

I would think that the moisturizing and styling process would smooth out the hair and keep it in good condition.

However, I have rinsed the ends of my hair (not near my scalp) with cold water in the past as an extra measure.

But there is no way that using hot water will horribly damage your hair.

Yes, it may raise your cuticles, but it won't cause any major damage. It's inevitable that we experience SLIGHT damage from regular wear and tear. no one in this world has 100% damage free hair. We can't protect out hair from every little thing.
I read somewhere that it is bad because it dries out your hair....not sure if it is as bad as using direct heat...I used to use hot water in the shower as well but started using warm water b/c of this....