Is Protein Needed for ALL Hair Textures?


New Member
My hair type is 4b and only recently have I been getting my moisture game together and having more moisture in my hair. Lately, my usually dry hair has been feeling super soft to the touch. I'm loving it.

Now I'm aware of the importance of the protein/moisture balance, but I can't see my 4b hair having so much moisture that it feels mushy (which is the big sign you need more protein right)? I'm considering foregoing protein altogether, simply because I think my hair type may thrive on only moisture, and protein may cause it to be dry again.

I dunno, though. Maybe this isn't a good idea? Thoughts???
Im not sure about TEXTURES per se. But all hair needs protien on some level. Whether it has to be add or not is a test that you have to do with your hair to find out what it needs.

Some peoples hair is already naturally protien rich and others is not. This could be for a variety of reasons- diet, medical conditions, heredity, climate, activities such as swimming, etc.

It coud also depend on whether we are talkin about a natural head of hair or relaxed hair.

So...................I guess the answer is NO- not all hair needs protien added.

I've found that since going natural I don't protein regularly anymore. Usually people use protein to reconstruct when they have a relaxer. You might not need it anymore. Or maybe just do a protein treatment once in a blue moon. Also too much protein can lead to shedding.
i try to use the big aphogee every couple months - maybe every 3 months or so.

i think that's why i haven't had any problems with split/weathered ends so it'll always have some place in my regimen.

my hair is not really protein sensitive though.
Thanks for the responses ladies!

Yeah, I remember trying Aubrey's GPB, which is supposed to be a relatively gentle protein treatment, and it made my hair very brittle and hard. In all fairness though, I used it during a time when my moisture levels were not where they should have been.

I plan on trying henna at the end of the month, which is a protein treatment (right?) so we'll see what happens.
If regular protein treatments are too strong, try something natural or milder. Also, try adding organic ingredients into conditioners, like Wheat Germ Oil or Blackstrap Molasses. Also, combination treatments every week are a good idea. If you are natural, your hair might not need protein that sooooo strong.