Is Phyto gentler on the scalp than other relaxers?


Well-Known Member
I have a scalp condition and was advised to stop relaxing.

My hair is at BSL. I understand the risks, but I am just not sure I'm ready to stop relaxing altogether. After much thought, I do not think natural is for me. And cutting off all my hair to start over with something I may hate... I'm not feeling it.

I am wondering if Phyto relaxers seem gentler on the scalp and hair than regular relaxers. I'm wondering if using stretching my relaxers and using a heavy base before using the mildest relaxer I can find might be a workable alternative to doing things I just... I don't want to do if I can possibly avoid it.

Have you experienced burns with Phyto? Does your hair seem stronger after using it than with other relaxers? I did use it once--Index 1, since my hair is fine--but I was left underprocessed and my hair felt hard. I'm willing to try it again with Index 2 if it might be a good overall alternative.
Phyto seems to be hit or miss with people, but it was definitely a HIT for me. With other relaxers (usually TCB) I used to burn and have scabs for days. I mean quarter sized scabs! That's probably one of the reasons I never had a touch-up. :( Anyway, with Phyto Index II I felt nothing. Not even a tingle. I've felt more sensation from conditioners. :ohwell:
The first time I used Index 11 I got burn but that was because I had stopped using MTG 1 week prior to relaxing. I never did that again and never had a tingle from the relaxer in over a year.

If you were adviced not to relax I cannot tell you whether or not it will be gentle on your scalp but for me, every other relaxer burn really fast and phyto has not. It can be drying to the hair though, so you have to take the necessary conditioning precautions when you relax.
Thank you both! I am going to try some other methods to stretch and later I may revisit Phyto. I've also learned about lot about moisturizing lately--like how very much I need to--so I might give this one last go.