Is Omission the same as Lying?


Well-Known Member
Hi Ladies:

I’ve been struggling with this for a while. I’m a naturally very private person, which I am starting to feel like God is trying to crack out/break down in me. Sometimes I will not tell people what’s going on with me or troubles in my life (or troubles of someone close to me). I am wondering if this is the same thing as lying. I guess what I’m saying is, if I omit something, is this the same as lying? For example, if my sister dropped out of college, and I don’t tell everyone, is this lying? Should I tell people these types of things, or not? This is not the example, but it’s one I could think of. If I’m not being clear, please let me know. Thanks ladies!
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For me, it depends on what I'm omitting...:rolleyes:

Seriously, it can be viewed as such. However, it's the motive behind it that I believe that counts and HOW one is omitting information.

Example: When filing income taxes, does one omit additional income? That's lying.

However, there are certain situations when one does not tell all their business. God's word says, 'Do not let the left hand know what the right hand is doing." Also, "...a fool will utter his whole mind."

Many things are meant to be private. God does not compel us to tell all.

On the Internet or unknown 'callers' on our phones, we do not 'tell' all of our personal information or reveal certain matters via email as it is not secure; as it is not a 'safe' environment to do so. When we meet a stranger, we do not reveal all of our personal information. It may bring harm/danger.

Omission is judged via the motive and the personal intent. Is it willful deception to lie, cheat or steal, or is one taking safety precautions or one being kind as to not hurt one's feelings? We do not have to wound/insult a person by saying all we think about them.

Pleading the 5th amendment has its place and rightfully so. God also says be quick to hear and slow to speak. Omission has its place in living right for God. And that's the key, omission is acceptable when it is done right for the right reasons.

I'll never tell my weight :rolleyes:; I'll let you guess instead...:yep:

Hugs angel... :blowkiss:
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For me, it depends on what I'm omitting...:rolleyes:

Seriously, it can be viewed as such. However, it's the motive behind it that I believe that counts and HOW one is omitting information.

Example: When filing income taxes, does one omit additional income? That's lying.

However, there are certain situations when one does not tell all their business. God's word says, 'Do not let the left hand know what the right hand is doing." Also, "...a fool will utter his whole mind."

Many things are meant to be private. God does not compel us to tell all.

On the Internet or unknown 'callers' on our phones, we do not 'tell' all of our personal information or reveal certain matters via email as it is not secure; as it is not a 'safe' environment to do so. When we meet a stranger, we do not reveal all of our personal information. It may bring harm/danger.

Omission is judged via the motive and the personal intent. Is it willful deception to lie, cheat or steal, or is one taking safety precautions or one being kind as to not hurt one's feelings? We do not have to wound/insult a person by saying all we think about them.

Pleading the 5th amendment has its place and rightfully so. God also says be quick to hear and slow to speak. Omission has its place in living right for God. And that's the key, omission is acceptable when it is done right for the right reasons.

I'll never tell my weight :rolleyes:; I'll let you guess instead...:yep:

Hugs angel... :blowkiss:

On time and right usual:yep::yep::yep:
For me, it depends on what I'm omitting...:rolleyes:

Seriously, it can be viewed as such. However, it's the motive behind it that I believe that counts and HOW one is omitting information.

Example: When filing income taxes, does one omit additional income? That's lying.

However, there are certain situations when one does not tell all their business. God's word says, 'Do not let the left hand know what the right hand is doing." Also, "...a fool will utter his whole mind."

Many things are meant to be private. God does not compel us to tell all.

On the Internet or unknown 'callers' on our phones, we do not 'tell' all of our personal information or reveal certain matters via email as it is not secure; as it is not a 'safe' environment to do so. When we meet a stranger, we do not reveal all of our personal information. It may bring harm/danger.

Omission is judged via the motive and the personal intent. Is it willful deception to lie, cheat or steal, or is one taking safety precautions or one being kind as to not hurt one's feelings? We do not have to wound/insult a person by saying all we think about them.

Pleading the 5th amendment has its place and rightfully so. God also says be quick to hear and slow to speak. Omission has its place in living right for God. And that's the key, omission is acceptable when it is done right for the right reasons.

I'll never tell my weight :rolleyes:; I'll let you guess instead...:yep:

Hugs angel... :blowkiss:

Thank you Shimmie, I’m going to PM you!