Is OK to detangle DAMP hair with a brush?


New Member
I'm a little skeptical about this. I'm newly texlaxed so detangling my hair is a bit of a challenge. My stylist just started using a flat brush to softly detangle my hair. Hmm...:perplexed

I voiced my concerns but she promised me it wouldn't hurt my hair. But i'm a fine-haired lady so how can this be beneficial to my hair?!?! She's careful when using the brush - only lightly tapping my hair with it - but still...what happened to a wide-tooth comb!

You guys are the ultimate authority on the matter. So I really wanna know what you think or how you detangle your hair after a wash.

Can someone please tell me if a 3c/4a, fine, dense texlaxed hair can be detangled with a brush?
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You been here long enough to know better. Unless she has a Denman brush in her hand, it would not touch my hair.

And not everyone knows how to use a denman properly.

Why cant she use a wide tooth comb? Why the brush?
Yeah, I know better. That's why i refused to let her do it a second time, but after her persistence I really thought about it. Could she be right? I've been here long enough to know that new hair styling techniques come out that contradict our traditional ideas of healthy hair care. Perfect example - the whole damp flat ironing craze.

Anyho, my stylist claims that a brush is the better detangler for texlaxers and naturals.
Yeah, I know better. That's why i refused to let her do it a second time, but after her persistence I really thought about it. Could she be right? I've been here long enough to know that new hair styling techniques come out that contradict our traditional ideas of healthy hair care. Perfect example - the whole damp flat ironing craze.

Anyho, my stylist claims that a brush is the better detangler for texlaxers and naturals.

I'll be honest and say that I am not sure. BUT, whenever a brush (or a comb) goes near my wet hair... breakage city. I would be careful.
A brush and wet hair do NOT go together. Don't let her do that to your hair. Remember, it going to be your setback, not hers.
I just wached a Traycee hair care video on detangling and she used a brush after using a comb. This was all done on damp hair. I got to thinking about it, and so long as you brush from the bottum to the top it should actually be okay, and may be more detangling. 1. it should be done on damp not soaking wet hair and 2. the increased bristles may detangle the hair better. I think I like detangling with a brush. I just tried it this weekend and I really did not lose that much hair. any hair loss that i have is usually normal shedding with detangling in the shower.

but if you hair is super prone to breakage I'd stay away from brushes and combs and just finger comb.
I always detangle with a brush on my wet, fine, dense, natural hair.
Yes, it's after using both a wide tooth and a medium tooth comb, and yes, it's my Denman - but I really think it depends on your hair. I wouldn't even consider using a brush on my damp/dry hair - talk about breakage city! :nono:
I just wached a Traycee hair care video on detangling and she used a brush after using a comb. This was all done on damp hair. I got to thinking about it, and so long as you brush from the bottum to the top it should actually be okay, and may be more detangling. 1. it should be done on damp not soaking wet hair and 2. the increased bristles may detangle the hair better. I think I like detangling with a brush. I just tried it this weekend and I really did not lose that much hair. any hair loss that i have is usually normal shedding with detangling in the shower.

but if you hair is super prone to breakage I'd stay away from brushes and combs and just finger comb.

Interesting that you say this bc that's what my stylist was explaining to me, and to be fair to her when she used the brush she showed it to me to see that no hairs came out. But my hair's been through 1 year of breakage city so i'm not trying to risk going back there anytime soon.

I always detangle with a brush on my wet, fine, dense, natural hair.
Yes, it's after using both a wide tooth and a medium tooth comb, and yes, it's my Denman - but I really think it depends on your hair. I wouldn't even consider using a brush on my damp/dry hair - talk about breakage city! :nono:

JustKiya! - OCT/MT Queen. Thanks for your input. I think i've decided not to do the brushing damp thing. It's funny...she thinks i'm crazy for flat-ironing my damp hair and I think she's nuts for trying to use a brush on my damp hair.
I know Mason Pearson states you can detangle wet hair with their brushes, but SherryLove will not dare try it.
I prefer to detangle with slightly damp hair.

And don't get me started on the whole wide tooth comb business, what about the tangles in between the teeth of the comb. You simply can't get all the tangles out. During my last 4 month stretch, I detangled weekly with a wide tooth comb. On my relaxer day I was almost crying. There was tiny little tangles all over my head.

Now I wash at night. In the morning my hair is only slightly damp, I add all sorts of detanglers, then I go section by section, first with a wide tooth comb, then with a Mason Pearson Knock off Brush, going from tip to roots. And I can tell you that the hair in the brush is mostly shed hairs; I don't loose much hair this way. For me the loose shed hairs get stuck in my hair and cause major tangles so I have to get them out!
I do it to mine all the time with my Denman Brush. I start from the bottom up and I also use a shower comb in the shower. I still have a head full of hair.
I prefer to detangle with slightly damp hair.

And don't get me started on the whole wide tooth comb business, what about the tangles in between the teeth of the comb. You simply can't get all the tangles out. During my last 4 month stretch, I detangled weekly with a wide tooth comb. On my relaxer day I was almost crying. There was tiny little tangles all over my head.

Now I wash at night. In the morning my hair is only slightly damp, I add all sorts of detanglers, then I go section by section, first with a wide tooth comb, then with a Mason Pearson Knock off Brush, going from tip to roots. And I can tell you that the hair in the brush is mostly shed hairs; I don't loose much hair this way. For me the loose shed hairs get stuck in my hair and cause major tangles so I have to get them out!

ITA with the bolded, omg!! I've been doing the wide tooth comb thing for years and it's true about those dang tangles especially now that I am transitioning so most of my hair is natural. I have moved to a Goody "Denman Knock-off" and I'm loooovin' it. My hair stays tangle free from the day I wash to the next wash day (which is a week). I don't lose extra hair, and my hair sheds a lot less during the week.
