Is Nexxus Emergencee Polymeric Reconstructor considered a protein treatment??

vivEz daNs lamouR

Well-Known Member
Hey ladies!

So due to moving in to my new apt. I've been REALLY slacking on my hair this week. I rocked a braidout for about 5 days or so, but I lacked on the moisturizing so I figured I would do my usual pre-poo and leave it in and then shampoo and bun. Only I got so caught up in everything that I left my pre-poo in (ORS Hair Mayo AND EVOO) for 2 days and as a result I'm overmoisturized.. :wallbash:

Sitting under my Pibbs now with some Sebastian Penetraitt on my hair but thats running low; I found a bottle of Nexxus Emergencee Polymeric Reconstructor in the cabinet (I think my mom bought it) but I don't want to try anything I don't know.

Did some searches but came up short, is this the same thing as Nexxus Emergencee? Is it a mild, medium or heavy protein treatment? Also, if you use it, do you like it?

Any help would be MUCHO appreciated.. :spinning:
Yes, that's the same thing as Nexxus Emergencee. I use Emergencee once or twice a month. I like it. I think it's medium protein.

I use it after clarifying. I appy Emergencee, put on a shower cap, let it sit while I wash up & shave, then I rinse out Emergencee and wash with a moisturizing shampoo, then DC under the dryer with a moisturizing conditioner.

Once I used Emergencee without shampooing afterwards - I just rinsed it out, then did my DC - and my hair turned out fine.