is my regi right ? ? Advise please :-)


New Member
okay , hello everyone . I'm new to the forum . Well with posting that is . Ok so I'm trying to develop a good regi for myself . Right now I am relaxed , my last relaxer was may 26th so yeah I guess I'm stretching ! Lol . I'm just trying to challenge myself and see how long I go without heat or having to relax . As of now I am wearing a phony donut bun . Underneth my ends are baggy-ed up . I mosturize & seal everynight . I either just use Care Free Curl , S-curl and water that I mix in a spray bottle or Profective Daily Anti breakage strengthener . I seal with an oil mix of tea tree , evoo , evco , jojoba and a little mtg . I also massage my scalp daily . I am currently between sl & apl . Oh yeah , I pre poo , poo & dc once weekly with evco , m&t andd profective dc . My regi has been built solely on the advise , tips & tricks here on the forum . I'm just scared that I'm doing too muchhh . ADVISE ? ? Oh and I ps to the fullest . Sorry for any typos I'm on my cell phoneee .
it looks like a solid regimen to me. you've got a lot of good things in there: stretching, bunning, baggying, M&S, scalp massaging, prepooing, DCing. just stick with it for about three months and note if you see changes in your hair, either good or bad.
it looks like a solid regimen to me. you've got a lot of good things in there: stretching, bunning, baggying, M&S, scalp massaging, prepooing, DCing. just stick with it for about three months and note if you see changes in your hair, either good or bad.

okay , thank you so very much . i'll try to hang in there . I have to work on my patience !
It looks ok, busy, but sounds like a good plan over all. How long have you been doing all this and how is it working for you so far?
I agree with the other ladies,
Sound's like u're off to a great start :yep:
Keep us updated (especially with pics! we love pics! :lick:)
It looks ok, busy, but sounds like a good plan over all. How long have you been doing all this and how is it working for you so far?

I started this reggie about three weeks ago. .as of right now my hair is doing fine . I was worried that I was going to have a lot of breakage but nope , not so much .
OK 3 weeks is way too soon to tell, but just keep watching and monitoring your hair looking for how it responds to your treatment, and I'm sure you're gunna notice some nice growth. If anything doesn't seem to be working you can easily change it.