Is my hair not growing?


Active Member
I have had my braids in now for 5 1/2 weeks. (My last retouch was around February 8th.) I know that I mentioned in a previous post that my mom, who is not a professional, braided my hair and I was really ademate about her not braiding it too tight and so braids are falling out. No problem, she puts them back in for me. Anyway, when the braids fall out, I examine my hair. It is in great condition, but it doesn't look like it's growing. I've been washing (CO) or rinsing 3-4 times a week and 1 shampoo wash per week. I can't tell by my new growth anymore because my new growth is so soft now, thanks to you guys. I really can't tell my new growth from my relaxed hair at this point. Maybe I am tripping. Is it possible to notice growth this way?
i can only tell you my experiences with braids. my hair did grow really fast but my end broke off. maybe that is whats happening with your hair???
Hi butterfly7,

I'm sure your hair is growing. The funny thing about hair is that if you watch it too closely, it looks like there's nothing happening. Also, 5 1/2 weeks may not be enough time to see a very noticable amount of growth. Give it some time.
Whoa! I hope that's not what's happening.


You are probably right. I am very impatient. I am taking them out in about 3 weeks and hopefully I will have some different news. Are you able to notice your growth in a month's time? People are always saying how much they have achieved in a month, well I can't tell.
Unfortunately, I don't see much growth in 4-5 weeks. The little that I do see isn't worth mentioning. After about 2 months I can see much more growth.
I'm somewhat in the same boat .. without the braids portion. I'm in nearing my 8th week since my touch up. I see very minimal growth. I do have to admit that my ends are breaking/damaged. I had my mom trim them this weekend and I also used the aphoghee shampoo/treatment/conditioner. It could be that my new growth is so soft I don't see any growth, but I do not think that is the case. I'm not sure why my hair is not growing either... so I am experimenting with washing my hair more often.
Hi Butterfly,

I am a lurker but can relate to your issue. I also notice since I have been on this board my new growth is a lot like my relaxed hair and I am a 4a/b. But braids can be tricky. Does your hair shed at all? For my hair I cannot keep braids in for more than 3 weeks because my hair sheds too much and I end up not getting the growth I want. Plus I have terrible split ends when I keep them in too long. I think my hair shrinks anyway in between touch ups so I really have to relax it to tell how much new growth I have gotten.


I don't think my ends are splitting. When the braids come out, I put oil on the ends before rebraiding them. I don't know about the shedding because I haven't really done much combing. I run my fingers through, best I can and I don't notice much hair on my finger tips. Hopefully my hair just shrinks a lot like yours. You're scaring me though. Maybe I should take my braids out sooner.
No, No I dont mean to scare you!
I am just giving my experience. I mean some people their hair grows a lot with braids and others it just doesnt produce the same results. But if your hair is not shedding or spliting then I dont see how it could be bad. We have a different hair type so that could explain why my hair responds differently. Do you use synthetic hair with your braids or your own hair? I also noticed when I dont add weave to my hair while its braided I get way more new growth. But again this is just my experience. Sometimes it takes a while of doing something to really find out what works best.
I use synthetic. My hair is pretty short right now. I am thinking I might just go ahead and take it down this weekend. It wont' be two months, ( 6 weeks) but oh well.

Quick question - how much growth are you looking for in a given period when you have your braids in?

Just a thought - if you are basing your growth possibilities on testimonials from the baord, bear in mind that many people who think they've gotten an INCH (!) in 3 weeks (!!) have most likely gotten anywhere from a half to 3/4 of an inch with the rest being due to a phenomenon known as SLIPPAGE. The braids SLIP as they get older, making it APPEAR as if there is far more "growth" than they actually have in's an honest mistake, but one that if you are reading about it can drive you CRAZY if you're newish to hair growing and if you're using braids to cut donw on manipulation.

If you try to get handle on what you'd like to get and then wait until the braids are out and you've straightened your hair to see where it really falls (don't get a trim in between either or you won't get a real sense) you might be less discouraged.

Hope it all turns out well.
But don't be discouraged so easily. Your hair IS growing girl. Maybe not as fast as you want (which you can maybe even change!) but it IS growing.
Your hair is growing it just depends on the rate ur hair grows. Ive had my hair in for about 3weeks and i have noticeable gowth
I'm not an expert here, but I believe that it's breakage... especially if your hair is in a permanent because the bonds of the hair are weakened then. Of course everyone's hair is different. I wish you the best.