Is my hair immune?


New Member
<font color="purple"> I just tried L'oreal's unfrizz smoothing treatment for the first time, everyone raved about how soft it left their hair, but it didn't work on mine.
My hair was moderately soft, but there was no silky feeling or incredible slip? Even with Keracare's humecto conditioner, it softens my hair but no slip, it's as if my hair is immune.
The only conditioner that has given my hair slip (sometimes) is Pantene's smooth and sleek, relaxed and natural conditioners as long I don't use them more than once or twice in a row, but I don't like the waxy feeling they leave. Motion's CPR consistantly leaves my hair with slip, but otherwise I'm having no luck with conditioners what so ever and I don't know why. I feel so left out of the Lust Loop, but more important in desperate need of a conditioner that works

Has anyone else had this experience with conditioners? Should I continue to use them until I see results? I tend to move on to another conditioner if they don't work the first or second time. </font>
This is a classic example that what works well on one person's hair may not work as well or at all on another's. If the CPR consistently gives you slip, I would say use that EXCEPT I would be concerned as to whether or not its safe to use on a consistent basisi since it's supposedly for hair breakage.

There are a few conditioners that I've tried that didn;t work on me but worked for everyone else. I kinda wish the LUST didn't work on my hair so well, because this is gonna be expensive since the jar is so small.

But, I didn't like Pantene Smooth and SLeek the first few times I tried it and one day it just worked. Maybe the same will happen to you. As long as you still have a bottle, it doesn;t hurt to try. However, I did the same with the ORS Hair Mayo and by the last application I was thoroughly convinced that it wasn't the conditioner for me--I tried to like it but the last time I lost more hair than usual--I was too through.

If I were you however, I would be on the look for a moisturizing conditioner that gives slip so that I wouldn;t always have to use the CPR.

Good luck!
I have a suggestion. Since your hair loves the CPR, why don't you try the Motions Moisture Plus Conditioner?? It has silicone and it definitely gives SLIP!!!:)
i don't think anything is wrong. it could just be that your hair doesn't like -cones. i think all the products you mentioned have some. i KNOW the serums do. or it could be that you have product buildup, which will make your hair react differently. it could be anything. i've had different results than alot of people as well on some products. don't give up, girl!
The LUST didn't do a think for me either. The Pantene smooth &amp; sleek or relax and natural conditioners work better on my hair. I haven't tried the keracare humecto but I was thinking about trying it. Now I wonder if I should even bother. My hair loves the motions CPR too by the way
I have a suggestion. Since your hair loves the CPR, why don't you try the Motions Moisture Plus Conditioner?? It has silicone and it definitely gives SLIP!!!:)

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Motions Moisture Plus is one of those conditioners that gave me no slip whatsoever--and I really wanted it to becasue I love the consistency and the price!!
How long did you leave the Humecto in your hair? You have to keep it on for 15-20 minutes inorder to receive slip.

Good Luck,

Hi MissB, I left the humecto in for 15 minutes with heat.
I believe Motion's CPR has cones, but my hair loves it, I have the moisture plus but it didn't work for my hair and I felt that it was just a 2 minute conditioner without any really pentrating ingredients, but that was a while ago perhaps I'll try it again soon.

Thanks Adrienne for cheering me up, I guess my conditioner search will have to continue.

Since our hair both liked the Motion's CPR any conditioners that you also like very much?
Why don't you try adding Olive Oil to your conditoner. I've done this with Lekir Cholestrol. Great slip. When I use the Lekir alone I don't get the same results. I hope this helps.
The motions moisture plus is great!! It will give a baldheaded person slip

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I like the Suave Naturals Coconut and Freesia conditioners. The Aubrey's GPB gives my hair slip too if I sit under the dryer for about 20 minutes with it on. It's a protein conditioner so you still want to use a moisturising conditioner afterwards.

I have noticed that lately, since I've been spraying my hair daily with a mixture of water,glycerin and a little lavender oil, my hair is not as dry. Since it's not as dry, the conditioners are starting to give me more slip. I just started that this week so, I'll see if it continues. By the way, I rarely use shampoo. Condioner washes only work best for me and I don't get build up.