Is my hair becoming more resistant to relaxers?


Well-Known Member
I've noticed that my hair no longer becomes bone straight after relaxing but is more texlaxed. I've been using the same stylist (who as far as I know uses the same technique) and the same kit (ORS Lye, Regular Strength) with the same application time. There's a pretty significant different between my straight ends and "texlaxed" roots.

Though I actually like the texture, I'm curious about what is happening. Has someone else had the same experience? Have you ever had to lengthen the application time or move to a higher strength after some time? TIA.
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bosswitch said:

Yes, that always happened to me after using a relaxer a couple of months, I asked a beautician and they can't seem to answer my question, but I usually switched up every six months or so, I know exactly what you mean and I have no answer, I have been going to my new beautician and I don't know what relaxer she uses but it seems to always work for some reason, I have used so many different relaxers and heard that it's not good for your hair but it never broke my hair off, but if I want a relaxer it better look like I have gotten one or that would defeat the purpose. My solution would be to switch back and forth between only two perms and keep it that simple, especially if both were good to your hair (didn't break your hair and results was nice)