is MTG safe to digest?


New Member
I know this sounds a bit crazy but my nieice who's 19 is dying to grow her hair out and from reading about MTG she decided to give it a go. I told her to read the instructions carefully before starting but this crazy girl reads on the back that MTG is non-toxic if taken orally and to just consult your doctor before doing so. So now, she is taken 1tbsp. of MTG every day before bed, yuck! She says she rather do it that way cause she can't handle the smell. I am concerned about her cause I don't know the side effects of using it this way. What do you think about this??

Public fotki coming soon!

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:lachen: :lachen: I'm sorry I know its wrong of me to laugh at your neice, but she just sounds a little :nuts:. I wouldn't be suprised if any of the ladies from LHCF have secretly tried the very same thing :sekret:, only future responses will tell. I'd be too afraid of what it could possibly do to my system :eek:. If it smells that bad on the outside, I can only imagine what it would smell like after a trip through the body :nono:.
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OMG ...she should not do that. Just b/c they state its non toxic doesn't mean to drink it. Tell her to get some MSM...she can drink that.
senimoni said:
OMG ...she should not do that. Just b/c they state its non toxic doesn't mean to drink it. Tell her to get some MSM...she can drink that.

I have to agree... I'm adventurous but...gotta draw the line on this one....
I would remind her about the real use of the product... that it is used to treat horse fungus infections and that she should definitely not ingest it. No telling what's in it... and it is not manufactured for human consumption!
Have your neice take the bottle directly to her doctor or at the very least a pharmacist who can give her knowledgable information about how the different chemicals in MTG could possibly affect her. This just does not sound good at all :(
Diane71 said:
I know this sounds a bit crazy but my nieice who's 19 is dying to grow her hair out and from reading about MTG she decided to give it a go. I told her to read the instructions carefully before starting but this crazy girl reads on the back that MTG is non-toxic if taken orally and to just consult your doctor before doing do. So now, she is taken 1tbsp. of MTG every day before bed, yuck! She says she rather do it that way cause she can't handle the smell. I am concerned about her cause I don't know the side effects of using it this way. What do you think about this??

Public fotki coming soon!

I don't know if your neice is gully, dedicated or really, really, really trying to hard too grow her hair...:lol:
If it kills fungus at least we know she doesn't have any in her system....:lachen:
Too much... I say call your doctor & ask out of curiosity... See what they'll say!!! Keep us posted on this one!!!:look:
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Taking this stuff orally w/o Dr's advice definitely sounds like a very bad idea. However I will say that I am VERY sensitive to anti-biotics so I avoid them like the plague. So the Dr often will prescribe sulfur for me instead of the "penicilian" type stuff. It works fine for me and no adverse reactions. It seems to take longer to work than antibiotics but is much more compatibile w/my system... So I said all of that to say she probably isnt gonna die from the sulfur but u dont know what else is in there...
Unless she is competing in the Kentucky Derby any time soon, I will have to say no. For one she highly unlikely weigh as much as a horse since medicines affect humans and horses at different rates. And two, sulfur may be dangerous if she consumes a large amount. Anyways tell your neice to apply on the hair and nowhere else.
IMO I would not do it! However, if you are really concerned, email the people @ Shapley's and see what they have to say about ingesting MTG...
I spoke with a friend who has horses and is familiar with products like MTG. She says the disclaimer about ingesting MTG refers to horses, not humans. She also was like, WTH????? Tell your niece to back away from the MTG. As somebody else says, she should probably go to her doc for a checkup to make sure no harm has been done.
I would take your neice to a physician ASAP, you dont want anything terrible to happen to her, just cause she wanted some long hair. :(
carmend said:
Taking this stuff orally w/o Dr's advice definitely sounds like a very bad idea. However I will say that I am VERY sensitive to anti-biotics so I avoid them like the plague. So the Dr often will prescribe sulfur for me instead of the "penicilian" type stuff. It works fine for me and no adverse reactions. It seems to take longer to work than antibiotics but is much more compatibile w/my system... So I said all of that to say she probably isnt gonna die from the sulfur but u dont know what else is in there...
Hi Carmend - not sure if you actually meant sulphur or sulfa drugs :confused:
Thats a good question.:grin: I thought I was taking acutal sulfur but I will have to double check w/the Dr.... Maybe I just assumed he was speaking ebonics and translated sulfa as sulfur :D

balisi said:
Hi Carmend - not sure if you actually meant sulphur or sulfa drugs :confused:
ugh... please call her doctor and make sure that she is alright. Ugh.. what if I took a tablespoon of Creme of Nature Shampoo to clean my hair? lol ugh...
I certainly would not ingest it, especially, since others have said that all of the ingredients are NOT listed on the bottle. I hope that this will not harm her in any way.
She really should be examined by a physician. I know that Shapley's does not want to tell anyone what the ingredients are, but, in this case they should tell you or her. If they refuse, then, have her doctor to call them and explain the situation. Hopefully, they will at least, disclose it to him/her. Who knows what's in there that may not be fit for human consumption.

Please, keep us updated!
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Ok, here's the update on my neice who's been taking MTG orally since 4/5/05. She buzzed me last night and said that she has been breaking out really bad and having problems going to the bathroom. She definitely blames the MTG on her ailments and I told her to stop immediately and go to the doctor. She also told me that she got no new growth whatsoever which I figured would happen.
I'm just glad she's okay and did'nt have any major problems from that stuff.
:lachen: I am sooo sorry but i found that to be very funny...... :lachen:

But on a serious note...tell her to see a doctor. If not a human doctor then a vet. :lachen: :lachen:
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Diane71 said:
Ok, here's the update on my neice who's been taking MTG orally since 4/5/05. She buzzed me last night and said that she has been breaking out really bad and having problems going to the bathroom. She definitely blames the MTG on her ailments and I told her to stop immediately and go to the doctor. She also told me that she got no new growth whatsoever which I figured would happen.
I'm just glad she's okay and did'nt have any major problems from that stuff.

To me, it sounds like she is having major problems. The symptoms she's described to you are things that she can see and feel and are bad enough, but who knows what else is going on inside her body right now. :(

This is my first time reading this thread and I was not familiar with this product until I did. I was concerned for your niece's health right away and more so when I read that this is a product for horses. Please, please make sure she sees a doctor. Hound her until she does and go with her if you are near her and she wants support.

I have a 19 year old niece, too, and if I'd heard that she was doing this I'd be very worried about her health and her general state of mind. It's one thing for a very young child to taste something that is inedible and dangerous once, but for a 19 year old to do that repeatedly is very scary. Now she is breaking out and can't go to the bathroom. :(

Are her parents around and are they caring people? If so, I think you should encourage her to let them know what is going on. I know you probably don't want to go behind her back and tell them yourself because, technically, she is an adult. But really, this is not adult behavior on your niece's part and her symptoms sound very scary.

Please continue to let us know how she's doing.
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I'm sorry but that's just RETARDED!

Why would she do that?????

I'm sure they put that on the bottle to appease owners because HELLOOO HORSES LICK THEMSELVES!!

Would she rub aspirin on her skin and expect it to work?
Would she drink lotion and expect not to be ashy?
The don't even tell you to put in in the HORSES food!!!
Why would she think something that is purposely formulated for TOPICAL use work when ingested???

I'm sorry but she sounds a little special. Get her silly ass to a vet asap.
being that the ingredients are a mystery she really should not have :alcoholic it!!!! Tell her to down some protien shakes!
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Diane71 said:
Ok, here's the update on my neice who's been taking MTG orally since 4/5/05. She buzzed me last night and said that she has been breaking out really bad and having problems going to the bathroom. She definitely blames the MTG on her ailments and I told her to stop immediately and go to the doctor. She also told me that she got no new growth whatsoever which I figured would happen.
I'm just glad she's okay and did'nt have any major problems from that stuff.

If you can, please, go w/ her to a doctor or the ER to be thoroughly examined. If she does go by herself, she just might be too embarassed to tell them what she did, but they will need to know. Also, take the bottle of Shapley's MTG w/ you all b/c they will probably want to see it.

I hope that she feels better, soon.