Is mousse bad for your hair?

so so chic

Active Member
I am under the dryer at a new salon as I type, and when the stylists did my rollerset, she used mousse to set it. I have been going to the dominicans for forever, and they only use like a moisturizer or something (that Salerm stuff). Anyways, they only use A LITTLE product, and they will spray water on your hair as needed. Well, this stylist just kept applying mousse to my hair if it was drying up, before she would roll it. Is this bad? I just really need to know because I'm trying to get to waist length, and i'm in the bootcamp, and i DO NOT NEED ANY setbacks :) . Please somebody tell me will this harm my hair, and if next time (if there is one) I should bring my own moisturizer and ask her to use water. If this is no big deal, then just let me know :) . Thanks.
From my experience mousse isn't bad for the hair. I used to use it for at home roller sets. It just gives the style more hold. If you want a softer style that you can comb out then don't have her use mousse next time.
Thanks...I do want a more softer style; I DON'T want my hair to be hard. Will the mousse dry my hair out?

My hair is hard, i just took one of the rollers out. I hate hard hair. Next time I'll just have to say no mousse. Thanks ladies.
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When I was relaxed I loved using mousse to rollerset my hair. My hair didn't take nearly as long to dry with mousse as opposed to a setting lotion. My rollersets lasted also very well. I actually stopped using setting lotion for a long time after I did my first rollerset with a mousse. But I will be honest about watching the amount of mousse you use. Some of them will make your hair hard as a brick so you gotta make sure you don't use too much.
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I use mouse to define my curls when I air dry. Just make sure the mouse you buy does not contain alcohol ( because most do) or it will dry the hair out if used a lot.