Is Lanolin Good for Hair?


Well-Known Member
Hi, all. I was wondering what are your thoughts on lanolin. My hair has been extremely dry lately, and out of desperation I applied pure lanolin to the ends. It feels soft & looks shiny, but is there any reason it shouldn't be used for hair?
Well, lanolin is a heavier oil and I don't think it would be a good to use during the summer. Since it's so heavy, you may want to try using during the winter. It's easier for your hair to gather up dust particles becaue of the lanolin's thick consistency.
lanolin is sheeps sebum - some ppl dont like using lanolin (vegetarians, vegans) because it is an animal by product. Some persons skin do react to it, so you need to keep an eye on your skin just in case that happens.

also, its best if you mixed it with a lighter oil, but hey, if it works with how you are doing it, have fun.

My friend, who has been losing her hair, was told by her dermatologist to stop using products with lanolin, alone with mineral oil.
The problem with heavy lubricants like lanolin, petroleum, and mineral oil is that they clog pores, so you should never grease your scalp with them. The other problem is that they are hard to wash out and therefore tend to leave a buildup. BUT I think that if it works for you use it, just do something to counterect its effects. Like do a vinegar rinse to get rid of the buildup and put it on your ends and not on your scalp.
If you wash with a good clarifying shampoo you should not have a problem getting products with lanolin or mineral oil out of your hair. The only thing that I've ever had a hard time washing out of my hair was the one time that I experimented with Vaseline.
I used to use pure lanolin on my hair. I got the idea from when I stayed at a farm here in Australia. (I'm here for the semester.) The farmer had two sheep and he gave us a tuft of wool as a souvenir. When we remarked how soft it was he said, "It's 'coz o' the lanolin." (I loved his accent, lol!) Then I walked by the store and was like "Hey, my hair is kinda like wool. It worked for the sheep!!" LOL I can't use it anymore since it is winter here in Australia and the lanolin has become too solid. I don't want to use the dorm microwave to soften it, I might mess it up and smell up the whole dorm! It was really good on damp hair though. I used to wash my hair, and then wait till it was damp, then put the lanolin (not too much!) on each section of my hair as I braided it. When I picked my Afro out in the morning, my hair was sooo soft, (except for my ends which is scab hair that I have yet to cut out) and the softness lasted until I washed my hair. It's not that good on dry hair, just good to seal in the moisture of damp hair. I never put it on my scalp though, it's too heavy and will definitely clog pores. Besides my scalp produces enough oil, it's getting it down to the ends of the hair that's the problem. I don't now how it would work on relaxed hair though.
Okay, now I know I'm not the only one who has tried pure lanolin, but it really smells horrible. It smells like a zoo! I recently found another product that contains lanolin & doesn't smell bad. I use it on my wet hair & I experience the same softness.
I've been using this for a while and it is amazing. My ends are supple and stay moisturized for almost a week. When I use this as a sealant consistently, my retention is insane and no SSKs. I use it on damp hair after my leave in and before any stylers.

I use 1 part lanolin (melted), 1 part Sunny Isle JCBO pure butter, 1 part avocado oil, EO for scent. I try to make it a "hair grease" texture. I also find that my curl pattern is more defined.
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I've been using this for a while and it is amazing. My ends are supple and stay moisturized for almost a week. When I use this as a sealant consistently, my retention is insane and no SSKs. I use it on damp hair after my leave in and before any stylers.

I use 1 part lanolin (melted), 1 part Sunny Isle JCBO pure butter, 1 part avocado oil, EO for scent. I try to make it a "hair grease texture. I also find that my curl pattern is more defined.

Thanks for the update! Do you find that it's difficult to wash out?
I've been using this for a while and it is amazing. My ends are supple and stay moisturized for almost a week. When I use this as a sealant consistently, my retention is insane and no SSKs. I use it on damp hair after my leave in and before any stylers.

I use 1 part lanolin (melted), 1 part Sunny Isle JCBO pure butter, 1 part avocado oil, EO for scent. I try to make it a "hair grease" texture. I also find that my curl pattern is more defined.

Glad to hear it has been working for you. I use lanolin in my body butter and use it on my hair as well. My hair has been happy with it.

How do you like the Sunny Isle JCBO pure butter (never heard of it)? I am looking for a pomade/sealer.
Glad to hear it has been working for you. I use lanolin in my body butter and use it on my hair as well. My hair has been happy with it.

How do you like the Sunny Isle JCBO pure butter (never heard of it)? I am looking for a pomade/sealer.
It's heavy on its own and the smell is a little strong, so that's why I dilute it and add EO. I like the mix as a sealer. Is your body butter like a shea whip or a store-bought one?
It's heavy on its own and the smell is a little strong, so that's why I dilute it and add EO. I like the mix as a sealer. Is your body butter like a shea whip or a store-bought one?
Hmm, I may have to try it. Sounds good. I make my own body butter - a shea whip - with shea butter, cocoa butter, coconut oil, grape seed oil, olive oil, and lanolin. It too easy to make to justify buying. :P
Hmm, I may have to try it. Sounds good. I make my own body butter - a shea whip - with shea butter, cocoa butter, coconut oil, grape seed oil, olive oil, and lanolin. It too easy to make to justify buying. :p
Oooh! I'm gonna add lanolin to my shea butter mix. Thanks for sharing. My mix is similar, but the only difference is that I swap out the GS oil for avocado.