Is it UNprofessional...PIC included

Fine 4s

Well-Known Member
to wear various styles or too many different hair styles to work? For example one day you got a bun, the next day you got twists, the day after that you have a style within the twists styles and the next a twist-out, the last day of the week an updo. Monday, straightened etc.

Folks have made comments about my hair style today (it's in twists with the back up and 4 twists swept to the side always in my face lol). A woman I don't see often stated 'I love your hair' and another responded 'she always does cute styles with her hair.'

If people notice your hair or clothes more than your work, is that a problem or does it merely complement your work? Do you produce good work AND you look professional? Should work be the place to showcase the many styles I can do with my hair even if each style is professional?

Should one keep style diversity to a minimum?
[/B] Keep in mind I'm not exploring the topic of what styles are appropriate for the work environment but how many styles should one do in one week or a month (whatever).


PS - Not sure why the pics came out so grainy since it wasn't taken on a cell phone...
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I think it depends on where you work and what type of job you are doing...someone working at a dentist office with the hair, attire, many visible tattoos, and piercings of a tattoo artist gets the :rolleyes: from me.

The style in the pic doesn't look unprofessional.
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I used to change my hair once a week b/c I'd do it differently on the weekend.

These ppl (white) acted so confused. :perplexed

No matter what hairstyle you wear. as long as it's neat it should be ok.
These ppl will have you wearing limp, lifeless hair everyday if they could:nono:
Interesting question! In my opinion, just as long as the hairstyles are not "out there", then it's ok to change it up. Sometimes it's good to be noticed...if you remain in the same hairstyles and fashion over and over again, you just blend into the crowd. I notice the people in my line of work (executive legal office) the professional women wear different business suits and dresses, and change their hairstyes on a regular basis.
Thank you ladies!
What do you think about rocking various styles in the same week as in the example.

I think folks get VERY confused. They don't get how my hair is long one day and short the next and loc-like another day! I've even confused my own people.

OK, back to the question. Let's focus on the NUMBER of styles not whether something is professional or not. I need help with this ladies...

I just remembered a did a similar style 2 years ago. Let's see how different the front of my hair looks from the pic in this thread:

Hmmm...not that impressive I see. lol
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I think you should have the freedom to wear different styles as long as it's professional. If you want to wear your hair in a different style everyday that is totally up to you. I know when I wear a bun everyday and then all of sudden straighten my hair or do something outside of the bun people take notice. In the end it's entirely up to you as long as your not in a Law Office rocking a Blue mowhawk I dont see what the problem is. I think others need to realize what grows out of our heads and accept the versitility that we own and be okay with that. Just becuase we can do things with our hair that others can't shouldn't be cause for alarm.
I have a TWA, but I do different things through out the week. One day I might do a wash and go, puff the next, twists the next etc, etc. I do get a lot of good comments at work also and a lot of people pulling me to the side to ask questions. But I think it's fine as long as I make sure I look professional (I usually wear slacks, shirt and zip up sweater, sometimes a skirt). Actually my boss complimented me on my creativity. I think wearing multiple hairstyles proves to some that you are well groomed and taking care of the hair vs wearing a hairstyle that is several weeks old and looking kind of unkempt (sp?).
IMO it dosen't matter how often you switch up as long as it's well kempt. Now if you do extreme colors like bright red, blue, green, pink, etc. then it would be 2 much IMO.
I change my hair so many times its not funny. I am always getting questions or comments. Sometimes its my hair, sometimes it isn't but I like it, so I wear it. But as someone else pointed out I have tats as well so maybe that is why I have that opinion.:rolleyes: My hair isn't offensive so I don't see the problem. I am the one standing in the bathroom forever (sometimes) doing it. And I just practice things to say to get people to leave me alone quickly (polite things). I don;t get why ppl can't just say I like your hair" and leave it at that...:rolleyes:
IMO it dosen't matter how often you switch up as long as it's well kempt. Now if you do extreme colors like bright red, blue, green, pink, etc. then it would be 2 much IMO.

IDK i guess I don't really have a problem with that either as long as it is neat as well.
You have to make the call. What style is professional or not is determined by whom (Human Resources, your boss, your peers, LHCF)? If you are working on a Tyler Perry film then your choice of style may be seen differently than if you are working on a KKK documentary (JK).

I wish the world was different but it's not. I would hate to encourage you to wear what you want and then you are placed on the "Time to replace her list", "She's a militant list", 'The Movement List", etc. :perplexed

I want you to be beautiful and employed :yep:
I have a TWA, but I do different things through out the week. One day I might do a wash and go, puff the next, twists the next etc, etc. I do get a lot of good comments at work also and a lot of people pulling me to the side to ask questions. But I think it's fine as long as I make sure I look professional (I usually wear slacks, shirt and zip up sweater, sometimes a skirt). Actually my boss complimented me on my creativity. I think wearing multiple hairstyles proves to some that you are well groomed and taking care of the hair vs wearing a hairstyle that is several weeks old and looking kind of unkempt (sp?).

Interesting perspective. I don't observe too many of them with 'old' styles or with much versatility for that matter unless they dye their hair. The white women in my office tend to stick to buns, half up, hair down, or ponies. The concept of 'old' hair may be more in our culture no? I think of old finger waves or the plastered down pony. Is that the visual that was in your mind when you wrote the above too?

I think I got a grip on it now ladies. Thanks!
IDK i guess I don't really have a problem with that either as long as it is neat as well.


If you dye it black, brown and blonde all in one month? Is switching up too often equally as unprofessional as the 'extreme' styles?
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Interesting perspective. I don't observe too many of them with 'old' styles or with much versatility for that matter unless they dye their hair. The white women in my office tend to stick to buns, half up, hair down, or ponies. The concept of 'old' hair may be more in our culture no? I think of old finger waves or the plastered down pony. Is that the visual that was in your mind when you wrote the above too?

I think I got a grip on it now ladies. Thanks!

:yep:Those styles you mentioned are good examples. But I think it goes both ways.When some of the white women I work with are in need of a trim, color/ highlight retouch, etc, I notice it on them also. Honestly I have the same thought for them which is "time for a beauty day". It's a woman thing, not so much a "culture" thing imo.
OK so if you do black, brown and blonde? Is switching up too often equally as unprofessional as the 'extreme' styles?

Like a poster said before, extreme would be determined by your superiors at your place of employment. I PERSONALLY don't have an issue with colors and what not, but you (not really YOU but ppl) are not being judged by me or LHCF but by their boss and HR. Where I work I had a hot pink asymmetrical bob for 3 months (I am an engineer), everyone thought it was so cool. To get back on topic I change at LEAST once a week usually two or three times and I just can't see the quantity of haristyle being an issue.

Did I answer your question. If I didn't can you explain what you meant.
it is important to understand the pulse of your work environment...

and you can learn that with time---i dont ever wanna distract ppl aka upper managment with a hairstyle or etc---every job envir has a pulse and you kinda sorta assimilate to it...via style of ppl..what types of jokes to tell etc etc

now i know u cant control co-workers commenting on your change of hairstyle--but as long as it doesnt create a problem or distraction it would appear okay--i work in a entertainment environment and watch the way i dress and wear my hair--because there is a certain level of distraction i want to have at any given time---anything on you can be distracting but we can control the overall message we want to send

eta--with clr ppl any hairstyle we do is so wowwwwwwwwwwww--so i also think that has alot to do with it as well..
It seems that the coworkers comments were positive so maybe you shouldn't worry too much. As long as the styles are professional and non-distracting, I don't see why anyone would care.
it is important to understand the pulse of your work environment...

and you can learn that with time---i dont ever wanna distract ppl aka upper managment with a hairstyle or etc---every job envir has a pulse and you kinda sorta assimilate to it...via style of ppl..what types of jokes to tell etc etc

now i know u cant control co-workers commenting on your change of hairstyle--but as long as it doesnt create a problem or distraction it would appear okay--i work in a entertainment environment and watch the way i dress and wear my hair--because there is a certain level of distraction i want to have at any given time---anything on you can be distracting but we can control the overall message we want to send

eta--with clr ppl any hairstyle we do is so wowwwwwwwwwwww--so i also think that has alot to do with it as well..

I totally agree with this whole statement
I have had a lot of hairstyles while at my job. But I make an effort to not change day to day. I usually go a few months before I change a hair style. I don't think it is a big deal to change from day to day if you wear buns vs down vs roller set. But I wear wigs and braids a lot. If it was up to me I'd change my wig everyday to work. But I think I would feel uncomfortable doing that.
I have had a lot of hairstyles while at my job. But I make an effort to not change day to day. I usually go a few months before I change a hair style. I don't think it is a big deal to change from day to day if you wear buns vs down vs roller set. But I wear wigs and braids a lot. If it was up to me I'd change my wig everyday to work. But I think I would feel uncomfortable doing that.

1. Perhaps not so extreme. How about flattwist, twist out, buns and wig. Is that too much? What is too much?

2. Why would you feel uncomfortable changing wigs everyday to work?
I used to change my hairstyle every month either going from braids to weaves and this one yt man use to introduce himself to every time. I had to tell him we have met b4 but after awhile he realized that the company did not hire a new black woman every month but it was the chick, me! He said b/c I was constantly changing my hair, he didn't recognize me. I'm like whateva, I guess look way different every time. Smh:nono:
It seems that the coworkers comments were positive so maybe you shouldn't worry too much. As long as the styles are professional and non-distracting, I don't see why anyone would care.

I absolutely think they were positive as well...It got me pondering though...
I used to change my hairstyle every month either going from braids to weaves and this one yt man use to introduce himself to every time. I had to tell him we have met b4 but after awhile he realized that the company did not hire a new black woman every month but it was the chick, me! He said b/c I was constantly changing my hair, he didn't recognize me. I'm like whateva, I guess look way different every time. Smh:nono:

I think this happens to me outside of work.
it is important to understand the pulse of your work environment...

and you can learn that with time---i dont ever wanna distract ppl aka upper managment with a hairstyle or etc---every job envir has a pulse and you kinda sorta assimilate to it...via style of ppl..what types of jokes to tell etc etc

eta--with clr ppl any hairstyle we do is so wowwwwwwwwwwww--so i also think that has alot to do with it as well..

How can we marry the two? NOT be a distraction and embrace the versatility of our hair and turn that 'wowwwwwwwwwww' into a non-wow (if so desired). Is that possible? I guess that's like saying I don't want my skin color be visible to others or stand out....IDK. I can most certainly tell you that my blowdried hair was a distraction.

I'm confusing myself now lol
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I think your hair looks professional. I think things are too extreme like pink, blue, green hair etc would not be professional. I think it can be fun to change up your hair. I am not very creative and get bored, so as long as the workplace suits it shouldn't be a problem.
Your hair looks great to me and very professional.(I will be wearing that style to work) I work in a corporate environment and I rock my side puff, updos, and buns. I also dress very professional but I love to wear bright colors and jewelry. I feel as long as you are in the dress code no one should have a problem. You should see how some people dress at my job, you would think we were not in an office environment, but at the club or at home lounging. I have worn the style in my siggy to work too.
I believe in keeping things very simple for the work environment and doing the experimenting at home/on the weekend. IMHO, if you have to question whether it's appropriate, it's not.

I would find different hairstyles in a corporate/conservative/office setting to be distracting.

Now, if you're working in a call center, at a fast food place, or at a daycare, then it really doesn't matter.