Is It Too Much To Ask?...


Well-Known Member
To find a hairdresser who will get my curl pattern right? I may be one of a few women here who wear a curly perm, but I do prefer the low maintenance of it. My issue has been finding a stylist that I am satisfied with since moving to North Carolina. It became difficult and expensive for me to get up to Connecticut to see Gina at Hairs Talent, so I was forced to find someone down here and get a regular cold wave a.k.a. Wave Nouveau, Wave By Design. Ferm Perm by Avlon is another popular one.

I think I posted about my setback in December of 2016 with the stylist who used the Wave by Design curl rearranger on the whole length of my hair, thereby f*%@ing up my Gina Curl. Had to have half my brastrap length hair cut off because she thought my new growth and my hair, in general, were too nappy!!! Sooo, I waited 4 months and babied my hair. It would shed when I touched it. I did hardcore protein treatments as well as moisturizing ones and kept my hair moist, not drippy wet. The Wave Nouveau daily moisturizer and the finishing lotion became my best friend.

Since then I have had 2 Wave Nouveaus and a Wave by Design that I just got 2 days ago. I space my services out to every 3 months and shampoo/deep condition once a week. I'm frustrated because my hair still sheds more than it should in my opinion and the curls are limp. I have to admit that I got a better result with the Wave Nouveau. The curls were better formed. Honestly, nothing has compared to my Gina Curl!

It's starting to seem like it's too much to ask to find someone who can do a good perm(Curl) and maintain the integrity of the hair strands. I asked a lady in my neighborhood who does hers because her hair is past shoulder length and FULL. She told me she does her own curly perm because the hairdressers don't want to roll all that hair ! :/ They just want to cut it off. Although I hate to admit it , ladies I may have to become a diyer.....
You can do it. And you can do your own hair well with some practice, I'm sure!

Thanks for the encouragement Chicoro! I will if I have to. I think it's interesting that sometimes the stylists that care the most for our hair are not from our community. If I were not so far away and money was not an object, I would RUN back to Gina at Hairs Talent in Connecticut.

This is how my hair looked just shy of 2 years ago. Noone has been able to duplicate her work. My hair has thinned quite a bit from stylists overlapping and not protecting my hair. I just found out that the perm brands make conditioners to do this job, but stylists don't use them!!!!
It’s very hard to find someone to perform that particular hair service. Are you confident in doing it yourself?

@shortdub78 I won't lie and say that it does not make me nervous. The hardest part is the rolling of the hair and not using too much neutralizer. I used to self-relax and I color my own hair. I even did my own big chop once. If I can't find someone to do it for me, then I can do it myself. I am sure I can get the rolling(rodding) done but it will take awhile. Anyway, I have 3-4 months to practice!!! The stylist who did my hair a few days ago wasn't that great at it. I have limp spaghetti curls.

I will use the time to get my hair in better shape with a few Nouritress Stop Shedding Protein Conditioner treatments.
Have you used that protein treatment before?
I say learn all you can and get you a bottle where you can measure out exactly the amount you need, so you don’t over do it. And make sure you got your cotton. Get a practice mannequin too. It’s not your head, but your parting and rolling technique will benefit from it, and get you a mirror where you can see the back
Have you used that protein treatment before?
I say learn all you can and get you a bottle where you can measure out exactly the amount you need, so you don’t over do it. And make sure you got your cotton. Get a practice mannequin too. It’s not your head, but your parting and rolling technique will benefit from it, and get you a mirror where you can see the back

Yes, @shortdub78 I have used that protein treatment before. It is what Aphogee 2 step used to be before they changed the formula. Oh, without the stink of course! Probably the only treatment that is better, if you need a hardcore one is Dudley's drc-28. Thank goodness I have most of the supplies I will need. Just need a mannequin head and the rods. My hair is ear length which will make things a bit easier too.
Yes, @shortdub78 I have used that protein treatment before. It is what Aphogee 2 step used to be before they changed the formula. Oh, without the stink of course! Probably the only treatment that is better, if you need a hardcore one is Dudley's drc-28. Thank goodness I have most of the supplies I will need. Just need a mannequin head and the rods. My hair is ear length which will make things a bit easier too.
I was looking into that Dudley too!