Is It Time For Me To Trim?


New Member
As you may recall, I have had a lot of trouble with breakage. Okay, a lot may be an overstatement. I just see a few broken hairs anytime I wash my hair. I thought protein would help. It didn't. I thought henna would help. It didn't. I thought CHI Keratin Mist would help. Meh, not so far.

Well, I flat iron my hair yesterday and no matter how much detangling I did, I couldn't get rid of my knots and tangles (which I have never had this much trouble with before). Now, my hair is straight... except for this ends. Yuck!

I recall someone saying that they figured the broken hairs they saw whenever they combed their hair was just splits from the hair shaft, so...

Could this be my hair's way of telling me to get rid of my ends?
You talk a lot about protein, what about moisture. Like a pure moisturizing dc. Maybe you've over proteined. I'm a natural too and my hair really needs moisture.

knots and tangles come w/ the territory of being natural, but if you have a lot, you should cut because they could tangle in other hair and cause more breakage.

I would step up on moisture if you haven't. You want to minimize the knots.
I think so because I'm somewhat in the same situation. Now, I just leave my hair alone as much as possible until I do my trim because I don't want the splits to go up any further than they need to. I think low manipulation helps them to stay where they're at.
Plus, I figured out that it wasn't a moisture/protein balance issue when my strand feel really strong!!!
You talk a lot about protein, what about moisture. Like a pure moisturizing dc. Maybe you've over proteined. I'm a natural too and my hair really needs moisture.

knots and tangles come w/ the territory of being natural, but if you have a lot, you should cut because they could tangle in other hair and cause more breakage.

I would step up on moisture if you haven't. You want to minimize the knots.

I rarely ever use protein. I just started adding protein these last couple of weeks because I was thinking I was getting too much moisture. Although, it's hard to tell because my hair seems happy but there's so much breakage going on.

@bolded: That's what I am thinking is going on with my hair now.
I think so because I'm somewhat in the same situation. Now, I just leave my hair alone as much as possible until I do my trim because I don't want the splits to go up any further than they need to. I think low manipulation helps them to stay where they're at.
Plus, I figured out that it wasn't a moisture/protein balance issue when my strand feel really strong!!!

Mine do too. I have some that feel weak but as a whole, my hair feels pretty strong. It's gotta be these ends. I am really hoping so because I am going to trim. I'd hate to trim to find out that's not the problem.
As you may recall, I have had a lot of trouble with breakage. Okay, a lot may be an overstatement. I just see a few broken hairs anytime I wash my hair. I thought protein would help. It didn't. I thought henna would help. It didn't. I thought CHI Keratin Mist would help. Meh, not so far.

Well, I flat iron my hair yesterday and no matter how much detangling I did, I couldn't get rid of my knots and tangles (which I have never had this much trouble with before). Now, my hair is straight... except for this ends. Yuck!

I don't see why you added protein for just a few broken hairs. Any manipulation of the hair, whether with a comb or fingers, is probably going to cause a couple strands to break. That doesn't mean your hair is weak, but it's just a normal outcome of trying to manipulate the hair.

Did you detangle well before flat ironing? If not, that may be why your hair was so tangle. Also you may want to use the chase comb method while flat ironing, which has been really helpful for some people. You just use a comb before the flat iron, while you're flat ironing.

As far as knots, I think the best way to deal with them is to prevent them. Detangling well helps. Also, I've noticed that pulling on my curls trying to stretch them out causes knots for me. Once I already have them, I just cut right above the knot. I guess if you're going to flat iron, you should go over each section first and make sure there are no knots, which will help reduce tangling at the ends.
Yes, it's time for a trim. I am having the same issue now. I think I will lop off less than 1/2".
Well, I did it. I cut 1/2 inch - 1 inch all away around. I am now neck length. I think I may have gotten scissor happy. I just really want to cut it all off and start all over again. It's not that my hair is that bad or anything. It's just I feel it would be better if I hacked it all off and started all over again with healthy hair. :ohwell:
I don't see why you added protein for just a few broken hairs. Any manipulation of the hair, whether with a comb or fingers, is probably going to cause a couple strands to break. That doesn't mean your hair is weak, but it's just a normal outcome of trying to manipulate the hair.

Did you detangle well before flat ironing? If not, that may be why your hair was so tangle. Also you may want to use the chase comb method while flat ironing, which has been really helpful for some people. You just use a comb before the flat iron, while you're flat ironing.

As far as knots, I think the best way to deal with them is to prevent them. Detangling well helps. Also, I've noticed that pulling on my curls trying to stretch them out causes knots for me. Once I already have them, I just cut right above the knot. I guess if you're going to flat iron, you should go over each section first and make sure there are no knots, which will help reduce tangling at the ends.

I keep trying to detangle before I flat iron. It hasn't been going well. I end up with a lot of broken hairs and hair that is still a tangled mess. It's only been this bad for the last month. It's like my hair is really mad at me or something. I even tried detangling, then doing the chase the comb method. It was horrible.

Yeah, I cut my knots out too. I just think it was the damaged hair I had before I started taking care of my hair was on its last leg. If I could, I would just cut it all off and start over but that would mean not reaching WSL for another 4 years. Decisions, decisions.
Rosie (btw that's my nickname) what types of protective styles are you doing on your hair right now?

Lol, Rosie Posie was my nickname growing up. :)

I tend to just keep my hair hidden under a satin bonnet or silk scarf. I don't wear my hair out often, so I can keep it protected. I just had a bad experience with some braids I did (my ends got really tangled, and I had to struggle to them apart). I wear twists from time to time, but since I rarely wear my hair out, I don't bother.