is it safe?


back from years of hiatus
ive been trying sooo hard for those growth spurts everyone has been wanting so bad. surge has helped a little, but not 1/2 as much as i like. my hair is growing so slooooowly. so i have just started taking alfalfa pills last night and i am also taking msm. is it safe to mix there 2 together? i dont want to die over long hair or anything
OMG...this is basically the same question I just posted Weaveitup. I posted sort of the same question on the thread: "How many supplements/vitamins do you all take a day?"

I'm wondering too, because I don't want to get sick from taking too many pills/mixing pills that aren't supposed to go well together. :-/
I think the two should be safe together. The best bet would be to either contact a health care practicianer (?sp) or do some research on contraindications re: MSM and Alfalfa. In a post that Carrie listed, MSM was not included as being a potential problem if taken w/MSM.

That's not to say it is or isn't. Just FYI. From the research I've done, I think you be more likely to have a reaction to the Alfalfa than w/the MSM. Combing the two...I dunno.
I agree...I've done alot of research on MSM and from what I read it is completely safe....almost as safe as water even. So aside from normal issues with alfalfa the addition of msm should not be a problem.....I guess I should end this with "I'm not a doctor" :-)
Also, alfalfa is actually not a vitamin or nutritional supplement like Biotin or MSM, etc., it is actually a FOOD. It is a concentrated version of the alfalfa plant. Still, all these supplements do have effects, so I plan on checking with my doctor at my next check up.