Is it safe to correct a section of my hair


Well-Known Member
I gave myself a touch up after a nice long stretch on Friday, unforturnately, my scalp was sensitive this go around and I had to rinse it out sooner than later so one section of my hair was not fully processed (very evident from the one poofy section of hair and visible new growth unprocessed). I was worried and didn't think to just rinse out the fully processed sections and allow the one section to complete its process.....its Sunday, I'm contemplating just correcting this one section, is it too soon or should I wait until the end of the week?
It'd be best to wait a while before trying again!

If you have particularly coarse/strong hair, I'd say at least 3 weeks.

If your hair is normal to soft, somewhere around 5-6 weeks is better.

Your hair is in a weakened state now, if you don't wait a little while for the hair to recover some, that whole section could break off or be overprocessed.
I waited 2 weeks before doing a corrective. If you have sensitive or weaker hair I'd wait a bit longer. Make sure you use conditioner on the other sections to prevent overprocessing.