Is It Rude Not Answer Phone Calls For Him? How Would U Go About It(


Well-Known Member
im the nice girl that will talk and be sweet with you.
Even give you my number .
But once the ‘I’m in mterrsted in knowing you’ comes up I shy away bc that’s not the route I’m trying to take.

So is ignoring phone calls is okay? It’s invasive esp if ur not in a dating phase.

I’ll talk to you at work but calling me after work is invasive esp if u haven’t befriended me yet. Millennial thing?

“Tell this to him “ I hate putting ppl down I’m a sugar thrower :(

So I’m thinking if I keep it nice and sweet at work. I’ll talk to u at work , but still giving him hints I just want a friend .... should this work without putting the man down?
Yes that's fine. But if you work with him and have to see him everyday it's ok to be direct and say you aren't interested in socializing outside of work.

Also in the future I would advise to not give your number out to a man you aren't even friends with since his MO is most likely trying to get to know you. This would prevent any misunderstandings or uncomfortable moments.
im the nice girl that will talk and be sweet with you.
Even give you my number .
But once the ‘I’m in mterrsted in knowing you’ comes up I shy away bc that’s not the route I’m trying to take.

So is ignoring phone calls is okay? It’s invasive esp if ur not in a dating phase.

I’ll talk to you at work but calling me after work is invasive esp if u haven’t befriended me yet. Millennial thing?

“Tell this to him “ I hate putting ppl down I’m a sugar thrower :(

So I’m thinking if I keep it nice and sweet at work. I’ll talk to u at work , but still giving him hints I just want a friend .... should this work without putting the man down?
Your boundaries are for you. They’re not for the comfort of any one else. Do what’s best for you and be unapologetic about it. Yes it’s perfectly fine. You pay that phone bill. It’s your phone. It’s your life. You don’t have to give anyone your time that you don’t want to.
You can ignore but how long are you willing to listen to your phone ring until he gets the hint?

Tell the man your best time to talk to him is at work. He will understand the reason why you dont answer.

Then stand firm.

I know its hard to tell sometimes but in my experience dudes dont ever want to just be a womans friend. so if hes askg for your number you can expect the 'get to know you better' part to come sooner or later.
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If you don't want to be direct with him, make up an imaginary boyfriend. First start dropping subtle hints, and if he persists, then say something like "Hey you're my work buddy. It's not like that. Besides I have a man" :giggle: