
Well-Known Member
To "Big Chop"? I've seen quite a few ladies on here who post pics of their natural texture, and it looks so pretty that it makes me want to go back to my natural hair...... it's been 20 years since I've seen it. HOWEVER!!, I am NOT willing to scalp myself for the sake of being natural, my hair is in good condition for being relaxed and flat ironing weekly. Is there anyone out there who has NOT had to "big chop" to get natural again?
No, it's not. Click the search link and type in Transitioning, transitioning support, transition tips. etc. There are hundreds.

Most of the women here who have big chopped either: wanted to see themselves with short hair, didn't have the patience to deal with two textures (it is a JOB,) wanted to get to know their natural hair from the root or had no other choice.
I get so confused by people with their meaning of the term big chop. eventually you will either have to cut off your relaxed ends or they will break off anyways. While there are people that transition for a long time the whole holding on to two textures thing can be difficult and it's a pain when it comes to styling.

I transitioned almost 13 months before I did my BC. My relaxed hair was healthy and long, I was just ready for a change and I felt it was important for my daughter to look at me and see the beauty in herself, hair and all.
I didn't big chop. I started my transition October 27, 2007. I had waist length hair, so I knew I wasn't going to big chop. However, in April 2008, I had my stylist cut 6 to 8 inches of hair, but I still had a whole lot of hair left. I continued to grow my hair out and get trims once a month. In October 2009, I trimmed off the remainder of my relaxed ends (about an inch) and haven't looked back. I LOVE BEING RELAXER FREE. So, no need to big chop. What works for one, doesn't work for everyone. :)
Lots of people on this board are long term transitioners...there's a support thread as well. No, you don't have to big chop.
you can do what you want. i didnt i long termed transitioned...and this was before hair boards or even learning about transitioning.
I didn't big chop. I started my transition October 27, 2007. I had waist length hair, so I knew I wasn't going to big chop. However, in April 2008, I had my stylist cut 6 to 8 inches of hair, but I still had a whole lot of hair left. I continued to grow my hair out and get trims once a month. In October 2009, I trimmed off the remainder of my relaxed ends (about an inch) and haven't looked back. I LOVE BEING RELAXER FREE. So, no need to big chop. What works for one, doesn't work for everyone. :)
this is really good to know... i'm relaxed and plan on staying relaxed, but if i ever get the inkling to go natural i know i have other options...
I never "big chopped" either. I simply stopped relaxing; I don't even know when all the relaxed hair was finally gone.

The main reason I could see for a "big chop" is if you are getting a lot of breakage at the demarcation line. That happened to my cousin; her hair was relaxed once and she never got a touch-up. Two years later, the relaxed ends were breaking off in chunks, so I cut them off for her. But two years is still a relatively long time to transition (even if that was not really planned).
Thank all you ladies so much for the information you have given. I usually relax my hair bi-monthly...... but I'm going to hold off and see how my hair reacts to not relaxing..... and whether or not I can deal with the transitioning process.
Flawlis1 ithink ur breaking some LHCF commandments by relaxing every 8 weeks AND flat ironing weekly lol....but YOUR HAIR IS GORGEOUS!!! What heat protectant/product do u use when you flat iron...i'm currently 'transitioning' (8.5 months post) and i flat iron 1x a month but would LOVE to flat iron weekly if my hair would look as long and healthy as yours...what flat iron do u use? What temp? Do u wrap ur hair @ night to preserve the straight look? TIPS PLEASE :-) lol
Thank all you ladies so much for the information you have given. I usually relax my hair bi-monthly...... but I'm going to hold off and see how my hair reacts to not relaxing..... and whether or not I can deal with the transitioning process.


Check out the "Inspired by Sylver2" thread in addition to the transitioning threads. The ladies posting there are, for the most part, doing long-term stretches. They will have useful tips as well.
I get so confused by people with their meaning of the term big chop. eventually you will either have to cut off your relaxed ends or they will break off anyways. While there are people that transition for a long time the whole holding on to two textures thing can be difficult and it's a pain when it comes to styling.

I transitioned almost 13 months before I did my BC. My relaxed hair was healthy and long, I was just ready for a change and I felt it was important for my daughter to look at me and see the beauty in herself, hair and all.

Roux, LOL, don't be confused. Big Chop means just that: you chop of a big chunk of hair to go short. So people may just let the relaxed ends drop off on their own, or they could do what I did, which was trim a little at a time till all the relaxed hair is gone. So I didn't BC but just trimmed about 1/4 inch every 6-8 weeks till all my relaxed hair was gone by the time one year was up.

Now in 2007 when I stylist went to town on my NATURAL SL hair and cut off 5+ inches, that was a BC too, even though I was 100% natural. She chopped a big chunk of my hair to take me from SL to TWA.
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I'll be 2 years post relaxer in May, and I don't plan on cutting off the remaing relaxed hair for another year. My natural hair is at APL right now. @3 years, my natural hair will be around BSL/MBL. CelinaStarr transitioned for 3+ years, too.
To "Big Chop"? I've seen quite a few ladies on here who post pics of their natural texture, and it looks so pretty that it makes me want to go back to my natural hair...... it's been 20 years since I've seen it. HOWEVER!!, I am NOT willing to scalp myself for the sake of being natural, my hair is in good condition for being relaxed and flat ironing weekly. Is there anyone out there who has NOT had to "big chop" to get natural again?

Didn't need to scalp myself but a big chop was necessary
^^Foxglove, you made me howl! :lachen: :lachen: :lachen: Hol' on, ends. Hol' on for dear life! :rofl:

Sorry if that wasn't supposed to be funny. *feigns a straight face* :look:
Foxglove STOP!!! OMG, bwahahahah :lol: :lol: You counted? :dead:

You must've looked like a troll when your hair was dry and styled :rofl:

Roux, I totally see where you were coming from. Even I would be confused if I saw Foxglove on the 15 months, 3 weeks and 1 day of her ends hanging on, ie just before her BC. :lachen:
@Foxglove STOP!!! OMG, bwahahahah :lol: :lol: You counted? :dead:

You must've looked like a troll when your hair was dry and styled :rofl:

@Roux, I totally see where you were coming from. Even I would be confused if I saw @Foxglove on the 15 months, 3 weeks and 1 day of her ends hanging on, ie just before her BC. :lachen:
After the 10 month mark I was pretty much in braids and buns non stop
ETA but when I wore it out it really didn't look that thin



Phony pony in the last pic
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Foxglove ^^ BOOOORING! I was rather enjoying it when I pictured you looking like the dude in the Hobbit with stringy hair. Why d'you have to ruin my fun, Party Pooper? :rolleyes:
@Foxglove ^^ BOOOORING! I was rather enjoying it when I pictured you looking like the dude in the Hobbit with stringy hair. Why d'you have to ruin my fun, Party Pooper? :rolleyes:

I'm sayin though, not bad for 15 months, 3 weeks, and 2 days (exactly 1 year ago what whaaaat)