Is It Really FLY, if You Are His B.U.D.D.Y?!


New Member
*sings* Don't give it a try. You can keep yours and let him just go by

The below is what I wrote about the matter in my blog, but how do you really feel? How do you feel about friends with benefits relationships or F*ckBuddy relationships. What are the pros and the cons? Do you think it is best to stay out of these relationships?

I'm still on this whole I won't sleep with someone who is not my boyfriend. I've been saying it for a year. I've been believing it for about 6 months. I've been doin it for like 3 weeks. Bad I know. It's just easy to stick to old habits instead of changing them.

I told someone that having a **** buddy is just like saying, "I couldn't get him to be in a relationship with me. He wouldn't put a ring on it, so I made him put his d*ck on it instead. That's enough for me."

It's really demoralizing in my honest opinion.

This is all I wanted. I wanted to be in a stable relationship in which I could share my dreams, goals, fears, insecurities, and body with and have them do the same and be proud of it publically.

Instead I got in a semi relationship with someone who I shared my dreams, goals, fears, insecurities, and body with, but they don't have to reciprocate, they can have relationships at the same time with other people, and they can leave and come at anytime. They can use you for all you have without giving anything in return.

I thought about my current situation a few months ago and thought, it seems like I got the short side of the stick. I settled. A lot of people are doing this now now, but does that make it right?

Most of the time I keep christianity out and instead logically think about it. Christianity often speaks to us that pre-marital sex is wrong for many reasons. I personally believe pre-relationship sex is wrong but not just from a Christian point of view...logically.

Logically this ish is dangerous. If you have a *** buddy, who is to say that your *** buddy doesn't have an *** buddy? Now a days a lot of females are letting men raw dog then which makes them susceptible to diseases the guy may not even know he HAS (such as HPV) so you are just playing russian roulette with YOUR health. And he's not in a relationship with you. Yall have no substance, so if you DO come up with something, who's to say he will stay. Then you just making it harder on yourself because then you will be searching for your next "Mr. Right Now" but who's gonna take you up on your offer with extra baggage included. (STDs, OOWL children, emotional distrust and etc) Not may.

Another point. One day your heart will be broken. Most of the time when sex is involved, women develop feelings and emotions and in their minds there "is" a relationship. They are entitled to that person and there is a bond between those person which is why they let that man do the things that he would be entitled to if he were in a relationship. Now when he gets bored or another woman comes along and pushes him to increase his standards cuz she won't lower hers, he will leave you...but technically he is not leaving you cuz you are not in a relationship anyway. Now your heart is broken because your relationship that was never a relationship is over.

Third, one of the purposes in life is to always be evolving and going through metamorphesis into a better person. But I kinda feel like if you stay in a relationship w/ a mere "**** buddy" you are basically telling yourself you don't love yourself, and you don't deserve/can't get better because you are allowing yourself to love someone to a certain extent where they don't love you back. It's unrequited

I still did it. I did it because in all honesty I don't think I can do better. I don't think I can get better. And yeah I might be a prissy chick with a bubbily personality, caring demeanor, positive attitude, good taste in fashion haha, but that ain't enough. On the inside how I really feel is if I do get in a good relationship, it will be out of pure luck and/or God.

And yes is it because of my disability. Not saying that it's a curse or it makes me less of a person... I just don't think many men look at disabilities as a condition not a person and will past that the same way I do.

And this sounds completely stupid and uncharacteristic of a person who has a high education level, but it is what it is. It's how I think and feel, and I accept that about myself. But that doesn't mean I'm not searching for ways to in the future not feel this way.

I simply need to raise my standards and how I think of my situation.

In the back of my mind of being a B.U.D.D.Y I felt guilty as heck because these thoughts just kept rumbling in my mind. And this is a hard habit to break in my opinion. When you're used to certain situations, you lean towards them. You become complacent. But really who are you playing? Don't play yourself. You deserve better. Not tommorrow. Not two years from now. Today.
I always thought I was "too good" to be a FB. I "deserved" to be a GF, minimum. Plus, I cannot imagine putting my body, heart and emotions on the line for someone who sees me as disposable. A plaything.

True, even in some monogamous relationships, you could get hurt and screwed over. But isn't it worse when the man you're putting yourself on the line for won't even recognize you as more than a "buddy?" I know some men and women say it's all about the physical and the need for sex. And maybe they can strictly operate like that, but I can't. And I don't lie to myself and try to convince myself that I can just for a temporary fix.

I want and deserve more. :shrug:
This came from a text message a guy gave me about a girl....

I BET She Thought

I bet she thought
A little nookie would keep my around
Still like a thief I took that ish
And got the hell up outta town

Just a few phone calls, a $15.99 meal
And a kiss on the forehead
Helped me seal the deal

And I
Moved in quickly
Cuz for me this thang is just strictly di*kly
Hope you didn't want more
Playing with your body before getting in your mind
I could I would get to know you but I ain't got the time

Next time you see me
And a relationship you're wanting
Better introduce yourself to some Solange and T.O.N.Y
Solange found out the hard way
If it wasn't for The Other Night oh whY
I'd value your mind instead of your body giving me a 10 minute high

Silly ho I came literally
I guess I Veni, vidi, vici
Damn I got it, must not be worth much cuz I got it oh so quickly
And trust not that I got it
**** buddies is all we'll probably ever be
Let's take things to the next level?
Sweetie you'll never be with me.

**Too be edited and added to later**
I recently watched a marathon of the Hills on MTV (dont judge me :lol:) and that was the situation with what's her name and what's his name (:lol: I'm not good with names)

She was doing the friends with benefits to stay close to him, he was doing it for sex.

when she told him that she wanted more, he told her that he had met someone else and had been there, done that and didn't want to go down that road (a relationship) with her again.
How do you feel about friends with benefits relationships or F*ckBuddy relationships?
I had one and it was strictly sex, something to relieve stress. didn't want him as my bf, refused to kiss him and didn't want to know what was going on in his life, just hit it and quit it, no other socialization. You can't date a FB.

I take from your blog, the situation was not really a FB situation, it is something that you thought could grow from a FB situation. A true FB situation, there are not extra's, no sharing dreams, aspirations, etc. You F*uck and roll.

What are the pros and the cons?
Pro: Sex on demand with very little chit chat
Con: No closeness\snuggling

Do you think it is best to stay out of these relationships?
I think it is best to stay out of this type of situation if you want a (serious) relationship
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They work as long you realize that its just sex. It can grow into something else (because we've all heard the struck-by-lightning stories) but chances are it won't.

At 29, I'm "too old" for them. If you can't see yourself being with me, then I should not be sleeping with you.
I can't do friends with benefits anymore. I did it once for a few years and though the sex was amazing I wanted more and he didn't. For guys, sex is just that. For women we can become emotionally involved. Well I did anyway. I don't want the sex without the commitment anymore.
This came from a text message a guy gave me about a girl....

I BET She Thought

I bet she thought
A little nookie would keep my around
Still like a thief I took that ish
And got the hell up outta town

Just a few phone calls, a $15.99 meal
And a kiss on the forehead
Helped me seal the deal

And I
Moved in quickly
Cuz for me this thang is just strictly di*kly
Hope you didn't want more
Playing with your body before getting in your mind
I could I would get to know you but I ain't got the time

Next time you see me
And a relationship you're wanting
Better introduce yourself to some Solange and T.O.N.Y
Solange found out the hard way
If it wasn't for The Other Night oh whY
I'd value your mind instead of your body giving me a 10 minute high

Silly ho I came literally
I guess I Veni, vidi, vici
Damn I got it, must not be worth much cuz I got it oh so quickly
And trust not that I got it
**** buddies is all we'll probably ever be
Let's take things to the next level?
Sweetie you'll never be with me.

**Too be edited and added to later**

so its okay for him to hit it and quit it and judge his fellow participant...
get on with that... dudes like that never learn their lesson until they feel like the chick in the above...
i say if you go into a relationship like that looking for more and you settle for that then you suck... why do that to yourself...
but if you just want that benefit with that friend and its protected, why not.
most people, girls, cant seperate the feeling and the action... if you cant do that, dont do that.... if you can- stay protected and if YOU cant do that, dont hate on those who can...
so its okay for him to hit it and quit it and judge his fellow participant...
get on with that... dudes like that never learn their lesson until they feel like the chick in the above...
i say if you go into a relationship like that looking for more and you settle for that then you suck... why do that to yourself...
but if you just want that benefit with that friend and its protected, why not.
most people, girls, cant seperate the feeling and the action... if you cant do that, dont do that.... if you can- stay protected and if YOU cant do that, dont hate on those who can...

Some guys can't handle it either. Trust.
if you are settling for that when you want more, hell no it's not.

otherwise. do you. she can be using him just as quick as he is using her. and really, they are basically using each other for one thing. but is it "using" someone if they both want to/are ok with the arrangement? prob not.

i've seen men put in the same situation & it's just as sad (settling when they want more)

i cant imagine id like someone enough to fck em & not want to date em, so i wouldn't put myself in that situation. :ohwell:
I can't do friends with benefits anymore. I did it once for a few years and though the sex was amazing I wanted more and he didn't. For guys, sex is just that. For women we can become emotionally involved. Well I did anyway. I don't want the sex without the commitment anymore.

I had to finally come to terms with the fact that 9 times out 10, if I'm sleeping with someone, I'm gonna develop feelings. I think I really deluded myself into thinking that I could separate my emotions from sex and it just isn't true.

In fact, that's how D ended being a temp :rolleyes: After it became clear that he didn't want a committed relationship, I thought I could put my feelings for him to the side and continue having a physical one. I was dead.a**.wrong.
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i'm just really stingy about my body and who i share it with, so f-buddy relationships are not for me.
so its okay for him to hit it and quit it and judge his fellow participant...
get on with that... dudes like that never learn their lesson until they feel like the chick in the above...
i say if you go into a relationship like that looking for more and you settle for that then you suck... why do that to yourself...
but if you just want that benefit with that friend and its protected, why not.
most people, girls, cant seperate the feeling and the action... if you cant do that, dont do that.... if you can- stay protected and if YOU cant do that, dont hate on those who can...

I will explain what the poem is about. It's not okay for him to hit it and quit it. I guess the poem needs to be developed more. This is what the guy told me in so many words. It comes from one of the people in my blogs, "Mr. Micheal Jackson Bad" if you follow it from time to time. He told me as soon as chicks fidn out he's prolly finna be NO DOUBT in med school next year and is currently sitting on a 4.0 degree...they wanna drop them drawls

He told me paraphrased

I'm a man. I love sex. And not particularly from the woman that I wanna spend the rest of my life with. It's in a man's nature. If you look at it in from your perspective (a Biologist) you would agree that I create Millions of sperm. It wasn't made just to throw down the toliet or into a paper towel every night. It was given to reproduce with and spread my genes to as many women as possible. You on the other hand only have a few thousand eggs and less of them are viable to be used for the creation for a human. Therefore I would think you would be more pickier with them and who you allow to use your body. You have more to lose. The eggs I possibly may fertilized may not be as well taken care of and may be less reproductively fit because I may or may not be around to help you take care of them. I made no committments.

The time that you were waiting for me to come around you could have been using that to find a more viable and long term mate, and if you were to develop a STD while fooling with your part-time ni**a YOU STILL decrease your repoductive fitness because everyone knows STDs can make you infertile if not treated. I don't lose ish except this hard thang I wake up every morning, about 3 million sperm, but I'm constantly making more, and the possibility of an STD. That's still bad, but still the odds weigh harder on you.

(We both are Biology majors so this is why this is full of thoughts of evolution theories and assumptions)

The guy continued to say, "HTown said it best!" You should be looking for your full-time not your partime (Cuz that hittin it fast just ain't gone go)

It's just sex many times in the case for a man. I just lost that sperm...but hell I'll make some more. In fact, I'm making some right now! Because of that, If I was a bad guy (the writer of this was a virgin) I would sleep with whatever girl I chose, because many of them ALLOW me too with no boundaries in how they wish to be treated or what they want out of me--a relationship. I feel like my future wife would not ALLOW me to just hit it and quit it with her. I'm like a hunter. My wife or girlfriend is like my most prized possesion like that ugly deer people hang up on their wall. NOBODY ELSE killed that deer but THEM. But hell if you giving it up to do I know it's so special...or if I'm special...and I hope if I feel you are special you feel the same way.

But if she were smart she would put more time into the situation to protect herself before giving me one of the most powerful gifts she has to offer that no longer belongs to just her when she gives it to me--her body. I frown on that behavior. I don't engage in it. I could but I don't So it's hard to think that type of chick is my future wife. I would think she would have boundaries because I have some of my own such as ("You ain't putting your finger there!!" "HELL NO You can't arch paint my toenails cuz they're longer than yours") So me not playing with your body until we're BOTH emotional ready and BOTH getting what we ultimately want out the relationship should be a boundary of yours
You are too good for that. Don't settle. Wait for the right man to show you that you are "Michael Jackson bad," not the man who tells you what you want to hear just so he can get in your pants.
I had dinner with a friend last night who was moaning about how her "boyfriend" is acting funny.

He skipped her birthday two weeks ago, is blowing her off this weekend to hang out with his friends but told her he could fit her in to have sex!

The more she told me about the situation .........she rides him around because he doesn't have a car nor license, she always pays because she is the one that asked him out and he never has any cash on him although he earns tips as a waiter, she has never met any of his friends although he has met her, and they spend most of their time together in bed....the more I realized she is just his F**K Buddy :blush: yet she has considered him her boyfriend for months!

Why do women settle for this treatment?

I have another friend who tried to brag how she sex up her ex (the same guy she found out after a year of dating was not only married but was also cheating on her and his wife) and didn’t get IT when I said I don’t reward “bad” behavior. :nono:

If he is still getting sex (without having to be in a faithful or in a relationship) from you, then HOW has anything changed?

I'm ok with being single and celibate....versus dealing with a trifling man. But I’m not even going to blame men - some only behave this way because they know there are women out there that will put up with this behavior. :spinning:
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I will explain what the poem is about. It's not okay for him to hit it and quit it. I guess the poem needs to be developed more. This is what the guy told me in so many words. It comes from one of the people in my blogs, "Mr. Micheal Jackson Bad" if you follow it from time to time. He told me as soon as chicks fidn out he's prolly finna be NO DOUBT in med school next year and is currently sitting on a 4.0 degree...they wanna drop them drawls

He told me paraphrased

I'm a man. I love sex. And not particularly from the woman that I wanna spend the rest of my life with. It's in a man's nature. If you look at it in from your perspective (a Biologist) you would agree that I create Millions of sperm. It wasn't made just to throw down the toliet or into a paper towel every night. It was given to reproduce with and spread my genes to as many women as possible. You on the other hand only have a few thousand eggs and less of them are viable to be used for the creation for a human. Therefore I would think you would be more pickier with them and who you allow to use your body. You have more to lose.The eggs I possibly may fertilized may not be as well taken care of and may be less reproductively fit because I may or may not be around to help you take care of them. I made no committments.

The time that you were waiting for me to come around you could have been using that to find a more viable and long term mate, and if you were to develop a STD while fooling with your part-time ni**a YOU STILL decrease your repoductive fitness because everyone knows STDs can make you infertile if not treated. I don't lose ish except this hard thang I wake up every morning, about 3 million sperm, but I'm constantly making more, and the possibility of an STD. That's still bad, but still the odds weigh harder on you.

(We both are Biology majors so this is why this is full of thoughts of evolution theories and assumptions)

The guy continued to say, "HTown said it best!" You should be looking for your full-time not your partime (Cuz that hittin it fast just ain't gone go)

It's just sex many times in the case for a man. I just lost that sperm...but hell I'll make some more. In fact, I'm making some right now! Because of that, If I was a bad guy (the writer of this was a virgin) I would sleep with whatever girl I chose, because many of them ALLOW me too with no boundaries in how they wish to be treated or what they want out of me--a relationship. I feel like my future wife would not ALLOW me to just hit it and quit it with her. I'm like a hunter. My wife or girlfriend is like my most prized possesion like that ugly deer people hang up on their wall. NOBODY ELSE killed that deer but THEM. But hell if you giving it up to do I know it's so special...or if I'm special...and I hope if I feel you are special you feel the same way.

But if she were smart she would put more time into the situation to protect herself before giving me one of the most powerful gifts she has to offer that no longer belongs to just her when she gives it to me--her body. I frown on that behavior. I don't engage in it. I could but I don't So it's hard to think that type of chick is my future wife. I would think she would have boundaries because I have some of my own such as ("You ain't putting your finger there!!" "HELL NO You can't arch paint my toenails cuz they're longer than yours") So me not playing with your body until we're BOTH emotional ready and BOTH getting what we ultimately want out the relationship should be a boundary of yours

the explanation helps to clarify it somewhat. A virgin, 4.0 having med student, I would think, would be above using his primal attributes to create a disparity in personal self value, manvs woman even in thought. Granted, the nature base of the argrument is true- even though the man who chooses to spread his seed is openeing himself up to disease and just overall usedom as well... A special girl who saved herself shouldnt settle for such a non special man... which is probably why i just dont get the expressed perspective. The nurture part of it too would be that we are taught better... if men are to be equal to men, maybe we shouldnt be loose in the pants like them, maybe they should preserve themselves like this brother does in action and but seems to reccomend to the women only in word. nah mean

and its truly limiting to believe that anyone's biggest gift lies in their pant... i think symbolically sharing whats in your pants is a gift maybe... sex is very important and can be an awesome gift to the culmination of getting to know some precursors about someone you find attractive and has passed all other parts of the arrbitrary tests of dating and courting.... but huh... i am digressing...
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