Is it real or is it MTG?


Well-Known Member
I posted previously that MTG made my hair so thick and unmanageable that I could not get it to lie down in a bun so I had to tuck it under a half wig. Well today I finally relaxed that bad boy, set it and sat under the dryer. However, when I was rinsing over my kitchen sink, my hands were running down a long path of thick silky hair. I said to myself no way this must be my imagination. There's no way that thick ball of hot mess grew like this.

Later, when I picked my daughters up from school, one daughter said wow you got an Oprah wig on today. I said no this is my hair. They didn't believe me and started tugging and yanking. Noticing my wincing, they shouted mom your hair is so long we thought it was a wig. They could not believe my hair grew so long in just 3 months.

I'm so happy I could :cry3: All that mixing, oiling, rinsing and dodging hugs . . . paid off.
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:yay: Yea, girl!!! Swang that hayar!!! I'm off MTG for 1 week b/c I have to go to an event, but when I blow direid my hair on Thanksgiving, my neck and scalp dried up and are CRUSTY tight and flaky dry. But hey, I'm not giving up.....I'm trying to get the Oprah wig too!!
Heheh, good for you! Arcaro's was sold out of MTG so I've got to wait a couple weeks for it...:mad: I'm so impatient though, ugh.
den1 said:
Wow!!! that's great news. I would love to see pics.

Congrats. Looking forward to seeing pics.
How long have you been using MTG and how many inches do you think you have gained? Sorry for the questions
ayyyy i have a recommendation..if anyone is experiencing that drying itchy skin after the mtg touches them, i have a good suggestion and it has worked for me but the bad result is less growth- i now alternate every few weeks of using mtg on and off...because i know that if i use it too often my face becomes scaly broken out mess...

just alternate one week on, one or two weeks off and there should be less irritation..i havent found a way to combat it yet entirely...still trying to find a way

LOL the day people start telling me my hair looks like Oprah's you won't be able to tell me nothin'! Started back to using MTG yesterday, fortunately it does not seem to bother my scalp which is good news because my scalp is super sensitive. Your story is very inspiring. I'm going to try to stick with it for at least 3 months, where my hair in a bun for 3 months and do the baggy method underneath too. I want Oprah hair too!
meia said:
ayyyy i have a recommendation..if anyone is experiencing that drying itchy skin after the mtg touches them, i have a good suggestion and it has worked for me but the bad result is less growth- i now alternate every few weeks of using mtg on and off...because i know that if i use it too often my face becomes scaly broken out mess...

just alternate one week on, one or two weeks off and there should be less irritation..i havent found a way to combat it yet entirely...still trying to find a way


don't mean to intrude or anything but how about mixing it with Aloe vera gel that will thicken it up and still add the moisturizer to your scalp. and you can put some coconut oil or your neck and ears for a protection. Also I shampoo over the bathtub I have one of those shower thingofmagig that moves around and so it doesn't run down my back either I have had no trouble with MTG and I use it every other day. I was using it straight but its to oil so I use it the gel now and it doesn't run all over the place at all.
brownsugar9999 said:
:yay: Yea, girl!!! Swang that hayar!!! I'm off MTG for 1 week b/c I have to go to an event, but when I blow direid my hair on Thanksgiving, my neck and scalp dried up and are CRUSTY tight and flaky dry. But hey, I'm not giving up.....I'm trying to get the Oprah wig too!!

You guys are using too much. Do you have one of those color applicator bottles? I got one from Sally and I don't have any running down my neck. And I only put it on my scalp not on my hair because my hair rubs against my neck the way I style it.
Here's what I did. I mixed MTG with peppermint. Parted my hair with my fingers and used my fingers to rub the MTG on my scalp. Then I take a solution of S-curl and caster oil and moisturized my hair. I wear a shower cap that night. The next morning I let hair air dry and smooth it into a low baggy with S-curl solution ponytail tucked under in the back. Then I put on a half wig, but the half wig covered almost all of my hair except for two loose curls of my hair in the front that I blended it in with the wig. At night just added S-curl caster oil solution and put on shower cap.

Three days later I CW and then and put on more MTG and S-curl. Then three days after that I shampoo and start over again.

Not a split end in the house, just thick black, bouncy luster.
congratulations! let me order some more mtg and be disciplined! wow, so you went from shoulder to brastrap in 3 months? Where did you start and where did you end up? Post pics please!
Jaelin said:
You guys are using too much. Do you have one of those color applicator bottles? I got one from Sally and I don't have any running down my neck. And I only put it on my scalp not on my hair because my hair rubs against my neck the way I style it.
Yeah, using an applicator bottle, but I'm probabbly using too much. But hey, I can hide my rash ashy neck with my LONG Swanging MTG infused Hayar!!!!!!