is it possible to transition to natural but still wear straight hair?


Well-Known Member
I've been lurking a few threads and see a lot of ladies having success doing long term transitions and ladies that are natural but wear their hair straight so I've decided to try to transition... I love to wear my hair straight and am wondering if I can continue to do this without having major breaking
Most of the ladies I see that are doing transitions are doing a ps, I simply want to prepoo every 10 days, wash, deep condition, roller set and flat iron my new growth then wear my hair in a pony or bun until I wash again...
I'm already 14 weeks post textlax and don't have trouble stretching so I figured I could cut a little every month to maintain my length until my textlaxed ends are gone in about 2 years lol
If anyone has any tips, or comments or can point me in the direction of a hair Blogger or you tuber who has successfully done this I would really appreciate it =)
I did

I rollerset once a week and flatironed. I did the bc after 10 months.

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BostonMaria do you have any tips? How was roller setting once you get to 6months+? Why did you bc at 10 months? Did you experience breakage where your relaxed and natural hair met?
Eta: also do you still flat iron your hair regularly?
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I did this for like the first year of my transition. I had no heat damage. I always deep conditioned with heavy conditioners such as Aubrey Organics and applied heat protectant on damp hair with no leave in.
stay on top of your moisture, protein and ceramide levels.....if hiding your new growth becomes too much for wearing a straight style do curly or wavy ones so the 2 textures won't be obvious.
Yes, lots of women are "press-n-curl" women. Today's straight-haired naturals tend to either rollerset regularly or flat iron at least once per month. Some have been successful and some haven't. Learn from their mistakes and put together a regi that works for you!

GL and have fun! :D

I'm so glad you started this thread because I have tried to search for similar threads to answer this question as well and could not find any and would like to know the answer as well.

I am currently almost 7 months into my transition and have been wearing a phony pony for the last 6 months and braids for the last 2 weeks and plan to take them out after a month and I feel fed up of hiding my hair now..I just want to enjoy my hair now so when I take these braids out in 2 weeks time I plan on continuing with my weekly deep conditioning but plan to start to flat iron every week and hope it does not hinder my retention.

To avoid breakage I think a good tip is to apply your conditioner like a relaxer - get right in there at the roots..when I started doing that the difference was amazing and I have not had any breakage at the demarcation line.

I plan to flat iron weekly with the Keracare pressing creme. Maybe we can keep each other posted on how we are doing.:yep:
I did this with the help of a fabulous hairdresser. I thought I would have to do a Bc, but ended not having to. I would go to the hairdresser every two weeks for a blow dry and flat iron.
Every six weeks I would a get a small trim. My hairdresser told me I would probably have a lot of shedding, but it never happened. I have no idea how long it took to grow out all the perm, but before I knew it I was all natural. Unfortunately I'm completely inept when it comes to flat ironing my hair, so I left it to the professionals.:blush:
Im 9.5 months post and I failed at this lol early on the game. I flat ironed once to give myself a mini chop a few months post relaxer when I first decided to officially transition. It didn't even stay straight for a day. I know many have success with this method though, so I hope it works out for you. Transitioning just became a million times easier when I started blending my relaxed hair into my natural hair instead if trying to blend my natural hair into my relaxed hair. If you hit a wall and get frustrated and want to give up on transitioning, consider doing styles like bantu knot outs, and braid/twist outs. Then you take the texture created from those sets and can make buns and updos if you want to protective style. It's easy and pretty low maintenance. I think I would have pulled my hair out by now trying to keep it straight..but dont be discouraged, even relaxed my hair was resistant to straightening bc it's so porous it just puffs out.
I did this for like the first year of my transition. I had no heat damage. I always deep conditioned with heavy conditioners such as Aubrey Organics and applied heat protectant on damp hair with no leave in.


I would love to look at your album for inspiration - your hair looks so beautiful. Please do you mind sending my your password?

p.s. I notice you are a fellow Londoner - hi!:grin:
I'm a every 6mo or so relaxer. My last relaxer was the first week of May. I flat iron new growth every wash starting about 8 wks after last relaxer. I'm always fascinated by my natural curl but I still like the versatility of straight hair. I do incorporate Bantu knots sometimes. My regimen involves hair-one (wen knockoff) deep DC in the shower ( I alternate with Biolage ultra hydrating balm and Aphogee 2min keratin treatment) final rinse with Roux porosity control.

Then I blowdry to 80% with serum and leave in (frizz ease and a pump of hair one). Then put my hair in 2 Bantu knots like Princess Leia ( looks goofy but better than rollers). I usually wash at night

Then in the AM I will flat iron roots, pop in 5 hot rollers and go. I'm WL. I do need a trim. I don't have a length goal. As long as my hair is not breaking off and is healthy I try not to cut it.

I'm planning to relax in the next couple of weeks


This is how it looks. I don't put any more heat during the week. I do take multi vitamins and fish oil and GNC hair skin and nails. My hair is my best feature and I try to avoid damage but I'm not fanatical. I also like to keep it simple. I do naughty things like flat ironing NG, using silicone, and hot rollers. I just don't abuse them. The only time I walk around in a DC is when I'm henna ing. Otherwise I'm lazy and don't really do too much manipulation. Thx for reading all of this!
Thank you ladies... I think I can do this! my goal is to have thick healthy straight hair, I'm not really into the Afro look or really anything other then straight hair for myself, but I have such extreme hair envy of the naturals I see with straight thick hair, I've been textlaxing my hair for years and have yet to get the thickness I see naturals with. Hopefully by straightening now my hair will be heat trained by the time I cut all of my relaxed ends off
southerncitygirl what are ceramids levels?

HairQueen thanks for the suggestion, I already apply my deep condition like that but is there a specific reason your using the keracare pressing cream? I was just using chi heat protectant? And that sounds great! Transitioning buddies =)

Leslie_C how often were you straightening your hair and how, what products were you using?

317537 that's a great min heat method, I think I'll give it a try! Thanks!!!! I'm a roller setting queen but I'm worried that as my natural hair gets longer ill be doing damage by over manipulating, I suck at air drying but blow dry, air dry and flat iron sounds like something I could master? Is the serum you use heavy?

MissMusic thanks, I'm off to check her out =)

Just look up threads via the search function on ceramides. Ceramides also help with the health of hair not just moisture & protein levels.

Here's a ceramide support thread/challenge:

Also make sure to do a search on threads relating to:
bantu knot outs
protective styling
low manipulation
deep conditioning
hardcore protein treatments
I'm doing it now. I was scared at first because many are anti-heat but I decided to do it and I have no heat damage and my hair is growing great. I only have a few inches of relaxed hair left.

I just started doing what works for my hair. I wash, blowdry, and flat iron every 3-4 weeks. I moisturize everyday
Mjon912. I use frizz ease extra strength. I usually use 2-3 pumps mixed with a cream like hair-one or wen or Davines relaxing fluid. Then I apply to damp hair, blow dry with my hands. No round brush or over manipulation. When mostly dry (and frizzy mess). I twist into 2 twists from a center part. This straightens out everything but NG. In the am my hair has nice waves. I then straighten NG, throw in hot rollers. These are the ones I use. I grew up rollersetting but I don't have time for that anymore. 2h under the dryer doesn't work for my schedule. HTH

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I'm doing it now. I was scared at first because many are anti-heat but I decided to do it and I have no heat damage and my hair is growing great. I only have a few inches of relaxed hair left.

I just started doing what works for my hair. I wash, blowdry, and flat iron every 3-4 weeks. I moisturize everyday

@Anonymous1, what are you using to moisturize?

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I've been lurking a few threads and see a lot of ladies having success doing long term transitions and ladies that are natural but wear their hair straight so I've decided to try to transition... I love to wear my hair straight and am wondering if I can continue to do this without having major breaking
Most of the ladies I see that are doing transitions are doing a ps, I simply want to prepoo every 10 days, wash, deep condition, roller set and flat iron my new growth then wear my hair in a pony or bun until I wash again...
I'm already 14 weeks post textlax and don't have trouble stretching so I figured I could cut a little every month to maintain my length until my textlaxed ends are gone in about 2 years lol
If anyone has any tips, or comments or can point me in the direction of a hair Blogger or you tuber who has successfully done this I would really appreciate it =)

Check out kikicouture10 on you tube. She documented her entire journey on transitioning.
HairQueen thanks for the suggestion, I already apply my deep condition like that but is there a specific reason your using the keracare pressing cream? I was just using chi heat protectant? And that sounds great! Transitioning buddies =)


I wanted a good quality product that would keep my hair from reverting whilst wearing a straight press so I thought I would try the keracare pressing creme. I love the keracare line anyway having used many of their other products so I thought it wouldn't hurt to try.

So far I love it but I am still experimenting with this whole natural thing - I'm only 7 months into my transititon and have not yet been wearing my hair straight on a regular basis. For that past 7 months I have been wearing half weaves and phony pony's and have just taken out some braids I wore for a short while today.

So now I am about to start wearing straight hair whilst transitioning so I will be keeping an eye on this thread for tips from others!
I flat ironed during my transition and the key to avoid heat damage was to make sure my hair was infused with moisture before flat ironing. Wen products help me make it to 15 months post before the BC.
@BostonMaria do you have any tips? How was roller setting once you get to 6months+? Why did you bc at 10 months? Did you experience breakage where your relaxed and natural hair met?
Eta: also do you still flat iron your hair regularly?

Sorry I didn't respond sooner

Once I got to the 6 month+ mark I have to admit it was a bit more challenging to detangle my hair. The two textures (especially the relaxed part) was a pain in the butt. I would make sure to deep condition for 1 hour minimum, make sure I detangled with a wide tooth comb, then I would use a rattail comb to part my hair in sections for the rollers. Once my hair was dry I would use a heat protectant spray before flatironing. I was able to hide the two textures easily once I did this. Otherwise it was just a hot mess on my head :lachen:

Actually this is the same process I use now when I straighten my hair. The only difference is I was more delicate with the 2 textures because I didn't want to mess up my natural hair. So my advice to you is buy a deep conditioner with lots of slip. If your hair is dry like mine, then try adding olive oil or coconut oil (or both) in the DC.

I didn't experience any breakage, split ends, nothing. I was amazed at how nicely my hair grew out. I did get a nice trim prior to transitioning so that helped.

Yes I flatiron my hair regularly. I DC, rollerset, flatiron at least 2x a month in the winter. In the summer not as much because my hair reverts quickly so its not worth it.

HTH! :drunk: