Is it possible to over moisturize your hair?


Well-Known Member
Since joining this board I have learned some great ways to moisturize my 4b/c hair and I have notice an overall difference in the health of my hair. However, I am now wondering is it possible to over mosturize your hair. Since joining the board in July I wash and condition my hair at least twice a week and apply essential oils and other moisturizers. For the last 2 weeks I have noticed more hair than usual in my comb and sink after moisturizing my hair, so of course now I am wondering if I need to cut back on the moisturizing/and or washing, or maybe my hair is just shedding. Please let me know your thoughts.
Hmmm. I know it's possible to over condition your hair which can lead to the hair shaft swelling and being vulnerable to breakage. There was a post recently on adverse affects of humectants, let me see if I can find it and bump it for you...
I've learned too that we can over-condition our hair, but I don't think we can over-moisturize it. For our 4b hair, we need as much moisture as we can get. I wash and condition my hair every 3 days (sometimes 4 days) and I also moisturize it every morning and evening, sometimes in the middle of the day. I've seen wonderful results this way.
My breakage experiences are down to a minimum now since I'm getting my regime down which includes airdrying - no heat whatsoever. I only comb my hair when I'm combing my conditioner through(after leaving it in with a cap for 30 min.) under running water from the shower and when I comb my wet hair after putting in my leave-in. After that, no more combing until the next time I wash my hair. \
Thanks Brooke and Isis,
You're right over conditioning can break the hair, so now I am wondering if I need to cut back on the humecto conditioner. I use this conditioner everytime I wash my hair.
Well, I usually have a protein treatment every six weeks. I usually schedule them 1 - 2 weeks prior to my relaxer. I was always told not to have protein treatments too often, so I have just stuck with the 6 week plan. How often do you use a protein conditioner?