Is It Possible to Change Your Hair Type/Texture?


New Member
Hi Ladies!

I just did an extremely big chop, and as my hair grows back, I'm trying to figure out the very best oils, vitamins, and treatments for healthy hair. I was wondering if anyone thinks it is possible to alter your hair type through diet and supplements. Has this ever been done in history do you think? I'm talking about a small change like from a 4c to a 4b for instance, or from a 3c to a 3b?
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hair type sometimes changes from hormones, diet, and proper care.

many black ppl are surprised by their actual texture cause most times its wasn't as kinky, hard, or dry as they thought it would be, especially with proper care.

you have to do trail and error as even if 2 ppl have the same hair type their may be a difference in thickness, density,porosity,

for starters i would try a sulfate free poo from companies like shea moisture or giovanni and conditioner from aubreys, giovanni, or darcy's botanicals

for oils evoo, castor, evco, sweet almond, grapeseed, saffllower, walnut, sunflower are all good ones. pick 3 of these and mix them. one of the oils should contain cermides, so do a search on ceramides.

for creams i would purchase from claudies reviatlizer or try shea moisture.

you should deep condition often and when you mositurize and seal try the loc method...i do it in the sequence of lco. Do a search on the Loc method for more details.

i would lean towards purchasing mostly natural products.
Curl pattern isn't definite. Hair growth and haircuts can alter the pattern, as well as hair styles and products. Texture isn't as come-and-go though, fine hair can't really become thick although some products/hairstyles can make appear so. I think density can be improved by supplements and vitamins.
Thank you for this thread. I thought I had ruined my hair=heat damage (dang tourmaline Chi)! I started wearing wash and goes more to see if my curl pattern had changed (still forms curls,so not heat damaged). I chalked it up to age and stress (thought my hair was thinning). I think it may be still because of age (thickness) but the texture is just different (wanted to post a thread but I don't always have the best success with conveying what I mean without being perceived 'wrong') :|
Hairtype is supposed to be an objective thing based on the size of the curl. So other than changes from aging, disease, etc., theoretically, no. Curl pattern is determined by the shape of the hair follicle, so nothing short of the aforementioned is going to change that.

However, most people are not objective and take lack of shrinkage into account. In some of the big raging debates over hairtypes of very long-haired ladies, a lot of type 4s get considered type 2s because if you stretch a curl enough (happens naturally as hair gets longer), it becomes a wave. This is essentially what texlaxing does- loosens the curl, not changes it all together.

Best shrinkage reducers:

- Terressentials mud wash (major shrinkage reducer for hair, detoxes scalp)
- Coconut Lime treatment (never tried, but good reviews. I think Cherry Lola treatment is similar?)
- Airdry methods (braids, banding, etc); styling
- Protein/moisture balance & porosity balance

Having really healthy, moisturized hair is another thing that will get someone voted down to a lower hair type. Also, hair clumping (if it's meant to do so) will get it voted down, so look for washing/styling methods/products for clumping curls.

S'all I got :look: