Is It Possible To Achieve Long Relaxed Hair Without....


Well-Known Member
moisturizing and sealing daily?

I have fine hair and most products just weigh it down too much.
I prefer to style my hair with some movement and the moisture and oil seal takes that all away.
When I was relaxed it was rare that I M&S daily. I usually M&S when my hair needed it. So maybe like, 1-2x's a week.
When I was relaxed I only moisturized when I washed. My hair stayed moisturized all week just by deep conditioning applying a leave in and sealing. I still only moisturize on wash day. I've found products that my hair loves so there's really no need to do all the extra stuff. I left it alone and it grew to waist length with little to no effort. So it can be done. At the end of the day do what your hair needs. You don't have to follow every rule in the book.
Absolutely! When I was relaxed, hell even now, my hair doesn't like a lot of product. I never moisturized and sealed when I had relaxed hair. I saw to it that my hair was properly deep conditioned weekly. I don't have thick and heavy hair and it gets greasy fast. Honestly, only on the forums and hair boards did I hear and see of relaxed heads that would moisturize and seal. Everyone I knew in real life that head beautiful and healthy relaxed hair were minimalists in the sense that they stuck with products that worked and would wash, deep condition and rollerset. That's it. Make sure you have the right protein and moisture balance with your conditioners, get trims when you need them, and make sure you don't over process your hair --- that's about it :yep:
Yes, I'm a big proponent of having you "base" layer of moisture when you deep condition. After that, I honestly don't m/s every day, more like once or twice a week.
Yes it is!

Keeping your hair in overall good condition and healthy should be sufficient.

I try to m&s often, but I don't worry about doing it dally. I wash/condition/cowash 3x a week. I also drink around 100oz of water daily. :yep:
I never do. :look:

But, don't follow in my footsteps. This thread is a good reminder as to why I should.