Is it okay to put apply conditioner to scalp/roots?


I have read a couple of places that you shouldn't apply conditioner to your scalp or roots. I even used a Biolage oil mixture(as a prepoo) that said to apply to hair from midlength down. Does anyone know why that is? I usually apply my conditioner all over. Should I stop doing this?
I normally put my conditioner all over my head with no ill effects. I know my white friends cant do this as their roots will get greasy as a result and will have to wash more often. I think that's the reason quite a few conditioners say this
I put the conditioner on my scalp if it says it can be used as a scalp treatment. For instance some Aubrey Organic Conditioners state to apply to hair and scalp so I do. I don't do that with other conditioners. They aren't formulated to help your scalp and for some ladies create build up and other issues.
I saw a youtube where the girl didn't apply conditioner to her roots. I am going to start my scalp is itchy a day after washing and styling. I can't re-wash my hair right after styling. That would be too much manipulation.
I apply conditioner from root to tip if I have a lot of new growth and b/c all of my conditioners are all natural and filled with yummy goodness. If I have a lot of new growth I will part my hair and apply conditioner to my new growth and scalp.
For me, it is a must since many conditioners contain beneficial nutritive ingredients, like teas, extracts and oils, that promote health.
I am struggling with this issue now. I have fallen in love using deep conditioner as my prepoo because it is much more convenient. Plus, my fine hair has much more body for days after. But I am noticing my scalp is flaky and is starting to itch, never had this issue before. I usually apply my deep conditioner relaxer style.

Not sure what I am going to do to correct this issue just yet.....:spinning:
I don't apply conditioner or leave-ins within an inch of my scalp. Product makes my scalp extremeeely itchy, even if I've just washed it. I also rinse my scalp with ACV after DCing to remove any conditioner residue that will cause itchies. my scalp is much happier and the hair that doesnt get product is really close to the scalp anyway so the natural sebum takes care of it. Its been almost a year doing thisand I haven't seen any ill effects.
Well I do everytime I DC. My hair needs a lot of moisture, and my scalp can get really dry sometimes. I normally concentrate on my roots/scalp and the ends.
I do mines relaxer style also so I do it on my scalp & NG as well. However I used to have a problem with dry itchy scalp until I started doing this because I never used to condition my scalp. I haven't had dandruff in over 4 months so I think it depends on the person since conditioning the scalp can have adverse effects for different people. I got a link for some articles for The Science of Black Hair from another LHCF lady & it does mention that while you want to keep your scalp clean & clutter free that "The proper way to hydrate the scalp is simply through frequent washing and conditioning." However this also doesn't work for everyone because not everyone's scalp & hair are the same.

I tried the stuff on this article for 2 weeks to see how it worked for me & I found it be very effective so I've been doing it ever since. I focus on really cleansing my scalp to prevent build up & letting the suds kind of just run down the length of my hair when I wash versus rubbing it all over like I used to do "herbal essence commercial style". Then I DC my scalp, NG & all & I do this twice a week because I sweat in my scalp when I workout. I added the link at the bottom if you're interested.
My scalp and skin are too sensitive to leave most products on. When I apply a leave on conditioner (or any leave on product) I make sure to avoid my scalp.

The best thing I can do for my scalp is oil it with a natural oil, or an oil designed specifically for the scalp.
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People cowash all the time so i wouldn't think it's such a bad thing ,personally I do it randomly ,i avoid putting conditioners with mineral oil,cones or parabens directly on my scalp as they would clog my scalp,possibly cause build up and as far the parabens ,i rather not have them in my bloodstream after breast cancer allegations.
I scrub my cowash conditioner into my scalp and make sure to scrub while rinsing it off too. I don't rub my leave in into my scalp, but I do get it on my roots.

My scalp will get itchy and irritated from too much conditioner left on it, but since I use conditioners that don't build up it isn't a problem if they touch it.