Is it ok...


Well-Known Member
to question God? I ask this because I listened to two different sermons yesterday and one pastor stated that we have the right to question God and ask him why and the other stated we should never question God. I am confused honestly. I personally always ask God why when things go wrong but I did not know it was a sin to do so. I feel better asking why because it gives me comfort that I may get an answer and sometimes I do. If it is wrong to ask why then I will stop but I need to know where exactly it states in the bible I can't ask why. I know one of the preachers was talking about the book of Habbuk and Job and pointing out they did not need to question God because he knows what he is doing in their lives. The other preacher had no back up. If we can speak to God as our father then we should be able to ask anything including why he let certain things happen in my opinion.
This is my opinion so don't beat me down too bad. I think if your motive is to question God when times are hard for you to get a true answer from God is ok. Even Jesus questioned God during his crucification. But you do it with an open mind to trust in God's answers for you. I guess you shouldn't question God in a negative or selfish attitude, "why didn't I get this, you knew what I wanted" If that makes sense. I always refer to the site Got Questions and I did find an article about it. I hope this helps.
This is my opinion so don't beat me down too bad. I think if your motive is to question God when times are hard for you to get a true answer from God is ok. Even Jesus questioned God during his crucification. But you do it with an open mind to trust in God's answers for you. I guess you shouldn't question God in a negative or selfish attitude, "why didn't I get this, you knew what I wanted" If that makes sense. I always refer to the site Got Questions and I did find an article about it. I hope this helps.

You know I did not even thing about when Jesus asked God why me. Duh. The Pastor that was preaching was saying how when things go wrong we should not ask why me. He was pointing out how we all were asking why the earthquake happened in Haiti and that we should not be questioning God. I mean how can you not ask God why, especially the people in the midst of the misery. I don't care I will ask God why when I want answers. Not in a selfish reason but because I want him to communicate with me just as I communicate with him. I do know selfish people who ask God why they are not the ones who got xyz and they don't think the other person is deserving that I think is wrong. I will check out the site. Thanks
This is my opinion so don't beat me down too bad. I think if your motive is to question God when times are hard for you to get a true answer from God is ok. Even Jesus questioned God during his crucification. But you do it with an open mind to trust in God's answers for you. I guess you shouldn't question God in a negative or selfish attitude, "why didn't I get this, you knew what I wanted" If that makes sense. I always refer to the site Got Questions and I did find an article about it. I hope this helps.
ITA with ladykaya. There is a huge difference between asking a question seeking enlightment or asking a question with an AT- TI- TUDE. Think children, cause we are His children, asking why the family pet died versus asking why you don't let me stay out until x time like so and so's mom? complete with glares, flaring nostrils, and clenched jaws or fists. Job was getting out of pocket and getting all wound up for a major pity party. Jesus was expressing his humanity asking if there was any other way to redeem man besides the horrors he was about to endure but, he concluded by saying what we must conclude with (and mean it in our hearts), "Not my will but yours be done." It is perfectly fine to ask questions of God and expect to receive answers from him. We must however keep in mind God's ways are far superior to ours. Often times in the beginning, those ways are not appealing to us. Later on we understand and greatly appreciate the whys? of his ways that were previously unclear. Asking God questions of God is a part of forming the personal relationship with him we should all be striving for. How can we parent someone, be successfully married to someone, or be successful on our jobs if we don't establish dialogues with others including the asking of questions? So go boldy before him and ask away, just be respectful and remember he is your Father and has the final say.
Just a few passages to ponder...
James 1:5
5If any of you lacks wisdom (or has ??s), he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.

Heb 4:16
16Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need (including ???s).

Deut 4:29
29 But if from there you seek (asking questions is a form of seeking) the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul.
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If a person honestly seeks to understand God's Word, God will provide that answer through someone. I think what's dangerous is asking God the questions we already know the answer to but refuse to 'believe'.. Or not liking the answer and thinking there has to be another answer, so we ask the question a different way. To wit: God's answer isn't good enough, so we rely on Man's opinions. Taking this stance would open doors to a life of unbelief, with no fear in God.

I used to live with an Atheist and the more questions he asked, the deeper that hole of darkness got and sucked him in. He read the Bible 'religiously' but the words made no sense to him because he was looking for what was not there. He's now in reprobate mind and is to the point he called God a "M---- f-- er". I gasped :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: The day he said that and ran out the room we were in (this was before I re-dedicated my life back to God). Also, this is someone I grew up with, who used to play the guitar in church. So, he's no stranger to church. Let me tell you, God is NOT mocked. We cannot simply read the Bible and come to a full understanding without submitting to God and asking the Holy Spirit for revelation knowledge. To do otherwise, is to see the Bible as 'just another book to read' that is full of 'contradictions'.
There are times, I go over a sermon from my pastor to be sure I 'get it'... everyone interprets the Word differently or hears a Word from God. So not every sermon will be taught the same.
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I think it's ok to ask God questions. That is different from questioning God though. When you question God, you are basically saying that he isn't right. . .

i.e. think back to your youth when you thought you knew er'thang. We'd question our parents on their parenting including but not limited to things such as our clothing, friends, and social activities. We questioned whether or not they were sane.

Teen years may run more smoothly if teens ask questions such as Mom, can you please explain to me why I shouldn't hang out with so and so.

Hope that makes sense.