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Well-Known Member
Pour ACV over my head after washing out the henna?

I think experienced some serious breakage when I took my braids extensions out today. I;m doing an over night henna treatment - then I'll be getting braid extensions in the next day so I want to make sure ALL the henna is washed out.

would it be OK to pour ACV over my head after I wash out the henna?

What do YOU do to make sure ALLL the henna is out?
DON'T DO IT. :nono: Most people find that henna's drying on it's own. Doing an acv rinse could worsen your situation. For my hair, that equates to tangle and mat city.

I use Jamilla henna (never overnight though... I'd be too afraid of messing up my bed linen and creating mats.) I'll use a cheapie conditioner to rinse and keep going over my hair with cheapie con until the henna's out. Afterward I DC, apply my leave-ins, and style.

Hopefully some of the other ladies will chime in.
^ Thank you for this!! I'm going to use a cheapie condish..I was actually thinking bout that before too
Will henna cause severe breakage and if it is not all washed out your hair?
I think it would.

Also, why are you braiding your hair a day after taking down the old ones? You should give your hair at least 2 weeks of deep conditioning before re-installing your braids, especially since you are experiencing breakage.

I would definitely do a reconstructor type treatment and moisturizing DC at least 2 or 3 times before reinstalling braids. I feel that braiding your hair again before making sure that it's healthy enough and strong enough to handle it, is a bit premature and would cause even more damage to your hair when you take the braids down again.

Give it some time to properly assess your hair before braiding again. I'm just sayin'.
I think it would.

Also, why are you braiding your hair a day after taking down the old ones? You should give your hair at least 2 weeks of deep conditioning before re-installing your braids, especially since you are experiencing breakage.

I would definitely do a reconstructor type treatment and moisturizing DC at least 2 or 3 times before reinstalling braids. I feel that braiding your hair again before making sure that it's healthy enough and strong enough to handle it, is a bit premature and would cause even more damage to your hair when you take the braids down again.

Give it some time to properly assess your hair before braiding again. I'm just sayin'.

I hear you, It's just a regime that I'm on right now - braids (cornrows) back to back-I usually clarify, protein treatment, DC when I take my braids down. I have not really experienced such breakage before, and to be quite honest I'm not even sure if its breakage or not.. its just that alot of hair came out more than usual. Plus, I usually baggie my whole head 1 or 2 at nights after I braid for added moisture.

Do you think I should shampoo my hair after I wash out the henna?
i say it's totally okay, provided all of the henna is rinsed out of your hair, AND you dont put the ACV in until after you've deep conditioned. i've done it, and it bumped up the shine factor of my air-dried hair. but i wouldn't risk it if you're prone to dryness after a henna treatment. some people are; i know i'm not, so i don't mind an ACV rinse.

and since henna is 100% natural, your hair will not break off just from not rinsing it out all the way. if you miss a few spots, air-dry, & just pin it up with no manipulation, i dont think your hair will break off. but if you have chunks of it left in your hair, and you let it dry, AND you manipulate your hair with heat or with vigorous combing, then you will experience tangulation, dryness, and breakage. hopefully that isn't the case for anybody :)

& definitely don't shampoo after henna. conditioner washing is best after henna, because shampoos can make the hair feel stripped, & the effect is magnified after a henna treatment. maybe you could buy a good sized bottle of a cheapie conditioner & mix in a bit of baking soda if you feel you need to cleanse your hair.
Will henna cause severe breakage and if it is not all washed out your hair?

Nope. I've never had severe breakage from henna but I did have dry tangles. I think a few ladies on here may have but I don't remember. I usually do a henna gloss (henna, condish, oils, and water) and that works pretty well. I usually only do the henna/water/oil when I want more color and thickness.... or when I forget to make it a gloss :lol:
I hear you, It's just a regime that I'm on right now - braids (cornrows) back to back-I usually clarify, protein treatment, DC when I take my braids down. I have not really experienced such breakage before, and to be quite honest I'm not even sure if its breakage or not.. its just that alot of hair came out more than usual. Plus, I usually baggie my whole head 1 or 2 at nights after I braid for added moisture.

Do you think I should shampoo my hair after I wash out the henna?

You know, I never use shampoo to wash out henna because it really does leave the hair feeling even drier than usual. If you have WEN or HairOne cleansing conditioners, you can use one of those if you like.

I would never leave ANY henna in my hair, natural or not because even natural products can cause damage if misused, take eggs for example.

Another example, glycerin is natural but if used when humidity is too low, it causes the reverse effect of what is intended, ie, very dry, parched hair instead of moisturized.

Henna is a tanin that acts a lot like protein and it is not recommended to leave any of it in your hair longer than it should be because the hair will become a little hard, lose it's elasticity eventually and hence breakage will occur. Please, please, please wash it out as best you can just to err on the side of caution.

I only wish the best for your hair and would rather you take extra precautions rather than take short cuts and end up destroying your hair in the long run, okay sweetie:kiss:?
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