Is it ok to wear micros for 6 months


New Member
If I redo the edges as needed. Redo my entire head every 2-3 months. In between I will not relaxer. I will just do protein and deep condition 4 two weeks. My braids will be at least pen size. I will do the crown and glory method. My edges are thin, but I think if I less the stress it shouldn't hurt it. A lady on BHM recently did her micros and had wonderful results. whata think
MICROS? No way. I wouldn't put Micros in my hair for 6 days, let alone 6 months. Those things are too tiny and will put too much stress on your hair strands. It will end up causing breakage and damage all over your head.

The safe size for a braid is no bigger than an ink pen. Anything smaller and you are ASKING for short damaged hair.
MICROS? No way. I wouldn't put Micros in my hair for 6 days, let alone 6 months. Those things are too tiny and will put too much stress on your hair strands. It will end up causing breakage and damage all over your head.

The safe size for a braid is no bigger than an ink pen. Anything smaller and you are ASKING for short damaged hair.

Right!!! It works for some people but makes the majority cry when they take them out!!!
I think the word "micros" is relative. I call my braids micros but they are not really so thin that you cannot see them like I've seen some micros. I see you say yours will be a pen thick?

I cannot give advice on relaxed hair as I wear mine on natural hair, but the main trick is to make sure that each braid section of your hair is carrying less hair in thickness than it is. Put another way, after you part a section of your hair to braid, add less hair than that section is thick. Be particularly careful along the hairline.

You will indeed need to redo the hairline as soon as the braids get loose (if you're using additional hair). Don't set a time on when you do this but do it as needed. Because when you get growth, the hair swings painfully and it will break.

Could you get guidance from the lady on BHM whom you say did this? If she is relaxed, her regimen would be the one to follow since you've seen the success she's had.
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I wore micros for 4 years. Most recently I had them this year from April until June. Six months is way too long. I pushed the limit by going 10-12 weeks tops. I wore them from pencil sized down to teeny weeny hanging to my butt.

I never experienced any hair loss and I always take them out myself. Lots of water, detangler and cholesterol. No problems. I also went to the the same braider who was the owner of the shop. Never lost my edges and never had a braid snap off. She would never let anybody keep braids in for that long.

This year was the best experience I had with them because I took care of them just like my hair. (I have always used human hair but I used to do nothing but wash) I cowashed or rinsed every other day. Deep conditioned, moisturized twice a day and even whole head baggied. I had the best growth I ever had with them. If I had known all of the hair care methods I have learned here I would probably be sitting on my hair by now after all of those years! I'll probably do it again when I get tired of doing my hair myself. Pencil sized and no longer than 8 weeks.

ETA: My hair was always relaxed during this time. I would take down the braids, touch up the relaxer, get them redone.

ETA: I think I misunderstood your post! I thought you meant wear the same ones for 6 months straight! Now I get it....and of course I vote sure! I did it for 4 years straight. Sorry for the confusion! I'm going to bed now!
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MICROS? No way. I wouldn't put Micros in my hair for 6 days, let alone 6 months. Those things are too tiny and will put too much stress on your hair strands. It will end up causing breakage and damage all over your head.

The safe size for a braid is no bigger than an ink pen. Anything smaller and you are ASKING for short damaged hair.
For real!! Not even 6 minutes.:nono: For me, that's just dreads and damage waiting to happen.
i would reconsider if i were you. especially because you said your hairline is already weak. in my own experience micro's tend to damage your hairline even furthur
I'm voting with those that say yes. As long as the braids aren't too small you should be fine. I would say go with a curly texture hair though, in my experience it's easier to moisturize daily when you don't have to worry about the weave looking too heavy.
Micros? No. I started off my hair journey by wearing braids in and took em out every 5 weeks or so. And my edges are still recovering from that which was over 2 years ago. If you MUST braid, do not do micros. The stress on your hairline and the enhanced risk of breakage is not worth it.
It works for some but not for all, please believe that. I say that if you want to try it that you should but when your hair says its enough then you should stop. For me braids are just not the answer. Maybe some cute cornrows for a change of look but overall I believe that braids are not for me.

Please pay attention to your ends and try to not make the micro's so micro, if you get what I am saying. They do do a lot of damage to your ends and put stress on your hair strands.