Is it ok to wash your hair before a relaxer?


New Member
I'm getting a relaxer on Saturday. My hair has been in cornrows for the past week and a half. I want to wash my hair on Friday so my stylists knows where my new growth ends. I don't want her to overlap. My question that ok? Usually, it's been at least a week since my hair has been washed when I get a relaxer. Thanks in advance.

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Please don't wash your hair the day before. That's just like scratching your head the day before and making your scalp sensitive to the chemical. The relaxer will burn! Wash your hair no less than 2 days before.
CandiceC said:
Please don't wash your hair the day before. That's just like scratching your head the day before and making your scalp sensitive to the chemical. The relaxer will burn! Wash your hair no less than 2 days before.

Yeah what she said. :yep:
I always let a week pass between my last shampoo and a relaxer. Hope you don't have a sensitive scalp, brownsugarbabe, otherwise, ouch!
CandiceC said:
Please don't wash your hair the day before. That's just like scratching your head the day before and making your scalp sensitive to the chemical. The relaxer will burn! Wash your hair no less than 2 days before.
I agree with you 100% ;)
i'm getting a relaxer on Friday but i did a deep-conditioner wash about an hour ago... my hair is really misbehaving right now... and it's my fault. I did an Aphogee treatment a week and half ago and then I used ORS Hair mayonnaise with an egg about a week ago, so earlier, my hair looked like dreads! and i dont want the person doing my perm to be ripping through my hair so i'm trying to soften it up before friday.... it helped a little bit...

i'm going to be SO relieved! after i get my touch-up...

-anyway, don't scrub your scalp if you wanna soften up the hair, which is why a conditioner wash would be best, IMO
I agree not to wash your hair 48hrs before you get a relaxer....BUT ive washed on the same day that i got a relaxer on ACCIDENT, and it didnt burn at hair stylist based me real well, and relaxed my hair in sections...
jaded_faerie said:
I agree not to wash your hair 48hrs before you get a relaxer....BUT ive washed on the same day that i got a relaxer on ACCIDENT, and it didnt burn at hair stylist based me real well, and relaxed my hair in sections...

Yeah.. just make sure your scalp gets based really really well. What I do is that I base my scalp at home first, then tell my stylist to base it when I get to the salon too just to make sure I don't burn AT ALL.