Is it Ok to use MTG on the days proior To Relaxing the Hair?


New Member
:)I am going to start using MTG for the first time tomorrow, but I am going to be touching up my hair with Phyto on Thursday 1-4-07. For those of you who use MTG or MTG & Phyto, do you recommend me using MTG on the days prior to Relaxing this Thursday? Also, can I use MTG the same day I relax my hair? Let me know...Thanks in advance :)

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No, the sulfur in MTG has been known to make relaxers "not take." It's recommended to stop using MTG for at least a week before you're getting a relaxer.
I think I read on a post way back in 2005 that you should not use MTG for atleast a month before any type of chemical applied to the hair. I believe the poster said she was in HELL!!!.
I use Phyto and asked my stylist about this. She suggested not using MTG 2-3 weeks prior to your relaxer. Making sure your hair gets really conditioned and moisturized during this time, sime MTG can be drying and since Phyto is No-Lye, some people experience dryness as well. And she also said don't resume using it until about 2-3 weeks after.
Nooooooooo, I would not do it {again!} MTG definitely affects the scalp. A week or two before and the same afterward would be better.
I did a touch-up two days ago and I have MTG on my scalp right now, no problems here. I wouldn't use it right before relaxing though, maybe stop a week before a relaxer. That's what I do and I never have any problems. I use Elaster QP sensitive no-lyle. HTH
i did when i was relaxed . i used it a day before and it burned my scalp. no damage, but i wouldn't use it for a couple days prior to relaxing.
thanks for the advice!! I'm glad I asked before blindly going ahead and using the product. I will relax on thursday, then wait 1 week to use MTG, it seems like that would be the best bet.